I like the world, combat feels mostly smooth. Some weird interactions with timing Q(defense) to abilities. As a staff/wand user. The world is great imo, with lots of little things to do, collect, interact with. I would almost say there are too many systems. I constantly have to open the menu and check anything that has a red diamond by it, for something to claim or do, that wasn't really explained in the tutorial. Mix of main story, side/exploration quests, events, gathering, means lots of things to do. Supposedly its all sped up for this open beta though.
Looking around, seems staff/wand is the preferred healer setup, but I just wanted to dps and have the ability to self heal. Don't really want to be pigoned holed into healing.
Nothing really stands out as amazing. Weapon based ability system is a more rare approach and does a allow for certain combos you might not usually see(staff/bow, staff dagger, sword/shield/staff etc) but really depends on the population and developers. Usually you get stuck into very defined sets because the other things are just not as feasible. And in a game that is supposedly around pvp, territory control and harder dungeons, you either follow it or usually dont get invited. Otherwise its just the typical combat with a couple cavats(A defense ability that blocks and you time on certain moves and auto attack ability for magic between spells).
I am only level 22 though. So hard to say how things will be when you get to the actual game. Some things off the top of my head could be better. Upgrading spells should feel more progressive. Some are silly like an extra .1%. Lots are just "here is an extra 20 dmg). Seems they dont really change until later when they upgrade tier. I have a passive as a staff user that has a .011% per mana regen activation rate. Upgrading it it goes up .001 each time. So I start at .011% and max rank is .014. Like why? Or my nuke goes from 120% base + 22 to 120% + 65 at max, 43 dmg increase over 5 levels, which could take a lot of books. Atm its level 4 and one increase uses 4 books, that one increase can do anywhere from 40% of the level to 100%, its rng. So I can use 4 books for 11 pts of dmg or 12 books, and so far they are not that common of a drop).
When switching weapons, it should remember your previous skill bar and auto swap. Atm you have to manually redrag the skills back to the bar.
"Its 1999 EQ1 autoattack in 2024." - This guy is on crack. If you think this is like 1999 EQ, just wow. Who knows if the game is good or not in the long run, so far, but this kind of hyperbole is hilarious. Even in the tutorial you have like 8 abilities to use. 4 melee and 4 ranged and they each can do different things. If you dont like the game, fine who cares, but dont hide behind some dumb ass lie as your reason.