I did a half assed burn in with my 50ST50 for about 80-100 hours. I downloaded this,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4gE_Xez-fQ, slapped it on a USB and looped it while I was at work/slept and then watched Futurama, Archer, any other colorful HD cartoon shows/movies the rest. The built in IR slides on the TV are nice too after a day of playing video games; you can see the slight IR and after a couple passes, you won't even notice it. The only drawback is that the built-in wifi is balls, but the TV is connected to a 360 anyways. If you want to test your unit for the buzzing, test it against a prominently white scene.Burn in is lonnng gone. Temporary IR, image retention, can still be an issue, but only if you watch stuff with a constant logo on the screen for hours on end, but that'll fade after a couple hours in the worst case and there's tools to reduce it. It's never a permanent thing. A lot of units do buzz, but it's usually only audible if you put your head right up to the TV.
It's really a shame that Plasma isn't more popular, LCD/LED cannot compete image quality wise unless you get into a level that's much more expensive than an equivalent Plasma and even then not one has comparable black levels. The only time they're better is if you have an extremely bright room where you cannot control direct light to the TV, if you don't have to deal with that then Plasma absolutely blows them away. It's really a shame that Panasonic is scaling back R&D on their Plasmas, but on the plus side they're going to heavily focus on OLED R&D now which can only get us cheaper OLED sets sooner.
I'm sorry; what's the issue with plasma(other than burn ins)? I have a plasma screen and have it in a room with plenty of windows/light and never have an issue.Nice TV Sean. If my basement was dark enough I would be going with plasma
I'm surprised that thing can handle some of the pics you upload resolution wise.Bought a 13.3" Macbook Pro Retina model last week. It's a great machine, but the Intel HD 4000 struggles to push all those pixels if you do anything graphics intensive. I decided to sell it and try the 15" model.
It actually probably isn't too big:http://myhometheater.homestead.com/v...alculator.htmlI have a Samsung, everyone basically just says "jesus that's huge". I got a TV that's too big for but whatever. :/
If I had been thinking(blonde, blah) I would've gotten a smaller one but it was on sale for so cheap I had to.
I should've posted when I got it, but I got a 3DS XL and it's my favorite console since the original SNES.
I love plasma and agree with all you're saying but this LED/LCD has the best black levels period:LCD/LED cannot compete image quality wise unless you get into a level that's much more expensive than an equivalent Plasma and even then not one has comparable black levels.
Supposedly it's not so much an issue anymore on the higher end Panasonics. I'll see how mine is when it gets here, supposed to be here by Monday.Glare is my biggest deterrent from plasma in my situation, but it could be less of an issue than it was in the past. I have no idea.