The Zionists are whining thread


One day, however many years from now, Israel is going to wake up and realise that a) the Holocaust is no longer in living memory and b) all the Middle East oil has run out, which will swiftly lead to c) oh shit where have all the dollars/free planes/etc. gone?
Theymightwant to consider making peace at some point prior to that.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
which one are you wombat hannity or levin?

Mark Levin on Hannity: Israel and the Border Crisis - YouTube

1) plus did you hear some of the I don't even know what to call it, blatantly biased and self serving things howard stern said in that video?

1a) "jews are the indigenous people of that area", that's not controversial at all

2) "if you are anti israel you are anti america"

3)howards recounting of history of how israel started is, i dunno ignorantly insane?what was that insane conflation between jews and slaves? can you diagram that analogy for me.

4)"there will be a war and it will come down to who will wipe who out" well what does that tell you?
1) I didn't link a comedic shock jockey for political or historical accuracy, nor to lend any weight to my opinion. Did I quote anything he said? As I exactly indicated in my post, I was humorously asking whether you were the guy with the Illuminati symbol, considering all the Jewish Rothschild conspiracy bullshit you've posted in the past.

2) No, but I do think you're anti common sense and a hypocrite, since anybody in the US that was enduring the BS Israel is would be calling for a Dresden style bombing of the attackers within 24 hours of the first rocket touching down.

3) see #1

4) I 100% agree with that statement unfortunately. If you've been watching the news for the last 30 years or so, radical Islam is kind of on the rise. If you don't see how the situation in Iraq/Syria/Iran/ISIS/Hamas/"insert terrorist state or group here" is eventually going to lead to an all out regional, and possibly world war, then you're ignoring the signs. The day any of those countries/groups sets off a nuke somewhere (and it will eventually happen), there will be a war. Fuck, ISIS is rampaging through Iraq executing Christians and "ethnic cleansing" while I write this, but the UN seems to be more concerned about Gaza atm. The next world war may not happen in our lives, but if things continue as they are it will eventually. When that happens, if ISIS or Iran or some other psycho country/group is at the helm, I don't see a war ending without the complete destruction of the other side. This is just the simple and sad reality.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There will never be another Palestine. It's over; they lost. The Palestinians are the American Indians of the Arab world. Invaders came, took their land, and defended it against all comers, and to continue to fight against such an overwhelming force will only lead to further ruin.
There was never a palestine to begin with. The name itself was given by the romans to identify the area, arabs and jews included. Palestinian national identity didnt really form until the PLO in 1964 as a response to zionism.


Unelected Mod
One day, however many years from now, Israel is going to wake up and realise that a) the Holocaust is no longer in living memory and b) all the Middle East oil has run out, which will swiftly lead to c) oh shit where have all the dollars/free planes/etc. gone?
Theymightwant to consider making peace at some point prior to that.
Seems that argument works out worse for Hamas than Israel. The minute the oil runs out, no one will be funding or giving a shit about the entire region. When that happens, Israel will be fine but the Palestinians will be fucked.


Blackwing Lair Raider


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Everyone knows the just cause factor is entirely correlated with number of people who have died for it. The best way to stop gun violence is not to protect people from being shot but to ensure there's so many deaths per year no one could ever criticize you.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
One day, however many years from now, Israel is going to wake up and realise that a) the Holocaust is no longer in living memory and b) all the Middle East oil has run out, which will swiftly lead to c) oh shit where have all the dollars/free planes/etc. gone?
Theymightwant to consider making peace at some point prior to that.
This is a silly notion, the Israeli GDP is far, far in excess of the military aid given it by the US. The main thing the US does is act as the big brother behind Israel preventing any larger world powers from fucking with them (Russia).

Israel GDP: 305B Per Capita: $38000
Syria GDP: 59B Per Capita: $2800
Jordan GDP: 29B Per Capita: $4600
Lebanon GDP: 41B Per Capita: $10400
Egypt GDP: 275B Per Capita: $3200

Each Israeli Citizen is roughly 4x-10x as productive as those of it's neighbors. Lebanon is actually the most highly developed country near Israel.

Israel's economy is strong considering the position they are in. This idea that when oil runs out, Israel is fucked is just complete made up bullshit.


Potato del Grande
Well, this FAA debacle over the flight ban to Ben Gurion is going to force a bad situation into a far worse one unless 'Bama gets off his ass and does something. If the flight ban is predicated on the fact that rockets fly into Israel, and the one that hit near the airport is simply an eye-opener, then technically flights should have been banned many years ago. If lifting the flight ban will be based on no more rockets being fired, well then the ban is going to be in place for quite some time. More incentive for Hamas not to stop firing rockets either way (yay, terrorism works!), but the question is what Israel will do if lifting the ban doesn't occur soon. Either they grant concessions to Hamas for a cease-fire in the hopes that they'll actually stop firing rockets (unlikely), or they say "fuck it" and just decide to go full bore and disassemble Hamas completely.
Moassad taking down that plane in Ukraine for media cover really backfired!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There was never a palestine to begin with. The name itself was given by the romans to identify the area, arabs and jews included. Palestinian national identity didnt really form until the PLO in 1964 as a response to zionism.
Hmm, I thought Palestine existed for awhile as a British colony they carved out of the old Ottoman empire. In any case, it matters not, really, the point is that it is gone and it isn't coming back.

And I have to agree, it is not Israel that is screwed when the oil runs out and everyone stops caring about the Middle is the rest of the Middle East that needs to be worried about not pissing Israel off when nothing is holding them back.


Molten Core Raider
Israel's economy is mostly technology and medical based isn't it? They'll be perfectly fine once the oil runs out. Plus they're friendly with this one country that has a very large navy. They'll continue getting their natural resource imports.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Israel's economy is mostly technology and medical based isn't it? They'll be perfectly fine once the oil runs out. Plus they're friendly with this one country that has a very large navy. They'll continue getting their natural resource imports.
Correct of all the middle east israel has very little in the way of natural oil/gas reserves compared to any of its neighbors. They are much better positioned to transition to a lack of oil than any of its larger neighbors in the area.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I think he was being sarcastic, you however do like using the war hawks favorite line, churchill was pretty charismatic and a decent wartime leader but he is kinda overrated probably because of his speech ability. you know why he was voted out of office before the war was even over? he lost the entire british empire.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Well, an old Canadian Arab Biochemistry professor I know has predicted no cease-fire in Gaza until at least the 29th when Ramzan/Ramadan ends, as continued fighting allows Hamas to rake in millions in "zakat charity" from Arab Gulf billionaires. Supposedly if they were to stop fighting before then, the money would go to ISIS or Al-Qaeda instead. It will be interesting to see if his prediction comes true.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I think he was being sarcastic, you however do like using the war hawks favorite line, churchill was pretty charismatic and a decent wartime leader but he is kinda overrated probably because of his speech ability. you know why he was voted out of office before the war was even over? he lost the entire british empire.
Considering his previous posts, there would be no indication of such. I'm 100% cool with sarcasm, god knows I use it enough, but if you're going to employ it you need to actually make it sound like sarcasm. Otherwise you just sound like a troll or an idiot.


Unelected Mod
I figured his post was sarcasm, but sometimes it is hard to tell. I mean, Itzena saying that Israel is the one that will be fucked when the oil runs out sure should be sarcasm, but no, he really believes something that stupid.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Israelis I'm sure can actually hardly wait until the oil runs out. Oil money is basically fuel for every dictatorship and jihad group in the region. It's a lot harder to buy rockets and ak-47's with the proceeds from hummus exports, so when the wells run dry so will their ability to wage war. Even their ability to support their existing civilization will come into question. A place like Dubai is basically a "turnkey purchase" of a modern city-- engineered, built, and run by significant foreign labor and intellect. Once they have to develop a way to make money beyond simply digging a hole in the ground, it will be interesting to see what happens to places like Dubai.