Transgender Facts vs. Fictions

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
has it? i mean legitimately? source? i'd love to actually read how they proved that. not arguing, i'm actually really curious
I am too lazy to google. But they measured new born's responses to different skin colored faces. This was done in a number of studies and in different ways.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I am too lazy to google. But they measured new born's responses to different skin colored faces. This was done in a number of studies and in different ways.

okay... but that's not what racism means... not really...
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Tranny Chaser
In what fields is this true? Also wait until the male trannys will claim to be women and start applying for all the diversity fellowships and grants that women are benefiting from right now.
Europe, Denmark. In all fields, especially health and humaniora. STEM being about 50/50 - biology goes to females, hard science and IT has men.

These are numbers from the university of copenhagen: Antal optagne fordelt på køn – Københavns Universitet

These are general numbers for all:

No grants necessary. It's all grade or test based admission. Tuition is free. Females do better in high school, trend increasing the last 10-15 years, by far, thus they, now, dominate the university. This carries over to the fields, more female physicians than male and it's only getting more skewed. Of the med students, 2/3 were female when I started, now it's close to 3/4.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Europe, Denmark. In all fields, especially health and humaniora. STEM being about 50/50 - biology goes to females, hard science and IT has men.

These are numbers from the university of copenhagen: Antal optagne fordelt på køn – Københavns Universitet

These are general numbers for all:

No grants necessary. It's all grade or test based admission. Tuition is free. Females do better in high school, trend increasing the last 10-15 years, by far, thus they, now, dominate the university. This carries over to the fields, more female physicians than male and it's only getting more skewed. Of the med students, 2/3 were female when I started, now it's close to 3/4.
Do you happen to have graduation numbers?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Europe, Denmark. In all fields, especially health and humaniora. STEM being about 50/50 - biology goes to females, hard science and IT has men.

These are numbers from the university of copenhagen: Antal optagne fordelt på køn – Københavns Universitet

These are general numbers for all:

No grants necessary. It's all grade or test based admission. Tuition is free. Females do better in high school, trend increasing the last 10-15 years, by far, thus they, now, dominate the university. This carries over to the fields, more female physicians than male and it's only getting more skewed. Of the med students, 2/3 were female when I started, now it's close to 3/4.
And to offer a little bit of explanation as to what you are trying to point out with your post (and just like a lot of other things, you can search this board for a Lithose book on the topic), here is what I understand about it. Women have always done better than boys in school, in both math and reading. The boys that do well in high school do as well as women in math and thats it; boys do worse than women in reading. This means that college capable kids skew towards math and science among boys while among girls, there is a mix of abilities. And so girls go do shit other than science and math because they are good at both and have a choice, while boys go predominately into science subjects. This is born out by your admission numbers you just posted.

While your numbers are more or less similar to what we see here in the states, what I was talking about is all the grants and scholarships and diversity programs and other initiatives that the US schools and colleges are tossing at vaginas to get them into STEM, all due to misguided belief that patriarchy is keeping women out of science and not that it is not due to women's own choices.

Anyway, what I meant and what you replied to initially, is that now that there are all these bonuses to being a woman when it comes to college, there is more competition for space in colleges and men are always better at competing, even the potato men. You will start seeing men claiming to be women, either due to actual mental issues or to get the benefits, in order to capture the aforementioned grants, scholarships and entries into the diversity programs.

Men will always out compete women, always.
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Orator of Superfluous Nothings
Infants discriminate on skin color alone...

this is true, but I think that what j00t is getting at is that racism involves a belief of racial superiority. One can engage in racial discrimination without actually being racist. One need not believe one race is inherently superior to another to understand that one race is more likely to behave in a particular way than another race in a given context.


Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I think calling babies racist is simplifying a pretty interesting phenomenon into something it's not.

The discrimination happens to almost anyone that's different to what they're used to. That can include beards vs non beards, men vs women and even tan vs light.

That baby isn't discriminating, it just sees something new and scary and isn't happy about it.

Racism imo, is an irrational prejudice against a group of people based on illogical premises formed in a fully functioning brain.

Being intimidated by a group of black teens and crossing the street isn't racism, but throwing bananas at someone because they're black is.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
So I have generally avoided these threads mainly because I dont care much about the subject. And I dont mean it in a derogatory way. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I dont care who you fuck, what position you fuck in or who wears the strap-on as long as it's two consenting adults and in private (unless you are wanting it to be porn).

Where I take issue is when it has to be presented up in people's face. Mine in particular. Just live your life and dont invade mine. Dont close down my streets for some Alphabet parade or protest. Dont try to have a court force me to call you some made up pronoun. I'm fine if you prefer to be called Zhe or whatever the fuck it is. I dont care if all your compadres call you that in public. Just dont try ro enforce you wishes on me.

Dont ask for "extra" rights. If you are American you have all the rights granted to you under the Constitution. Equal doesnt mean special. It means equal. Allowing men who identify as women to compete in female only sports is fucking stupid. The day I can identify as a billionaire and my bank account gets a ton of extra zeros I'll support non-females participating in female sports. Decisions have consequences. A consequence of a man identifying as a women is he cant compete as a women. Just like a consequence of being an asshole and tattooing your face with a devil mask is never getting hired for a real job.

Finally this same concept applies to all the folks here to have to post 10,000 posts about why they dont like/believe in trans shit. News flash. Your continuous in your face anti-trans shit is just as annoying as trans people want to be treated special. It's the other side of the same coin. You dont like it. We get it. You dislike it so badly that you obsess over it. "Methinks he doth protest too much" is a famous quote for a reason. At this point everyone on this board is cognizant of how you feel about trannies and Vanessa. Just let it go, or failing that go pay a tranny to bend you over and fulfill your suppressed desire.
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Musty Nester
this is true, but I think that what j00t is getting at is that racism involves a belief of racial superiority. One can engage in racial discrimination without actually being racist. One need not believe one race is inherently superior to another to understand that one race is more likely to behave in a particular way than another race in a given context.
That, in itself, conforms to the current understanding of racism. It's not a reasonable stance to take, but it is a stance that gets taken.

It's why police profiling is a social argument from time to time.
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Buzzfeed Editor
so, now that that's all been said... don't think me dis-compassionate. i don't like transgender-ism because it doesn't fix the problem. facts clearly state that the suicide rate hasn't gone down AT ALL, so changing genders doesn't make any difference. America has a mental health issue in that we are johnny-on-the-spot with saying someone has a mental health diagnosis but then pretty much drops the ball with doing anything tangible about it. this is coming from a mental health professional. the system is not set up to fix people. it's set up to medicate them. so, here have a reassignment surgery and also here's some hormones that you need to take regularly for years. also, you'll need to take hormone blockers for a while. and there's some side effects so you should probably take some etc, etc, etc
So, this is what troubles me about the whole discussion. I get that transition is the "treatment" for gender dysphoria, and I have no reason to believe that isn't a real and valid thing. But like, it's a disorder, and for treatment, the best we can comes up with is indulging the disorder? And it quite clearly doesn't fix the issue, transition isn't always possible in a way that leaves the person passable, which I would think is like the very bare minimum necessary for it to help a person be happy and fulfilled. No pre-op trans person dreams about being the ma'am person from gamestop. The suicide rate is epidemic. The suicide rate of trans people is more than double the suicide rate of people with untreated depression.

It's weird. An industry of doctors and scientists has somehow decided that to treat a mental disorder they are going to give into the disorder, to the extent possible, and support it. That seems fuckin bananas. Those people who feel like one of their body parts isn't theirs, we'd all agree that the doctor who cuts some dude's hand off because he has body integrity disorder would be a monster and should be jailed. It seems like treatment should be better, I'm curious as to how we even got to this point where medicine is like "yeah fuck it, let's cut stuff off". But not curious enough to do a deep dive into the history of this.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think a lot of it is social outrage. And like I said, the language used is is very tactical. It's similar to the abortion debate in that it's not about science and when does someone become "alive" but whether or not you think women should be autonomous.

Honestly pyschology is... Extremely hit or miss. We can't even decide on biological sciences; something that we've been studying for millennia... It's not surprising that we can't figure out what's a mental illness or not.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Honestly pyschology is... Extremely hit or miss. We can't even decide on biological sciences; something that we've been studying for millennia... It's not surprising that we can't figure out what's a mental illness or not.
I disagree with this post.

We know with a very good degree of certainty what a mental illness is.

It is a behavior that deviates from the norm, to such degree that causes harm/discontent to the individual affected.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I disagree with this post.

We know with a very good degree of certainty what a mental illness is.

It is a behavior that deviates from the norm, to such degree that causes harm/discontent to the individual affected.
I know that we agree on the concept of what mental illness is, but what actually gets classified as mental illness changes all the time.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Racism imo, is an irrational prejudice against a group of people based on illogical premises formed in a fully functioning brain.

Too bad that statistics aren't welcome when it comes to making rational statements or taking rational actions which can be seen as racist.

If 80% of criminal activities in a region are commited by blue people, its not ok to start checking blue people more often, because that is "ethnic profiling".
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Buzzfeed Editor
Too bad that statistics aren't welcome when it comes to making rational statements or taking rational actions which can be seen as racist.

If 80% of criminal activities in a region are commited by blue people, its not ok to start checking blue people more often, because that is "ethnic profiling".
It's a problem because it's bad statistics, the grouping is wrong causing misallocation of resources and god knows what kind of societal issues. At least, if were talking about profiling only blue people. That isnt even really profiling, that's just discrimination, a profile would look into subgroups of blue people to find common factors that might predict behavior and then use that data in various strategies of prevention/enforcement.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
It's a problem because it's bad statistics, the grouping is wrong causing misallocation of resources and god knows what kind of societal issues.

Is this sarcasm or?

I can't even tell.