The Zionists are whining thread


Unelected Mod
Wombat is one step away? I agree with the quoted statement. Is there really any doubt that the IDF uses a huge amount of restraint when dealing with the Palestinians?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Wombat is one step away? I agree with the quoted statement. Is there really any doubt that the IDF uses a huge amount of restraint when dealing with the Palestinians?
do you think they deserve a peace prize for militarily occupying other people?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Peace prize would be a stretch, but considering Arafat got one, the symbolic value has become meaningless imho. The Peace Prize has just become a more of a political tool than an actual reward for accomplishing anything peaceful. There is no doubt that IDF soldiers have died so Palestinians can live though. If the IDF didn't care about Palestinians lives this conflict would have been over long ago.

British Commander Tells U.N. Debate - YouTube


Musty Nester
It's like that Stewart segment.

I get what he's saying about how lopsided the war actually is. But the critical flaw with the "joke" is that... so what are you actually saying, John? That the IDF shouldn't even provide warning so that civilians have an opportunity to get out of the imminent missile strike? Because really that's kinda what you're saying with that observation. But yes, I get that he was pointing out the disparity. And neither of the overarching messages that "you're creating this problem for yourselves" and "killing is bad, mmkay?" are objectionable in the least. Usually Stewart is more eloquent and focused than that. He just kinda ranted against insanity to no real purpose. Which I don't have a problem with.

I do think he's pointing it out to the wrong people. The IDF pretty much already knows that they have superior everything.

But then again maybe he's not. He knows what his demographic is, and the primarily college age kids that watch him need to hear that sort of mostly aimless rant. It's a good reflection on the mostly aimless war.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Peace prize would be a stretch, but considering Arafat got one, the symbolic value has become meaningless imho. The Peace Prize has just become a more of a political tool than an actual reward for accomplishing anything peaceful.
yeah cause israeli's "Care" so much, this is part of their "unimaginable restraint"
Iman Darweesh Al Hams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the tape recording of the radio conversation between soldiers at the scene reveals that, from the beginning, she was identified as a child and at no point was a bomb spoken about nor was she described as a threat. After she was hit, soldiers claimed the unit's commanding officer went up to her and kept on shooting her, despite their pleas to stop. No explosives or weapons were found on the girl's body. A search of her bag revealed that it was filled with textbooks
According to the audio recording, the soldiers of the Givati Brigade identified the victim as "a girl, about 10 years old," describing her as looking "scared to death".[16] Another soldier is heard saying, "Our forces are attacking her", and a lookout says "One of the positions has taken her down."[16] The Givati Brigade company commander, Captain R., is then heard saying "We operated on her. Yes, it seems she has been hit."[16] He later states that he "verified" the killing,[16] and clarifies his actions by stating that:
"This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."
Israeli soldiers interviewed in the documentary, and whose anonymity was maintained, submitted that their commander had knowingly shot the girl in the head at close range and then emptied his magazine of bullets into her body to "confirm the kill." One of the soldiers said:

"We saw her from a distance of 70 meters. She was fired at ... from the outpost. She fled and was wounded."
The soldiers then explained how while Iman was lying wounded about 70 m from the Israeli guard post, the commander fired two bullets at her head from close range. They also stated that the commander returned to her body again, put his weapon on the automatic setting, and emptied his entire magazine into her body, disregarding their objections over the walkie-talkie. One of the soldiers said:
"We couldn't believe what he had done. Our hearts ached for her. Just a 13-year-old girl ... How do you spray a girl from close range? He was hot for a long time to take out terrorists and shot the girl to relieve pressure."
"She has at least 17 bullets in several parts of the body, all along the chest, hands, arms, legs ... The bullets were large and shot from a close distance. The most serious injuries were to her head. She had three bullets in the head
Iman's father, Samir al-Hams, responded to the verdict by saying that from the outset there was no intention to hold the officer accountable:

"They did not charge him with Iman's murder, only with small offences, and now they say he is innocent of those even though he shot my daughter so many times ... This was the cold-blooded murder of a girl. The soldier murdered her once and the court has murdered her again. What is the message? They are telling their soldiers to kill Palestinian children."
I know it's the Palestinians fault though they put the gun to her head at close range and pulled the trigger ~10 times, that's obviously why that guy was acquitted.


Unelected Mod
I would consider this deflecting, it's a yes or no question.
If you think Arafat was remotely worthy of winning it, then it is a yes. If you think it was an absolute joke that Arafat got it, then probably not.

In the end, I think the Israeli's show a huge amount of restraint, a restraint I don't think many other countries would have. It is probably because, while its fashionable to accuse them of Nazi tactics when they crack down, Israel also has that shadow over them and hate doing things that feel like that also, even when they are forced into it. I believe most other countries, given the shit Israel has to deal with and the power disparity, would in short order end up leveling the country provoking them constantly in such a way.


Musty Nester
I know for a fact that we would do it for less cause.

If the economy gets bad enough we might even do it for fucking fun.

Not kidding.


Unelected Mod
The governor of Texas is busting out his militia because of an influx of children, who are completely unarmed.

Imagine if some of those children had bombs strapped to their backs and other people were shooting rockets at the border patrol. It shouldn't be hard to see the end result of that.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The governor of Texas is busting out his militia because of an influx of children, who are completely unarmed.

Imagine if some of those children had bombs strapped to their backs and other people were shooting rockets at the border patrol. It shouldn't be hard to see the end result of that.
do we really need to make up imaginary scenarios that are totally distorted and not applicable, every argument pro Israeli's give ignores their military occupation of a foreign land cause the bible said it was theirs to begin with. Imagine a scenario where you were occupied by a foreign invader, you have the right to resist occupation even during a "just war", this is a western tradition and expressed by people likejohn lockeand is recognized as perfectly natural when you perceive yourself occupied by a foreign power.


nowhere in your imaginary scenario are those central american children occupied by Americans, in the case were AmericansACTUALLY DID occupy central america, you better believe they attacked us.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
We stole the land from the Mexicans and occupy it and they aren't bombing us. That's cause they aren't rock throwing religious savages.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
america's occupied 1/2 of Korea for 50 years or so and has been attacked like 300 times
You make me chuckle fanaskin. I want to thank you for the daily humor.

Also I think your "Word of the day" calendar is stuck on "occupy".

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
yeah cause israeli's "Care" so much, this is part of their "unimaginable restraint"
I know it's the Palestinians fault though they put the gun to her head at close range and pulled the trigger ~10 times, that's obviously why that guy was acquitted.

You done editing/chopping that article yet to paint your picture? So you found some nutjob rogue commander that was condemned by his soldiers and went on trial for it? If this makes the IDF bad, then it makes every country that has a military court and has tried its soldiers for crimes equally as bad. Is Hamas putting any of their baby killers on trial? Are there Hamas foot soldiers decrying the actions of their commanders? Are they even bothering to even bring them to justice? No, because their official policy actually condones baby killing. There's no trial, in fact there's a reward and celebration for accomplishing the death of children. And that there is the difference between the two sides-- one openly condones this type of shit, the other considers it a crime. One tries to marginalize and reign this type of shit in, the other openly endorses it. Just like the Israeli murderers of that Palestinian teenager are currently sitting in jail, while there is zero initiative on the Palestinian side to find the killers of the three Israeli teens. Sounds like this commander should have definitely gone to jail, and that whole trial sounds shady, but this is far from the first incident where a criminal, military or otherwise, has gotten off light despite evidence of his crimes.