
marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I imagine it went further than some flirting and more like how about that hawk tuah
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Gaming Ghost>
Shouldn't it be all about the timing of the reveal? What if he got a little innuendo-y with this girl and then she either offered up her age or he asked and then he shut it down? If there are lewd/weird messages after her age was established then we can have a conversation about content.


We don’t even know what was said but everyone is immediately going to sexting and soliciting a minor.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If he didn't know her age its a fucking nothing burger and this is all bullshit.

Also, if he didn't, he shouldn't have apologized for shit. That's all it took and now there is blood in the water. All the streamer fags are piling on now.

And if he did he should've slunk into anonymity in silence and enjoyed his millions. Or gotten a job in congress.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I've never watched a Dr. Disrespect stream before, so I don't know much about him other than a few memes. This whole thing sounds like a bunch of nothing though, and the moral outrage people are displaying is insane.
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Trakanon Raider
If he didn't know her age its a fucking nothing burger and this is all bullshit.

Also, if he didn't, he shouldn't have apologized for shit. That's all it took and now there is blood in the water. All the streamer fags are piling on now.

And if he did he should've slunk into anonymity in silence and enjoyed his millions. Or gotten a job in congress.
-It's not a nothing burger, he knew what he was doing.

-He apologized for getting caught. Not for what he did. Let's be clear on that.

-Someone else mentioned he should have started a right wing nut job pod cast.
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Potato del Grande
-It's not a nothing burger, he knew what he was doing.

-He apologized for getting caught. Not for what he did. Let's be clear on that.

-Someone else mentioned he should have started a right wing nut job pod cast.
Yeah, Dr Disrespect is a modern Jimmy Seville. Go touch grass you fucking loser.
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The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
All the outrage over this meanwhile Joe Biden and his Son gangbanging underage whores, sniffing kids and are pulled a DP on his own daughter and nobody bats an eyelid. Clearly the Doc should of went into politics, then he could Carlos Danger all the underage whores just like Anthony Weiner did.

Joe Biden Shock GIF by GIPHY News
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
If he didn't know her age its a fucking nothing burger and this is all bullshit.

Also, if he didn't, he shouldn't have apologized for shit. That's all it took and now there is blood in the water. All the streamer fags are piling on now.

And if he did he should've slunk into anonymity in silence and enjoyed his millions. Or gotten a job in congress.

I mean, to me it's pretty clear he didn't sext a minor.

A court already ruled in his favor for monetary purposes and that was after reading his transcripts with the person.

A court wouldn't rule in his favor if they discovered that he had been sexting a minor.

If he had been sexting a minor, not only would he have NOT won a payout from twitch (because he would have been in breech of contract), he would have likely had criminal charges passed to him.

People who think he 100% got the Joe Biden treatment from some rando online, do you think that Twitch just ate the cost of his contract out of the goodness of their hearts?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
And if he did he should've slunk into anonymity in silence and enjoyed his millions. Or gotten a job in congress.

I guess he could stream collab with Matt Gaetz since they have a lot in common now kek
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean, to me it's pretty clear he didn't sext a minor.

A court already ruled in his favor for monetary purposes and that was after reading his transcripts with the person.

A court wouldn't rule in his favor if they discovered that he had been sexting a minor.

If he had been sexting a minor, not only would he have NOT won a payout from twitch (because he would have been in breech of contract), he would have likely had criminal charges passed to him.

People who think he 100% got the Joe Biden treatment from some rando online, do you think that Twitch just ate the cost of his contract out of the goodness of their hearts?
I doubt exchanging illicit messages with a minor would be a criminal action unless one of the two of them lives in a state where she is below the age of consent. Hell even if they were planning to meet up at a con he's still in the clear legally unless they can prove he provided her financial assistance in crossing a state border for illicit activity which is how they nailed Subway Jared and I think the American Ninja Warrior guy too, and how they tried and failed to sink Matt Gaetz.

Also there's that part where he admitted to illicit talk with her even if he downplayed it to 'sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate' which is such a weaselly fucking way to phrase something.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I doubt exchanging illicit messages with a minor would be a criminal action unless one of the two of them lives in a state where she is below the age of consent. Hell even if they were planning to meet up at a con he's still in the clear legally unless they can prove he provided her financial assistance in crossing a state border for illicit activity which is how they nailed Subway Jared and I think the American Ninja Warrior guy too, and how they tried and failed to sink Matt Gaetz.

Also there's that part where he admitted to illicit talk with her even if he downplayed it to 'sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate' which is such a weaselly fucking way to phrase something.

All that is cool and all but still doesn't explain how he got out of any type of "Morality" clause in his contract.

If he was inappropriate with a minor I'm pretty sure twitch legal would have hammered that nail home as just cause for kicking his contract (EDIT: and not paying out his remainder).

I agree on the wording being strange but I assume that he is filtering a TON of this through a lawyer first and the lawyer is like "NO, you can say X but you have to say it in THIS VERY SPECIFIC WAY or you breech the deal you made with Twitch." which always comes off as "you said a WHOLE lot of nothing" IMHO.

Honestly we will see because, at this point, we all know that lawsuits are coming.


EDIT edit..

Someone made a good point in something I was boredom consuming while working out. He mentioned this all happened in 2017 but he wasn't banned til 2020...

So that means that Twitch sat on this for 3 fucking years before going "Ahh yeah, he did message a 17 year old" (only assumed 17 through that one other "Leaked Email") and then Twitch employees waited ANOTHER 4 years before they "Grew a pair" and "did what was right".

I'm firmly on the, "This is entertaining" bandwagon more so than I am "Someone is going to jail" bandwagon. Fuckin social media..
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Log Wizard
With him stepping down as co-founder (which is the only really damning thing) he can probably show financial damages and sue for defamation on some twitch jerkoffs if he feels like it.

Really we just need the text messages at this point.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sexting a minor is fucked up even if nothing happened. That said, making "borderline" inappropriate jokes as they seen to imply, is hardly sexting. Even totally inappropriate joking isn't sexting. Moreover, even things that approach sexting may just be jokes, like if I ask wizardhawk if he wants to wizardhawktuah I'm not actually, literally, trying to get a meth blowjob, I'm just making a pretty dumb joke.

After all the lame railroading of people over nothing AND after so much evidence over the years that twitch is piloted by blue hair cunts, I refuse to assume the worst of anyone they think are immoral. Twitch doesn't share my morals and I hope none of yours, they're Disney-lite.
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<Gold Donor>
Not speaking about doc himself here, whatevs, but I remember a while ago, a few years? A whole bunch of streamers were all quitting and or banned because of allegations of some whores. Like 3 fell off my list, 2 of them being pretty mid popularity Destiny 2 streamers and one that played Legends of Runterra card game.


Trakanon Raider
So, I am going to say in his personal life Dr. Disrespect is prolly a real asshole, but lets look at some stuff.

Dr. Disrespect has texts with a minor in 2017 via Twitches messenger service. (Where all people are supposed to be 18+. Does he know? Maybe, maybe not, but lets assume he does.)

2019s Mixer streaming service starts making a run at Twitch. In July Ninja and in October Shroud sign with Mixer. They are seeing huge market share gains.

March 2020 Twitch signs biggest contract ever with Dr. Disrespect amidst rumors about him and Mixer. So, at this point they've had this DMs for 3 yrs but sign him.

June 22 2020 Mixer announces it is closing.

June 26 2020 Twitch bans Dr. Disrespect for sexting a minor, again, after apparently having his DMs for 3yrs.

Aug 2021 Dr. Disrespect sues Twitch. It goes to Arbitration

Mar 2022 Case is settled and Dr. Disrespect is paid out his full remaining contract. According to statements 3rd part arbitration found nothing illegal or breach of contract on the part of Dr. Disrespect. (Not saying nothing immoral, but most contracts do have a morality clause in them. We don't know this for certain)

There also has been reference to a leaked documents about the arbitration that said the conversations were all professional in nature and that there were malicious actors within Twitch that attempted to misrepresent stuff. However, I haven't been able to dig this back up or verify it, so lets just leave it as rumor.

This to me has the makings of Twitch shelling out a shitload of money on a contract because they were trying to compete with Mixer and then realizing fuck, we're stuck with bloated contract now. Someone going, hey, wait... I got a way to fix this and them using the old DMs to attempt to break contract.

Is the dude scummy? Most likely, but for Twitch to sit on this shit for 3yrs, sign a contract with him and suddenly whip it out once Mixer announces its closure is... odd.
It also discounts all the 'We had to stop him from meeting up with her at Twitch Con, we had to protect the minor.' How? It was 3yrs old at that point. You weren't protecting shit.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Weren't there twitchcons between 2017 and 2020? So he tries to meet up but doesn't for 3 years and then twitch decides to protect the minor who's an adult by 2018 the latest. Timeline is weird. But he sure has a pedo vibe
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JunkiesNetwork Donor
Well shit, if Bubbles, one of the world's foremost Twitch simps, is getting pedo vibes, I guess we can close the books on this one.
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That guy
Mao's timeline is likely correct. Twitch wanted an out of his contract but had no legal way to do it, some of the underlings who had a hate boner for Doc had access to controlled data and found their GOTCHA, then Twitch ran with it and ended up fucking themselves in the ass with a jackhammer dildo. Doc still took a bad PR hit and his income got wrecked by moving away from Twitch but he likely got comfortable retirement type of money from that entire contract being paid out all at once either way.


FPS noob
doc doesn't give a fuck about me and i don't give a fuck about him

the only true good take

18 year old chicks are streaming their assholes to boys and no one cares. although tbh if i had access to that kind of content as a kid i wonder how different I would be
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