Trap (2024)


<Gold Donor>
Am I excited for an M. Night movie again??? Wtf?

My guess is he wants to kill the serial killer himself out of revenge, maybe over killing someone like his wife. I guess the twist could be that there is no twist and he really is the killer, but I don't think any of us believe that.
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Millie's Staff Member
Am I excited for an M. Night movie again??? Wtf?

My guess is he wants to kill the serial killer himself out of revenge, maybe over killing someone like his wife. I guess the twist could be that there is no twist and he really is the killer, but I don't think any of us believe that.
i think the last lines of that trailer may have given it away. "i cant get away, i cant stop, I'll just do this last one" either he is talking to himself or he is talking to some handler or employer and he is some kind of a special cop or bounty hunter being put on a last minute assignment when he's supposed to be retired/his day off taking his daughter to a concert and the sweaty black dude is the killer he needs to catch. that cell phone footage could be a red herring. not a victim, but a person of interest. that small cleaver doesnt look connected to the murders.

its so vague, i mean how could a concert be used as a trap for finding this killer? are they gonna wait for them to start hacking teen girls up? i think they narrowed it down to employees of the venue and this cop/bounty hunter is sussing the sweaty black guy out who seems to know all about it and is happy as fuck to talk about the killer. it could just be horrible disjointed acting and its a Shamalamadingdong film so the dialogue is cringe. honestly, it could go in any number of directions. nobody is acting like a normal person. the old woman's voice supposedly coming from the walkie talkie doesnt sound like any cop in the world. sounds like granny spinning tales on the back porch. this trailer is going to blindside everyone because its such bullshit and doesnt make any sense.


Millie's Staff Member
Its the daughter.
She walks around in the daytime. If she's a vampire then she's a bullshit vampire. She doesn't look like she has the capability of capturing victims and housing them somewhere for later killings. If she is the killer, then she had help and if her dad is the one helping her, then he's really the baddie. It's gotta be that black dude all excited about the killer and he seems to know way too much for a random normie. What's the odds that the first dude the dad asks about the police presence just so happens to be an exposition dump truck? That's why I hate these trailers. Super unrealistic. Random venue employee would look at the dad, shrug their shoulders and say, "dunno, I just work here. Do want fries with that?".


privileged excrementlord
She walks around in the daytime. If she's a vampire then she's a bullshit vampire. She doesn't look like she has the capability of capturing victims and housing them somewhere for later killings. If she is the killer, then she had help and if her dad is the one helping her, then he's really the baddie. It's gotta be that black dude all excited about the killer and he seems to know way too much for a random normie. What's the odds that the first dude the dad asks about the police presence just so happens to be an exposition dump truck? That's why I hate these trailers. Super unrealistic. Random venue employee would look at the dad, shrug their shoulders and say, "dunno, I just work here. Do want fries with that?".
astr0, that was a merch booth. they don't sell fries.