The Walking Dead


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is Maggie gonna cry the entire fucking season now?
lol at the barn making it through that storm.
From what we've learned so far about the state of the zombie bodies, that storm should have completely disintegrated them all.

with the broken music box who suddenly got not broken once Aaron comes in .
To be fair, it was Carl who claimed it was broken, and he's kind of an idiot.


Millie's Staff Member
if it wasnt for the liberal amounts of zombie fights, this would be one of the worst episode yet. how many times can rick and his team be hoodwinked before they finally say fuck you to everyone that asks them to join their community?


> Than U
if it wasnt for the liberal amounts of zombie fights, this would be one of the worst episode yet. how many times can rick and his team be hoodwinked before they finally say fuck you to everyone that asks them to join their community?
Guessing you haven't read the comics then as this episode was very needed to tie it back into the story from all the straying. Right now we are at episode 62 and this was comics 67-69. I'm guessing the next few weeks will cover about 10 comics as it was pretty boring issue by issue about community stuff but I am going to say to those who don't know the comic this episode will make more sense about Rick in the next few weeks.


Molten Core Raider
I know nothing of the comics, but I have to assume that the next episode(or several episodes) are going to be about Rick struggling to re-adapt to civilized society? I hope I'm wrong, because that sounds boring as shit.


Millie's Staff Member
Guessing you haven't read the comics then as this episode was very needed to tie it back into the story from all the straying. Right now we are at episode 62 and this was comics 67-69. I'm guessing the next few weeks will cover about 10 comics as it was pretty boring issue by issue about community stuff but I am going to say to those who don't know the comic this episode will make more sense about Rick in the next few weeks.
nope, havent read any of the comics. all i am going by is the TV show, of course people have dropped some spoilers about alexandria over time. as just a show watcher i had the "oh shit, not again" reaction when i saw yet another instance of outwardly friendly people welcoming rick's crew into their fortress only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

if you got some spoilers telling me thats not the case, feel free to post them. i only enjoy this show for the zombie fights. reminds me of a live action version of EQ for some reason.


> Than U
I know nothing of the comics, but I have to assume that the next episode(or several episodes) are going to be about Rick struggling to re-adapt to civilized society? I hope I'm wrong, because that sounds boring as shit.
ONLY if you want to know how it should play out. For reals spoilers below.
The next few dozen episodes of the comics was about getting adapted but more so the group not trusting the colony until they realize the safe zone is not all that safe. A lot of screwing around ( literally ) with couples, houses and typical locked up community drama and fights. Abraham basically tells the people in charge of securing the place they are idiots and the colony starts looking to him for finishing the walls. Gabriel tells the colony these people are horrible in the comics but I think that will get left out as I think the way they did TV Gabriel, he knows why Rick does what he does.

The colony ends up making Rick leader of everything.
They get attacked by some rebels which was a minor thing in the comics, but I think it'll be a bigger deal on the TV version, probably the Wolves machete guys.
The colony gets overrun by hundreds of walkers which they eventually clear but in the comics people died. Will be interesting to see who all does on TV since many on the TV are already long dead and others in the comic are still alive( like Sophia and Andrea for example)
The Alexandria Safe Zone saga was actually several years of comics. So it'll be interesting to see how the TV version does it.

Edit- Too long dont spoiler me bro version either we are in for exciting times or very dull times ahead depending on how much the TV show compresses 2 years worth of comics


Lord Nagafen Raider
Gonna have to catch up. Gave oscars priority last night after the letdown of last few episodes.


Vyemm Raider
I can handle the swinging tranny monster dick of the day FSR posting np but man kissing makes me nauseous.

Spartacus was the worst though - those motherfucking trolls would quick-cut the gorgeous oiled up tities back and forth with scenes of dudes tonguing each other and my poor boner just didn't know what to do.

Someone needs to make a Spartacus cut that is nothing but tits and fighting. It'd probably only be about 30 minutes shorter by the end.


Molten Core Raider
Watch every season of Six Feet Under and you will forever be armored against man kissing.
Yet as thick as that armor may build up, the ending episode will make you cry like a little girl. I can't even hear that damn song without getting choked up.


Vyemm Raider
I just pretended that Dexter was playing the long con. He needed ample proof that homeboy was in fact a homosexual sinner.

And I'm pretty sure Claire froze to death in an alleyway inside of a year, so that montage was just her daydreaming.