Eh I don't know, I don't think it's gonna have all the various options the tabletop game has, especially since it doesn't look like your armies are limited by points and stuff but by more traditional ressources so you can stack a lot of the stronger units without losing too much. Maybe the research stuff will be advanced enough that there will be different paths available(like increase your orcs or increase your goblins or increase your casters+siege+beasts or whatever, so you'll have different focus depending on your research).
Still looks great though, definitely looking forward to playing the game. I do wish they'd show Vampire counts though, even if they weren't very popular in the tabletop, when I was a kid and I was into warhammer stuff(mostly buying the army books and reading all the lore shit in them), the Undead armies were my 2nd favorite stuff, after Chaos. Then I discovered Tyranids and forgot all about Warhammer, but still.