See, this is how out of touch we are with the typical viewing audience. I came into work this morning (holiday yesterday) and my coworker couldn't wait to discuss how awesome that episode was. Another coworker heard us talking and chimed in as well with his agreement. I told them I thought it was a little boring, which is actually pretty generous considering how I felt about it, but I was trying to not shit on their parade. They proceeded to tell me why it was so awesome (the tornado killing all the zombies was one), and one even regaled me with his theory of how one of the cannibals could have followed them all that way to show up at the end of the episode. I said I didn't think it was one of the cannibals, I think it is leading into the next part of the story, and he looked like I killed his dog.
This is why I can't talk about much of anything at work, my IQ has to be like 30 points higher than everyone else here. Maybe more.