The Umbrella Academy


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Loved this season. Best super hero show out there besides Peacemaker and The Boys.
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<Gold Donor>
I feel like Netflix is hurting themselves by mass releasing these major tentpole series - shows like Stranger Things or Witcher or Umbrella Academy will get a flurry of attention for like a week or two, then they fall off the awareness radar of the population at large.
NAhh, fuck that week to week waiting. In fact if a show is like this I wait until all of them are released then watch it. Its why im still staying away from The Boys.
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Log Wizard
Feel like they're almost retconning some stuff, maybe not retconning as much as kind of smudging stuff that seemed previously established. What comes to mind is:

Luther is sent to the Moon by his father and is told it's very important. Originally you think he just did it to get rid of him, especially as he does nothing with the Rock samples. Later you understand that Hargreeves knew the Moon was the threat of the end of the planet, so he literally wanted Luther to be a sentry there. He knew the Moon was involved in the end of the world, he just didn't know how.

But now they have his frozen wife there and Luther was there to guard her unknowingly, I guess? Seems a little confuddled, but I liked either way have Luther have a purpose on there, not just a very expensive "fuck off" from Daddy.

Viktor/Vanya stuff was handled better than it could have been, wasn't too irritating. Besides some of the best man stuff it wasn't all that cringeworthy. Think Page's acting was miles better this season than it was last season too. Not sure if they just didn't feel comfortable and it was spilling out into their acting, or what. Anyways Viktor seemed way more tolerable than Vanya who fucking suuuuuuuucked. Viktor still dances like a 14 year old girl though.

Overall definitely better than Season 2. Which is impressive with little to no Time Agency/Assassins shit which was a big factor in the previous two seasons.
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Trakanon Raider
Thoroughly enjoyed this season even if some sections of it did drag a bit. I actually like how ambiguous a lot of things were at the end. Adding some absolute top shelf eye candy to the cast didn't hurt either.
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Tranny Chaser
As annoying as it is for Allison to be a total piece of shit this season it does make her a lot more interesting that being a total whiny waste of space.

Spoiler for summary of characters at end of season
At this point I'd say that Five, Klaus, and Viktor, Sloane and Lila are pretty much at master level with their abilities. Allison has at least levelled as has Ben but neither are at their full potential. Diego and Luther are bottom-tier and need to figure their shit out.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
NAhh, fuck that week to week waiting. In fact if a show is like this I wait until all of them are released then watch it. Its why im still staying away from The Boys.
Eh, I hate doing the week episode shit but after a rough day it's really nice to know I'm excited to watch the next episode and I forget about work.

Thursday atm is a good day when I get off work. True detective was a lot of fun waiting each week
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The best thing they could’ve done is killed off the character or find a new actress to play the role.

Putting that aside glossing over the whole thing as a “Ok whatever” works for me as well.
Wokeflix could have never handled the heat of getting rid ole Fivehead even if they had the desire to, or she would have been dumped for making her shoe horn shit into last season.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I find the little manlet running around trying to play hero hilarious. It's smaller than the women.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I think it is a testament to how compelling this show continues to be that you can have all of the trans shit interrupting the show and still get top quality stuff. Five and Klaus carry the show, but everyone in the cast is great sace for Allison and Viktor. I agree that Page turned in a much better performance this season and the trans shit was dealt with in as least annoying way as possible, but that we had to deal with it instead of just recasting the role is a shame.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Excellent season, i've loved all 3 so far but this one is on par with how surprising and innovative season 1 was. I am such a huge fan of how different the graphic novels and this show are and they both appeal to me on the same very high level. Allison's arc this season absolutely wrecked me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I still find Allison one of the worst characters, my only real complaint was they should have focused on sparrow academy more, I thought it was odd their #1 was killed off so fast.

Also sparrows academy powers were pretty weak besides Ben, Christopher, and the hot chick.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In a 1v1 situation a lot of them were weak, but Sparrows had some good support heroes. Like the spit girl could basically CC enemies in the hallucination until other people on her team were ready to attack. The attack reflect guy seems inconsistent - like Diego attacked him and got hurt himself, but then they kept fighting and the reflect wasn't working anymore (or if it was, it wasn't as pronounced).

But ya, for individual powers, the Umbrellas seemed a lot more powerful. Plus if you throw Lila into the mix, then you can basically duplicate your strongest powers.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What happened to Diego's powers from season 2? Klaus at full potential is maybe most powerfull, Ben from sparrow was weak, and umbrella Ben would have wrecked him instantly


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think Diego unlocked his full potential in S2 beyond the opening when everyone was basically S-Tier power usage. That being said, his powers barely seemed to be used in S3. Lila copying his powers seemed to be doing more than what Diego was actually doing.


<Prior Amod>
Just finished watching this. This season was really good imo. It’s weird I don’t know anyone personally who watches it, more so as it’s one of Netflix’s better shows imo.

curious where they go from here. Other than 5 and Klaus are really the only people I’d care to follow if their powers are truly gone.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Just finished watching this. This season was really good imo. It’s weird I don’t know anyone personally who watches it, more so as it’s one of Netflix’s better shows imo.

curious where they go from here. Other than 5 and Klaus are really the only people I’d care to follow if their powers are truly gone.
It really felt odd as an ending, almost like a series finale but wouldn't let it happen.

1 could have been a fun character but they made him a bitch like cyclops. Eternals got the character right and killed off the character


Tranny Chaser
Renewed for a 4th and final season, so looks like they will get to close out the overarching story.