The "Shit I just bought" thread


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not a DAC guy, sorry. I game too much.BUT...

DAC's don't improve sound quality. A DAC is a DAC. Once you get your sound out of the case, and away from the internal noise, you are fine. Yes there are some bad DAC's, but your E10 is pretty good, and spending another 500 bucks on one isn't going to help. Now AMPS are a different beast. They will improve sound quality a ton depending on your headphones of course. But not help tearing. And that E10 doesn't have enough juice to distort your sound.

Tearing in sound from what I remember is the soundcard and like your video card being on the same IRQ. Which won't apply to you, assuming you disabled the onboard. Make sure to disable any other communications devices you aren't using also.

Or some other program is fucking up your sound. Like Skype or Vent. Go thru the normal elimination processes to figure out what it could be. Sorry I can't help more.

Grab a soundcard anyway man! You will be happier.
*shrug* It's happened through two different computer(I think they had the same onboard sound though) and this DAC. I just learn to live with it for now and hope the next pair of cans doesn't have the same problem.

Why a sound card when you said the E10 is good enough?


FoH nuclear response team
Those don't come with that mixamp? You're not going to get any improvement in sound with those headphones. DIFFERENT sound, and louder, but not better.
I did not pick up the mix-amp, I didn't see the point with PC gaming.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This should probably be split out into an audiophile thread.


Lord Nagafen Raider

One of my "Black Friday" buys from Lowes. These work great in the cold Arizona night on your back patio smoking a cigar and drinking beer and catching up on Boardwalk Empire.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
With the temperatures steadily around -20C last week, I installed on of those under my oil pan to ease cold starts.


Worked great. However, it was -34C this morning. As warm as my engine was, my battery was frozen solid and I ended up taking the battery out of my motorcycle (which is stored inside the house) and use it to jump start the car.

Looks like Ill be buying one of those this weekend.


Fuckin Alberta


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X

One of my "Black Friday" buys from Lowes. These work great in the cold Arizona night on your back patio smoking a cigar and drinking beer and catching up on Boardwalk Empire.
Ok I'll ask. WTF is that? A heater?


Molten Core Raider
Ok I'll ask. WTF is that? A heater?
Yeah, outdoor propane porch heater lamp. We have one on our back porch, it's nice, but we honestly only use it a couple times a year. here in MO it basically goes straight from hot to freezing fucking cold in the matter of just a few weeks. The "just cool enough to wear a jacket" weather comes and goes fast around here anymore.


Trump's Staff
Ok I'll ask. WTF is that? A heater?
You have seriously never seen one of those? Can't find a restaurant in San Diego with outdoor seating that doesn't have some of them... and it hardly even gets cold here.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If the source is bad, it will sound bad no matter what you have on the other end for headphones. Matter of fact, it will sound worse than bad, because with a great pair of headphones/amp you will hear ALL the badness of said source. And yes, bad link in chain, bad sound.

The good news is that it is fairly cheap to get great digital sound now. Someone linked the Schiit Modi and Magni (DAC and amp) That set up gets you fantastic digital sound (relatively speaking compared to onboard). That coupled with lets say some Sennheiser 558/598's for less than 400 bucks total. I mean it sounds like a lot for sound...well it is, but once you hear it, you will be blown away. And you never have to upgrade that sound from system to system again, unlike a video card. Unless you want to of course. Great for music. Ok for gaming I should add.

The ZXr from Creative has a built in headphone amp, that can power almost any headphones. Great DAC, AND it's made for gaming.

I would snag a ZXr and some 598's (Or even better headphones). Grab everything off Amazon. With the full intention of returning it all. Play games/Listen to music for ONE day. Whatever you buy, I almost gaurantee you will keep it. Just make sure you get some good headphones of course. What do you have to lose? And if you are into it for the music, get FLAC or higher bit recordings for music.
I picked up my zxr today, but I got some Momentums and I'm not sure the 300/600 ohm amp is needed or is too much for these headphones. I sure do like the idea of having good headphones and the crystalvoice mic set up though.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I picked up my zxr today, but I got some Momentums and I'm not sure the 300/600 ohm amp is needed or is too much for these headphones. I sure do like the idea of having good headphones and the crystalvoice mic set up though.
You impressed?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You impressed?
Not sure yet, I have a a 5.1 system and I can tell the DTS option has cleared up the channels a lot. I really need a higher ohm headphones, as the Momentums are only 18 ohms I believe. Thinking about 300 or 600 headphones, not sure yet if I want to drop the cash.

an accordion_sl

I've been considering picking one of those up but seems crazy expensive. Do you think it's worth it? Fresh cut fries or frozen?
Tried both, both equally good. I think it's worth it, but I eat a ton of chicken... can just toss in some chicken breasts and let it go for 20ish mins and it comes out juicy and delicious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just bought a set of Westone W3 IEM's. Consensus seems to be that the W3's are fun to listen to, but less accurate than the 4r's. Plus, Amazon had the W3's for less than half the cost of the 4r's.