The Video Thread


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

cool vid. I've always wondered whether it was possible for a human to consistently endure a dive at terminal velocity (~120mph). I guess if the record is ~74mph we're no where close.

I wonder if the force of the landing would scale with the amount of disruption to the water surface from jets, to the point where a really dramatic amount of jet streams would make it feasible.

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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
cool vid. I've always wondered whether it was possible for a human to consistently endure a dive at terminal velocity (~120mph). I guess if the record is ~74mph we're no where close.

I wonder if the force of the landing would scale with the amount of disruption to the water surface from jets, to the point where a really dramatic amount of jet streams would make it feasible.

120 mph is almost triple the kinetic energy of 74 mph. If they're breaking femurs at 74, a diver is turning into soup at terminal velocity.

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<Gold Donor>
Because Araysar is lazy:

Did a hangar for Harriers @ Cherry point Marine Air base in NC. Seeing them stop in mid air freaked your brain out the first few times.
I was there when Hurricane Hugo was coming and the air base was evacuated. They had an active hangar beside our new one and all the planes that had not been cleared for service had to be quick tested. What they did was take 4-5 of them at a time and let them hover a few 100 feet off the ground, then brought them back down. This was 80-90's before cell phone cameras but that was an image I'll never forget.

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<Prior Amod>
bet he wishes he had a roof

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