The Video Thread


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
To counter the rising antisemitism on this forum I have started learning Hebrew courtesy of Duolingo

I will be posting my progress in a series I call Jewolingo

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<Silver Donator>

I understand dogs will attack ducks, and if that particular dog owner made certain to harvest the duck if it was killed via hunting, I'm okay with that. I love eating duck. It's an unfortunate occurrence but it happens.

But don't ever tell me they're not great to haves. around.

Truth be told, somebody should have beat the shit out of those owners.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I understand dogs will attack ducks, and if that particular dog owner made certain to harvest the duck if it was killed via hunting, I'm okay with that. I love eating duck. It's an unfortunate occurrence but it happens.

But don't ever tell me they're not great to haves. around.

Truth be told, somebody should have beat the shit out of those owners.

Good news is retrievers are bred to have soft bites. Mine has picked up mice and baby birds and not hurt them. That duck was probably fine.

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Then you have the same issues that the US has, whether you or someone else thinks those are state or country specific, or not. People parrot it on here as some kind of joke, but its true: "Too much to lose." Over history, "News" however it is defined in its era - is constantly corrupted, over, and over, and over, and over. Who corrupts it? Merchants, Kings, Aristocracy in general, Politicians, whatever the era defines "rich people" as. How was the problem fixed time, and time again? Mob justice and vigilante warfare. Who does that shit? The lower class. Whats keeping the lower class from doing it again today? The ungodly amount of surveillance that the world has now, as a whole.

We like to think that the Government in western and far eastern countries is slow to act, inadequate and dumb. But its foolish to think the rich and powerful do not have a vested interest in keeping tabs on the people they rule. Once the lower class finds its way past the "internet" of all things, we're in for quite a turbulent period.

It really doesn’t feel coordinated, if that is what you mean. People wanting to feel they are the good guys, fear of being shamed, group think, inconvenient truths, lack of actual empathy (with people you regard as “bad people”). All kinds of human behavior, of course pertubated by the media, but not in a coordinated way. The most ridiculous is wanting to avoid the mistakes of the past (fascism, persecution of minorities, etc), leading these people to disregard actual problems, as always just racism and extremism. This leads to bigger problems, leading to more actual racism and fascism, leading to more shaming, more hatred both ways, more division, etc. It all just seems unavoidable. I felt my hate growing exponentially when we got an actual Sharia law here, making insulting certain religious symbols illegal. To protect against radical islamists, who did not appreciate our right to not respect their symbols.
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