I really enjoyed it, broke it up into 2 sessions so its nice watching this kind of stuff at home. Its definitely not top tier scifi or anything, sort of a sprinkle of Edge of Tomorrow with some Quiet Place and random Stargate SG1 episode mixed in. At first I really couldn't believe the alleged budget of this movie ($200m) but yeah, I can see where they spent a lot of that money. I can't believe someone read this script and said "yeah, $200m seems like a good idea".
Don't get me wrong, its NOT a good story and Pratt is no Tom Cruise or honestly even The Rock but he's fine. The rest of the cast is great though. I really did appreciate that every time you think "ok, movie is slowing down now, time to wrap this up" they just said "nah, lets do something even stupider and weirder! WOO LETS GOOOOO" and it just became charmingly funny.
Would recommend to anyone who loves alien invasion/post-apocalyptic kind of movies, you know who you are and if you enjoyed Falling Skies, Skyline, Battle LA, Extinction, or the million Netflix/Syfy alien movies this is right in that wheelhouse. A very special effects laden, big budget oddity.