He really is. He was on the nerdist podcast the other day and it was pretty good, he referenced that moment in the video. Such a fucking good actor, ar at least he is having sucha good time with what he is doing.
no idea why but the official video of him is croped
After The Dark World I think it's pretty widely accepted that Loki is the star. I looked at some reviews and all anyone talks about is Loki. I would kneel to him anytime, I'm sorry but the end of that comic con video legitimately got me aroused. Can't help it, fuck he's awesome. And you know he's a great actor too and it's not just by chance or merely good writing because you wouldn't even recognize him in real life, his voice, face, mannerisms, all of it. Why can't the idea of TV shows like Breaking Bad with a morally ambiguous character spill out into mainstream film already? Into comic books? We all love it, we all want it. Get with the program Marvel/DC. Even Loki said in an interview that The Dark Knight changed everything because of Heath Ledger's Joker performance. Don't know why since then we don't have more villains as the star when we all want them.He really is. He was on the nerdist podcast the other day and it was pretty good, he referenced that moment in the video. Such a fucking good actor, ar at least he is having sucha good time with what he is doing.
I always though Thor would be the shittiest of the Marvel movies. I mean, come on, it's stupid. Norse mythology clumsily spackled onto modern Earth? But they pull it off. The first movie was only successful, I would say. This one was really good. Hiddleston is fucking badass.
He hinted that there is talk of a Loki movie of some kind on the podcast, but he kind of qualified it. That would be awesome.
Yeah the theatre I was in couldn't give a shit when Thor's mum died but everyone was upset when Loki 'died'. Meanwhile all the nerds were shaking their head and rolling their eyes at the idea that Loki would die like a bitch from a frontal attack. I'm really happy with the way they portrayed Loki in the film for all the reasons stated above, but above that it was good to see Thor and Loki working together like the yin and the yang they are. Putting Loki as the main antagonist in Thor III would probably annoy a lot of people because he's had so much screen time already, but I wouldn't mind it. I'd still prefer he plays the background support for Thor though.
Did anyone else think the most powerful, chilling (goosebump inducing) scene was when Thor came to visit Loki after the death of their mother and he had an illusion up to pretend he was dealing with it and didn't care, but really looked like absolute shit. Also before that scene when he found out and sent the furniture flying across the room. I get cheesy nerd chills just thinking about it. Such an authentic character true to himself. Can someone tell me why the super dark elf monster didn't let him out of prison? Did he sense his power? Or what? Cos he didn't know who he was, and I found that curious. Loved that scene too, Loki is always so coolheaded at the right times.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. It looked exactly like it came out of the original Star Trek TV show, it was so cheesy. Particularly the red girl. I expected Captain Kirk to jump out and start fucking her right there.Oh and the Guardians of the Galaxy post-credit sequence was pretty much class-A terribad.
That was the first thought I had too.Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. It looked exactly like it came out of the original Star Trek TV show, it was so cheesy. Particularly the red girl. I expected Captain Kirk to jump out and start fucking her right there.
Didn't really miss anything with the very end one.Apparently there were two scenes, we only saw the one with the red chick and the hilariously miscast Benicio del Toro.
yeah definitely glad I didn't stay.Didn't really miss anything with the very end one.Just shows the monster thing, that went through the portal to earth when thor/mala guy were fighting, chasing birds through that industrial area that they found the first anomaly.