

Mr. Poopybutthole
They just said on twitter that PC will have dedicated servers available at launch. I don't even know how that would work with the matchmaking setup they have.
Games have had matchmaking with dedicated servers. Hell, Battlefield 4 has pseudo-matchmaking if you use the Play Now feature.

I'm not sure if I see a point in even owning a server with such small slot sizes though. I guess for competitive scrims and matches?


Trump's Staff
They just said on twitter that PC will have dedicated servers available at launch. I don't even know how that would work with the matchmaking setup they have.
It probably won't work very well unless they allow dedicated servers to increase player caps and disable bots. If they do, this game may be tolerable to play for more than a 20 minute session.


Blackwing Lair Raider
anyone have a beta key for the pc version? if it is open beta then im not seeing where the popup is to d/l it?


Watched some of this last night on twitch. It looks way too fast and I'd say 60%-70% of the shooting was just hoping for the best with spray & pray. The guy also just sat around protecting a flag in the same house for 30+ mins. Seems boring and not very skill based at all.


Watched some of this last night on twitch. It looks way too fast and I'd say 60%-70% of the shooting was just hoping for the best with spray & pray. The guy also just sat around protecting a flag in the same house for 30+ mins. Seems boring and not very skill based at all.
Watch the Jackfrags video of the Smart Gun burn card. See 'skill' at its best.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some really nice wallrunning. Don't see many people taking advantage of it as much as this dude. Fuck titan gameplay, this is what I'm digging about the game so far....



Vyemm Raider
What that guy is doingshouldget him killed about 20 times a match on PC.

Fixed it for you. I had a delightful time shooting people out of the air.


Titanfall Maps, Monsters and Story Details to Blow Your Mind - IGN

Creatures will "walk or fly around levels harmlessly until people interfere. Others will attack when you just stare at them."

And from Gaf:NeoGAF - View Single Post - Rumor: Giant monsters in Titanfall (ad)?

Talked to a contact at EA I trust explicitly. The monsters are in the skybox. There's one MP-story based fight with a non-human that could hardly be called a "giant monster."

Yeah, I know, I only deliver bad news for the xbox because I hate them or something. Titanfall is fucking rad. Buy it. But it won't have giant monsters. Sorry :/


Giant monsters in multi player would be retarded anyway. Glad they didn't let that happen. Did anyone even want that?

Although they are doing this ,and is the Source of the IGN quote which is some anti sniper thing. Wish they would leave that shit out.

The new map, Boneyard, is a desert environment set amidst the ruins of an old engineering facility. Huge leviathan-like creatures wander the distant backgrounds, warded away from the battlefield with dog whistle-like apparatuses. Boneyard is the result of a malfunctioned dog whistle, with the tremendous bones of a fallen leviathan setting the surface-side stage for combat.Respawn says players can fight within the huge skeleton and even perch atop it and snipe. Indigenous flying NPC creatures can also swoop down to pester your allies and enemies, creating a livelier match.Down below the surface is the facility itself.


FPS noob
i've gone from a meh during beta to a buy, while the game doesn't hold my interest for longer than 20-40 minute gaming sessions I do have fun in that time (on pc) and something makes me wanna play every day. You can buy it for $37 on mexico origin using VPN trickery, but I think i'll just wait for another 25-30% gmg or origin coupon. It complements bf4 nicely I think, bf4 is more for the tactical and large-scale map fun with friends, titanfall for just solo fast fast fast FPS quick game fun.

I wish there was definitely more in titanfall including sp campaign, destructible environments, servers with no bots (maybe will be?), more titans, better and bigger maps, etc but the parkour fight style and the spray and pray make it fun for me. the beta has been pretty rock solid too with no crashes, weird pc glitches, or server problems so that seems like a big relief.