Weird, season progresses, stories get tied together. Velcoro realizing he killed the wrong man was fucked up. Guess I was wrong about the wedge between him and VV earlier, but the fact he fingered the wrong man makes me think shit will go down between him. Betting Velcoro will turn over what he learned seeing shrink with Frank's guy and mayor's son to their new investigation and not to Frank now.Everythings coming together now Blue diamand, Blake, russians, Pitlor
Fuck this episode is $$
Pitlor could be the killer still but he seems like such a pussy he would never do shit like thatI bet Astro still doesn't know what's going on.
Great episode, really kind of putting the pieces 90% together for the bigger picture. Now it's all how it shakes down to the final details. I was wrong about VV's sidekick raping Velcoro's wife, but was right that it was a setup! So so supes proud of myself!111!!!
Velcoro off the deep end could definitely be great. He really fucked up Benedict Cumberbatch.
The guy was probably a rapist, just the wrong rapist and frank didnt mean to feed him the wrong guy. He wanted dirt on a cop but I dont think he framed an innocent mantSeems to be following the first season's progress. Loved this episode and I wonder if VV used Velcoro to kill an enemy for him .