Millie's Staff Member
- 3
you misspelled goats
the goat gag should have only been for one scene, it was good for a chuckle, but honestly they could have given Thor a 1975 Ford Pinto and it would had the same effect. but they kept milking the goats for the entire movie. it just felt like they were throwing shit out there to see what sticked. you can tell that Watiti didnt want to even make this film. was he unable to say no? if they backed the money truck up to his house, then ok, but at least try to make it work.The humour of the goats lasted about 2 minutes, then it just became an overplayed, weak joke.
The goats were the best animals ever in any romcom. Prove me wrong.
...he completely ruined the tone of the movie with his "jokes."
I don't know what to say, if you don't find stage 4 cancer funny I don't know what will make you laugh.
People are hating on Taika which I get. But I wanna know how much the studio fucked this up too, or made him do certain things. I like almost everything hes done, and this was by miles the worst.