The Scientific Shitlord
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I think you just pushed Osiris from a "headache" into to a full blown aneurysm..Oh I don't see anyone else confused by those arguments aside from you.
The fact is since the founding of Israel, the Palestinians have gotten far worse treatment under their Arab "brothers" than even compared to Israel. The Hashemite Jordanians welcomed them into their country and thePLO attempted to overthrow the countryand lost 20,000 people for it. When the Lebanese showed them generosity they DESTROYED that country in a civil war. Even the Egyptians are bombing their tunnels into Gaza because of their support for jihadists. Yet the Israelis allow peaceful Palestinians to work and even live in peace but we're expected to ignore the fact that border crossings into Jordan, Syria and Egypt are just as stringent.
And what was your answer to this? "Waaaaaah MUH FEELS, the jews act so superior and arrogant and CHOSEN that it's like apartheid! Donate to my patreon plzkthx!"
LOL you want a headache?
Guess what? If your Allah actually existed, then why in the fuck did he CHOOSE to give the hated jews such gigantic mutant brains that they're fully40% smarter than the global average? When the jews were crammed in ghettoes lurching from one European pogrom to another andforbidden from holding property, owning a farm or serving as mercenaries----worse conditions than any Palestinian endures today----they not only emerged richer, they evolved 15-20 IQ points smarter than surrounding populations.
If Allah existed, why did he choose to let the Israelis win against impossible odds in 1948? Then why did Allah CHOOSE to hand them Jerusalem in a bullshit impossible victory in 1967 against the whole Arab league that would be unbelievable if it had been a movie script? Finally, even after four years of preparations by the Arab League, guarantees of no outside intervention and total surprise, why did Allah CHOOSE to give the Israelis such a ridiculous implausible victory in the Yom Kippur war?
If Allahdoesexist and has CHOSEN to listen to anyone's prayers, then you'd have to scry his decisions by the shit that's been happening all over your world. You got crazy ISIS fucks selling virgins to foreign opportunists. You got Gulf Petro-tyrants flying around in their flying harems and treating their fellow muslim migrant laborers worse than the pharaohs treated their slaves, and you got almost a million of your people marching to CHRISTENDOM for a chance of a new future because any lands Islam touches, it defiles.
Meanwhile,Israel is turning its deserts into the richest farmland in the region.
See the thing is , the dude is veering into insanity...there is nothing there about anything but cobbled together shit to support his view of god knows what. He is taking a sample and then using that to support his view that what "Islamic Governments" do is the reflection of Islam. Why would anyone argue with someone that fucking stupid. Yeah not gonna happen , he can go believing what he does and go through life just like that and i am fine with that not gonna try to convince him otherwise. He keeps citing why didnt God intervene into events and expects me to answer that garbage with something , cant be serious.
It is also the reason prior to Israel being founded the Palestinians were wanted by nobody in the middle east and were shuffled from one camp to another. The only reason they have any backing at all is a combination of people hating the jews and also people really NOT wanting Palestinians coming to their countries.I think you just pushed Osiris from a "headache" into to a full blown aneurysm..
And yeah, aside from Gaza, Lebanon is probably the other best cautionary tale of what happens when you extend the olive branch to the Palestinians. It used to be the secular Paris of the middle-east before it was rekt by the Palestinians and turned into the cesspit it is today.
Oh is THAT how feels work?When you are expelled from your village, have it bulldozed down, become a refugee, and then watch settlements being built on it then yes that creates hatred. This is now 3rd and 4th generation of Palestinians brought up under occupation and dispossession; and not to mention the ratio of Palestinians to Israelis killed is roughly 20:1. If you want to see the hatred start to go away then finally agree to the two-state settlement and stop building settlements.
Then you'd be unravelling a whole network of rich gulf oil-tycoons bankrolling poor Palestinian kids in a community with 65% unemployment MORE MONEY FOR THEIR FAMILIES than they would make at a McDonald's for a year if they'd just blow up some innocent civilians. Then you'd be back at Finklestein's dillemma all over again.Spiegel_sl said:And accounts at its Palestinian branches are also supposedly used to pay a type of life insurance to the families of youthful suicide bombers, who blow themselves up with the aim of killing as many Israelis as possible. The blood money paid for a son turned murderer is 20,000 Saudi riyal -- roughly ?4,000 or $5,000. The funds take a circuitous route to the accounts of those families that prove the death of their son by showing a death certificate at the Arab Bank branch in the Palestinian Territories. Then monthly deposits are made just like in Takruri's case.
Well, you're certainly the first person I've ever heard refer to the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict as being "straightforward".The problem with arguing with someone like yourself is that there is a grain of truth to what you're saying. You take a few diffuse facts and run off the edge of earth with them; and I don't think bringing things up from the pre-48 period are of much relevance.
The solution is very straigtforward - two state settlement on the pre-june 1967 border with a few modifications. The Palestinians have already said they are willing to let Isreal keep roughly ~60 percent of the existing settlements, but Israel has to give them East Jerusalem as their capital in return... which the Israeli negotiators have already agreed to in principle. The problem is not much pressure has been put on the Israeli's to actually implement the solution, instead they are doing what they have been doing over the last 50 years - slowly annexing the occupied territories into Israel.
You're either deluded or have a very poor grasp of history. Here's a nice summary of Muslim aggression against Jews in the region pre 1948. You're right that it wasn't a "utopia" lol..CAMERA: Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 MassacresYour history is quite off. The Jewish people fled parts of Europe to Arab states to escape persecution from the Catholics for the most part. It wasn't Utopia but they lived side by side with Muslims relatively peacefully. In fact, prior to the creation of Israel antisemitism was very marginal in the Middle East. It has increased dramatically over the last 70 years to what it is today where they see Jews behind everything.
And you're also wrong about the solution. It is very straightforward, it has been laid out in the International Court of Justice for decades and is the only realistic solution. The 67' border with land swaps, East Jerusalem becomes part of Palestine, and effectively no right of return. The problem is Israel has no incentive to accept it, we & Europe pay for the settlements and we block for them at the UN security council. Israel continues to prefer expansion over a peace settlement.
Egypt and Jordan are separate cases. Egypt warned Israel to stop annexing northeastern Sinai and when they didn't the war came, eventually they signed a peace treaty with Egypt because Egypt could actually fight back. The west bank and Gaza have no deterrent like Egypt did.
Well I suppose putting words in people's mouths is an improvement over calling them raving lunatics and appeals-to-sympathy, since I never asserted continued expansion. But even that straw-khorum that you're bludgeoning with still has a point. In fact, sinceYOUposted the video, straw-khorum is technically arguingYOURpoint that it's basically theoppositeof uncomplicated.If the United States and Europe stopped subsidizing the settlements and using our veto at the UN I think that would be enough of an incentive for Israel to finally implement a two-state settlement on the official 67' border. It's not that complicated.
Your assertion that continued expansion is a solution to the violence makes no sense. If you really want the conflict to deescalate then give the Palestinians a viable state, it won't end the violence overnight but over time I think you would see it slowly dissipate.