

Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>

Shotgun ownage. Also, how the fuck do I stop Shadowplay from capturing googletalk beeps?


Blackwing Lair Raider
It probably won't work very well unless they allow dedicated servers to increase player caps and disable bots. If they do, this game may be tolerable to play for more than a 20 minute session.
Seems like typical pc game getting hamstrung by console limitations story. If they could disable all bots and increase player count on PC I think this game could be great.


Vyemm Raider
Played it, me and my peeps liked it enough to trade in our copies of Ghost while prepaying. Its infinitely more enjoyable even as a beta. I initially thought the 6v6 would be annoying and not enough but the map size keeps it from feeling like you're just wandering around seeking people to hunt. The bots while useless do make up for the very few times you cant find someone to attack within 5seconds or so. However i found all too often that i'd hit my stim and be within enemy range in less than 5 seconds or so.

The game is fun, if you didnt like the beta then its a strong possibility you wont like the final product to. However i cant fuckin wait for CTF with the wall running and jetpacks.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Played it, me and my peeps liked it enough to trade in our copies of Ghost while prepaying. Its infinitely more enjoyable even as a beta. I initially thought the 6v6 would be annoying and not enough but the map size keeps it from feeling like you're just wandering around seeking people to hunt. The bots while useless do make up for the very few times you cant find someone to attack within 5seconds or so. However i found all too often that i'd hit my stim and be within enemy range in less than 5 seconds or so.

The game is fun, if you didnt like the beta then its a strong possibility you wont like the final product to. However i cant fuckin wait for CTF with the wall running and jetpacks.
I haven't played a good CTF since Thunderwalker CTF for Quake. That was before Rocket Arena and TF took over as the only Quake mods anyone ever played.


I haven't played a good CTF since Thunderwalker CTF for Quake. That was before Rocket Arena and TF took over as the only Quake mods anyone ever played.
You say that like it was a bad thing. TF / Rocket Arena were the shit. At least until Q2 and Weapons Factory. <3


Blackwing Lair Raider
Did youPLAYthe game?
Yes I played it on my pc using mouse and keyboard. It seemed promising but it felt like a console port. I found myself wishing there were real servers, no bots and that it had environments that I could destroy like you can in BF.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure if you put more players on the map and no bots, you'd have an average lifespan of about 7 seconds. The bots do a good job of providing things to shoot at while not making the level more lethal.

I definitely do miss destructibility, especially with GIANT ROBOTS, but it would take away a lot from the parkour elements if every building was rubble by the end of the match.


Vyemm Raider
I'm pretty sure if you put more players on the map and no bots, you'd have an average lifespan of about 7 seconds. The bots do a good job of providing things to shoot at while not making the level more lethal.

I definitely do miss destructibility, especially with GIANT ROBOTS, but it would take away a lot from the parkour elements if every building was rubble by the end of the match.
Yeah the game is fine how it is - maybe you could have 7v7 w/o it being too much but as it is now is fine. Adding more people would mean enlarging the maps and then they would need to re-balance other aspects. As it stands now with 6v6 you dont have a long lifespan unless you're just trying to camp and not contribute to your team.

Destructibility would ruin the game as Mist said. If the buildings could collapse then you'd really not be wall running and jumping beyond the first 3 minutes of the match. Titans come out and people would destroy the buildings asap.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Destruction could be fun with the right map design, but it seems really hard to make it work.


Log Wizard
I think they could go 10v10 at the biggest, but that'd be almost chaotic until we see the bigger maps. I wished it was bigger than 6v6 at first, but it seems like they actually hit the right number. IIRC an earlier review had matches at 7v7 so they definitely tinkered with it a lot to find the sweet spot.

...but then again 10v10 or 12v12 titans at once would be an awesome clusterfuck of vortex shielding.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
WTB a Map or Mod that gives me a map 10x a big, with only Mechs , at least 24v24 and destructible environments.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
WTB a Map or Mod that gives me a map 10x a big, with only Mechs , at least 24v24 and destructible environments.
That's what Titanfall 2 18 months from now is for.

This game is what Dust 514 should have been like.


<Prior Amod>
I liked the game well enough but they really need to up it from 6v6 to at least 10v10 imo.

Fun game otherwise, I have a hard time playing it for more than 30-45 minutes at a time though before I stop and go back to it after a bit. Not sure why.
Damn nice vids Mist.

Haven't tried this yet but vids look amazing. Seems like Call of Duty engine with a Halo/GoW skin on it and Quake physics turned up to 11. On paper I would think it sounds bad, seems to work in practice though.

For the record, CoD was the only multi-player Xbox game I could ever get into due to the smooth weapon feel. Halo and GoW were just sluggish (30 fps lock probably why). BF3 I only did Team Deathmatch, never cared for the vehicles. Although I guess Team DM was probably the weaker aspect of BF3 due to 30fps and sluggish weapon feel.

I agree that 6v6 only is disappointing. In CoD I mostly did Ground war. The smaller games seem kinda boring.