Literally deletes units, even ones with shields. The stegodon was the only thing to really hold up, when Defenders of the Great Plan spawned and took some Naggaroth pal camps.
Some things they gotta fix in 3:
Siege AI - it's gotta know when it's getting fucked by range fire outside and make the charge out of the gates. There does seem to be some kind of brief decision making when they come under fire from outside the walls, but could use a bit more. I have gotten them to come out but only a unit or two. So it's almost there.
Shit stacks - AI as your ally loves to just leave shit stacks around instead of ramming them down the throat of your enemy. I checked and Malekith had like 15 campaign talents and a 19/20 of dreadspears at turn 100 wtf. Then if you're against the AI, it will make these piles of single lord armies. Needs an adjustment there I think? The AI when it isn't your ally is sneaky as hell with fog of war stuff and ruthlessly sends almost all their shit your way.
Military alliance to target ruins - really annoying and perhaps intended. Can't direct military allies to go after a ruin that is obviously a skaven city. Especially annoying when it's channeling a ritual. I'm sure the correct way to deal with this is spend 1k+ or whatever gold with a hero to reveal the Skavens there, but a human controlled ally you could just be like "Yo that thing with the energy beam coming out of it".
Other annoyances, probably intended
Allies spreading corruption - Hello Morathi, your 77% chaos corruption I can't keep down even with +12 untainted is really something. Guess it's intended and careful who you're friends with and bordering. Cool but rustled me cuz it's forcing me to keep a lord there for public order reasons.
High difficulty AI never going down - god is it annoying trying to keep my boot down on Khemri as DE. The uninhabitable climate of the desert means any "even" fight I win is gonna send me back to heal at Ulthuan or at sea with a black ark. No matter how hard I hit them while breaking into their territory, they always seem to be able to send a doomstack thru the sea fog at Lothern. I have 20 more turns of ritual to complete, this cat and mouse has become a crazy charade lol. This is without them turning on the sandstorm ritual, which I abused heavily against Skaven invaders playing as Arkhan. Tomb Kings also don't care about any climate I think? Maybe I'm wrong, and fuck that's op if they are.