The Zionists are whining thread

So your solution is to either get rid of the religions fighting over the land or get rid of the land over which they fight. You should email the UN, you're onto something here.
You are a funny dude , you try so hard. Cant fault you for that , remind me of me when i was a youngin and so naive to the world. Cute little kid you are.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Based upon Osiris' understanding of history and use of grammar, thissurveymakes perfect sense to me.

And Osiris, nowhere do I celebrate the death of Palestinian children... Any child dying no matter what the circumstances is bad. The question is how you deal with weaponized children? When you have 14 year olds showing up at border crossings with bomb vests?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only reason i say Israel is because thats the name of the land at this point , not sure what else to call it , Holy Land? Anyone with any sort of knowledge of that area knows that is the sole reason of conflict there , 3 major religions have significant places there of great importance. I agree both sides are to blame , but one is more civilized as people that support them here say they are should have more restraint in controlling that problem. The numbers are insane on how much ordinance has been launched into Gaza , its just outright mindboggling.
Eh, I don't think or at least hope they are not deliberately targeting civilians populations. You do as much as you can to avoid it, but its never going to be a 100% thing(even worse because this is strikes in the middle of cities with the civilian population staying put). Especially if reports are true of using human shields or civilian buildings to attack from(thus the warning thuds or w/e). There's so much propaganda out there and media makes sure to only show what will grab ratings/headlines.

Hell we(the US) still hit civilian things even though we have these super accurate weapons. Most of the world just moved on from carpet bombing to precision strikes with occasional mishap(again causes I listed before).


Trakanon Raider
You are a funny dude , you try so hard. Cant fault you for that , remind me of me when i was a youngin and so naive to the world. Cute little kid you are.
Is it Opposite Day? Cause you remind me of myself when I was 15 and had all the world"s problems solved. Then I enlisted in 03 and along the way encountered Afgans who never heard of Afghanistan and though we (USMC) were the Russians again. The world outside your Mother's basement is a little more complex than you give it credit for.
Based upon Osiris' understanding of history and use of grammar, thissurveymakes perfect sense to me.

And Osiris, nowhere do I celebrate the death of Palestinian children... Any child dying no matter what the circumstances is bad. The question is how you deal with weaponized children? When you have 14 year olds showing up at border crossings with bomb vests?
Good , now that we agree on that...lets continue. But we really cant answer that question to be honest , at least im honest enough to admit to that. Then again , how do you deal with any problem pertaining to children , education is one of course. What I mean by that is , what is it that is making them believe what they are doing is the right thing to do at that point in their life , what have they seen , what have they been through to justify such an insane action in the minds of the rest of the world. Wouldnt you agree thats something that needs to be taken into consideration?

Also that survery is interesting , people under the age of 49 find it unjustified...while people of higher education find it justified.
Is it Opposite Day? Cause you remind me of myself when I was 15 and had all the world"s problems solved. Then I enlisted in 03 and along the way encountered Afgans who never heard of Afghanistan and though we (USMC) we the Russians again. The world outside your Mother's basement is a little more complex than you give it credit for.
The hell are you talking about , we seem to be discussing 2 different topics it seems. You are way off on everything you have said thus far and i have only made what 5 posts and you are discussing something completely different. I mean the hell does you being in the USMC have to do with anything we are talking about.


Trakanon Raider
The hell are you talking about , we seem to be discussing 2 different topics it seems. You are way off on everything you have said thus far and i have only made what 5 posts and you are discussing something completely different. I mean the hell does you being in the USMC have to do with anything we are talking about.
You made a statement saying my views were naive, and childish. I stated that I've actually been to the neck of the woods in question.
SO because you been in some small part of Afghanistan as a USMC somehow makes you not naive because you met an afghan who thought you were a russian.Somehow im suppose to take that as you not being naive and childish in your views. Really?


Trakanon Raider
SO because you been in some small part of Afghanistan as a USMC somehow makes you not naive because you met an afghan who thought you were a russian.Somehow im suppose to take that as you not being naive and childish in your views. Really?
I suppose I brought it all up to counter your personal attack calling me childish and naive in my understanding of the ME region. I merely stated that I've been there (for 21 months across both Iraq and Afghanistan) and seen what it is and what it isn't. You, on the other hand take a shallow approach and point out the problems that plague the region (that everyone else already understands) and lend no solutions on how to go about solving said problems, all the while claiming you know better than everyone else who realized your findings 40 pages/years ago.

Edit: So far your contribution has been "It's all about reglion and who owns the region they all think is holy." No one here is impressed by your understanding of shit everyone else here already understands.
There is no fixing it , only way it could be fixed is if some moderate Islamic country takes power in the region and eradicates all the Al-Qaedas and what not. But , Islam as it is known today is not what its suppose to be , personal views was a great Religion. It has fallen so far cause of its followers and its continuation of the Sunni/Shiite divide and many others interpretations. Wahhabi being one of them thats very prevalent in the middle east. But then again , this is such a huge topic that has many points thats its impossible to truly discuss it as people tend to go one route or another and any real true debate is not possible as people have very deep emotional connection to the topic that its impossible for any real solution. I could go on , but for what its pointless.
Too complex to debate, got it. We accept your surrender.
I made some points , address them...dont cope out with that.I gave some quick solutions , you on the other hand have not now have you. All you have done is mention how you were some idiotic soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. I knew one there was well , was a cook has the shakes all the time , a fucking moron. Should i label you as such? Cause no surrender on my part , but if you even read half of my post you wouldnt of made such a idiotic response. Idiot.


Unelected Mod
I made some points , address them...dont cope out with that.I gave some quick solutions
Oh really, let's examine the only thing approaching a "solution" in your previous post...

There is no fixing it , only way it could be fixed is if some moderate Islamic country takes power in the region and eradicates all the Al-Qaedas and what not.
So THAT is your solution? Just wait around (while making sure to get rid of Israel I guess, according to your other posts) and wait for some moderate islamic group to eradicate all the radicals?

Seriously? Calling you an idiot doesn't show nearly enough scorn for how silly that proposed "solution" is.


Trakanon Raider
I made some points , address them...dont cope out with that.I gave some quick solutions , you on the other hand have not now have you. All you have done is mention how you were some idiotic soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. I knew one there was well , was a cook has the shakes all the time , a fucking moron. Should i label you as such? Cause no surrender on my part , but if you even read half of my post you wouldnt of made such a idiotic response. Idiot.
To be clear, you made the point every High School student has made for the last 20 years, you didn't address it in the realm of reality and offered zero realistic solutions. Congrats?

I was a Marine in a line company, not a soldier, get it right. I offered my solution to the whole conundrum several pages ago. It involves Palis sacking up and giving a shit about their kid's future by making peace.

If you didn't understand the Antartica reference then you weren't paying attention. I'm not going to fucking quote everything for your stupid ass. Why didn't you post the other picture? That's right, because that woman blew herself up. A nice happy family picture of innocent palestinians.
Wow. You weren't trolling? You really are crazy then. You're not even there. You're looking up pictures of kids on the net on your own and just sitting there going "look at this boy, he's got it coming to him."

What a fucking weirdo.

While everyone else continues to go back and forth on this matter, some things will remain unclear. What is certain however is that you are fucked up in the brain and it accidentally spilled out for all to see. I hope someone in a position to act finds out about your enthusiasm for dead children.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wow. You weren't trolling? You really are crazy then. You're not even there. You're looking up pictures of kids on the net on your own and just sitting there going "look at this boy, he's got it coming to him."

What a fucking weirdo.

While everyone else continues to go back and forth on this matter, some things will remain unclear. What is certain however is that you are fucked up in the brain and it accidentally spilled out for all to see. I hope someone in a position to act finds out about your enthusiasm for dead children.
God damn you're fucking retarded.


Trakanon Raider
God damn you're fucking retarded.
Was he the one that suggested we somehow ship the Jews to Antarctica..wait, that was you...then you went on to double down on dumb like all the other Gentiles and move that "we" should take away their nukes because "freedom."

I really am starting to see a trend with this whole debate.