<Prior Amod>
they're not treating shit, they're just placating to crazies.So, this is what troubles me about the whole discussion. I get that transition is the "treatment" for gender dysphoria, and I have no reason to believe that isn't a real and valid thing. But like, it's a disorder, and for treatment, the best we can comes up with is indulging the disorder?
it's not different from anorexia, with anorexia, this is the what the girl sees

(this is the sfw image, i could don't want to scare ppl with skelator)
and you know what, it's never enough, she'll vomit herself to skin n bones and still do it.
How do you fix it? you don't, they learn to live with their (in their mind) fat selves. they had a medical intervention where they almost died cuz they were basically the "living auschwitz", and just eat like not hungry normal ppl and not look in the mirror.
oh body dismorphia goes the other way as well, there's an entire GNC industry dedicated to it

at what point do you take away their barbell? it's never enough, they NEED that 10pack.
the tranny thing is just body dismorphia, we're just paying attention to it cuz ppl want to cut off their dick if they really mean it. (most are too pussy to)
and that brings us to
Body integrity identity disorder (BIID) where ppl wanna cut off a perfectly fine body part like their arm or leg cuz they "believe" it's like a fucking alien parasite or something.
do doctors do this for them? well eventually, why? cuz they're so crazy they self amputate, bleed all over the house, get brought in the hospital and then get real surgery.
and then?
and then nothing, then they develop "phantom limb" where they still believe the amputated limb is there and they can "feel it"
Hey, i've been reading up on how to install a new car headunit, and read horror stories of how a bad wire can lead to you making a left turn signal in order to increase the volume... wiring is fucked up, but the car still drives, same thing with all these freaks.