Millie's Staff Member
i dunno if we can do spoilers openly yet, soI liked it ok. I agree with a lot of other commenters about it not being as good as Ragnarok, but it was ok. Not too gurl-power or woke, but you'll definitely see it a few times since you're from FoH. My coworkers didn't notice or care, but they never do until I point it out.
I really do wish it had been half an hour longer and that entire time was Gorr actually killing shit. And sure, even toss in one scene of Jane doing some Thor shit before Thor shows up...although I guess then it sort of hamstrings the whole scene from the trailer where he first sees her...which was already ruined for every person that even watched one trailer, so why not show us that she's a Thor prior to that?
But yeah, the biggest part missing was ANY sense that Gorr was someone to be feared. When he attacked New Asgard, he honestly felt pretty worthless. Yay, he killed a few faceless citizens (maybe, did he even kill any??) and steals some kids. Big deal. Show him slaughtering some actual gods beyond the first absolutely pathetic one so that we worry about Thor maybe having to break a sweat. I know the story from the comics, but without that I have to think your average viewer had absolutely no clue why he is a big deal except that we are TOLD he's a big deal. Show, don't tell, because
i also felt Gorr was acting really stupid with the Asgard kids, he is a god killer, not a kid terrorizer. you can tell that whole scene with the snake head was meant for little kids, like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. there was no reason for that scene especially when they cut so much other stuff out. it even goes against the character in the film because he really loved his daughter and why the fuck would he target other parents children?
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