

There will always be a weak link in any situation. Yours is whatbox. You are traceable to them, so if they are compromised, so are you. This is as likely as any private VPN provider being compromised, so... you're fine.
Yeah what Alkorin is saying. You are overthinking your security.

You should be fine just FTP'ing straight to whatbox.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
LOL. Because being hosted in North Korea will end well for everyone, right?


Molten Core Raider
BTW, Thanks for the torrentleach invite a_skeleton_03. Man, it's a lot harder to get ratio there than IPT. Downloaded Tomb Raider the day it released about a week ago just to build more ratio with both. 9.9 gig download, the IPT download has a share ratio of like 8:1 now, I've uploaded almost 90gigs on it. The Torrentleach one is still under 1:1.(think its at like .7 as of this morning)

Also, what type of speeds are people generally getting when they FTP from I have a 30mbit connection and when I torrent something myself locally I can pull upwards of 6000-7000 kbps, but when I FTP from Whatbox I'm generally lucky to get 2000, it's quite a bit slower. Would different FTP programs have any bearing on the speeds, or is that all just on Whatbox's end?


Golden Knight of the Realm
So now that uTorrent is getting more and more loaded with ads/pop ups every update, is there a decent alternative out? I just did a right click > open containing folder and it tried to sell me the upgrade. :/


Just download Utorrent V2.1 or somesuch. No sense using the ad versions when you don't really have/need to. In Utorrent's case, newer does not mean better.


FPS noob
So now that uTorrent is getting more and more loaded with ads/pop ups every update, is there a decent alternative out? I just did a right click > open containing folder and it tried to sell me the upgrade. :/
i absolutely hated that shit in utorrent too but hate using older version of stuff, so I moved to qbTorrent. Works fine, three things suck (1) no built in scheduler, I like to have torrent do its thing between 11pm and 6am but cant do that here (2) no way to remove torrent or torrent+data from within qbTorrent, I loved that feature in uTorrent, (3) qbTorrent stores all its .torrent files in your Downloads folder, fucker gets filled up like a fat guy in an ice cream store.

But it is super fast and less bloated.


<Gold Donor>
Just download Utorrent V2.1 or somesuch. No sense using the ad versions when you don't really have/need to. In Utorrent's case, newer does not mean better.
Not to mention that a lot of private trackers don't necessarily approve all the newest versions of the programs. I've had 2.something for the longest time now and it works perfectly. For people like spronk that don't like not using the newest versions, I haven't been notified of an upgrade available since the first one when I turned it off. So while you will always know obviously, it won't keep reminding you of that fact.