
Mr. Poopybutthole
My friend's sister became a mother at age 14, so technically you can be a pedo and also into MILFs at the same time! :smuggly:
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
If you are a streamer, in my opinion you already pretty much start out pretty suspect. The desire to be in front of people vying for their attention constantly puts you in a suspicious group to begin with, on top of that I assume half of what comes out your mouth isn't what you actually think or believe and you are trying to navigate the 'what people want to hear' with what you believe and your image/brand requires.

While I do enjoy some clips of streamers I start out with a generally low opinion of them as human beings.

Now, having said all that lets remove streamers and talk about how fucked things are these days in general.

I am retired military, and as such I had to spend a bit of my time being babysitter to 100 young joes whose IQs at times were trumped by their libido and I've seen some dumb shit.

Say you are a popular young dude, and at college party and some 17 y/o starts flirting with you. You flirt back in a very mild manner to keep things passive and not cause a scene. She ups her flirting to a proposition and you go, "Look hon, your underage. Get out of here till you turn 18 and I'll fold you like an origami." I've seen this exact scene play out when I was younger and it was considered acceptable. You were polite at first, but refused in an albeit crass way when actually propositioned.

Now lets move to today and this happens in a private chat where some girl your barely know posts pictures. You find out she's 17 and tell her to fuck off till she's 18 and you'll bend her in half. You are now potentially a groomer. Legally you'll prolly pass muster, but messages to a 17 y/o out of context cause she is mad you turned her down? You're ruined, especially if it hits social media and you have any sort of presence there.

I saw something exactly like this happen and had to deal with one of my soldiers being drug off to jail over it. He meets a girl off Tinder (18+ only site) and goes to a bar together. They bang. He finds out she's actually 17 and has been rocking a fake ID. He tells her to fuck off get her whore ass out cause he doesn't want to go to jail. She reports him to the cops. He goes to jail. He actually managed to avoid being found guilty after a long court case and the only reason he did it is because she was still catfishing people on Tinder with an active account and fake ID while his court case was going on and his lawyer was able to document it. What does the court tell him he is supposed to do in this situation? Report her to the cops first. As in, immediately after finding out she was 17 call the cops and self report and implicate her. (edit to add she gets in no trouble after this case btw)

Its basically the joke about regret rape made legal. Whoever wakes up first the morning after and reports rape first wins. Its a lil ridiculous.

Another was a dude that didn't even hook up with the girl. Turned her down. She then claimed sexual assault cause she was mad he didn't fuck her. Never went to the authorities over it, but was telling everyone around town he had assaulted her. Kid is scared shitless and so we have to go to Trial Defense services, get logs of all his text messages etc as proof in case she does make the accusation. She never does, but now the kid around town is known as the guy who assaulted the dumb whore.

Lastly, a Captain that wasn't even involved in the 'assault'. There was 'a sexual assault' that was filed in his unit. He handles the report as is required. It is investigated. She refused to cooperate, then admits it was a false claim and drops it. He actually gets recognition for how well and text book the claim was dealt with. 6 months later she claims that she was 'not satisfied with the conduct of the investigation' that she refused to participate in. Refused to make a statement to authorities, everything but now she complains. He gets sidelined for 'suppressing a sexual assault case' for approx 4 years during the investigation. She is eventually court martialed, kicked out over it but no other penalties. After 5 years he is finally eligible for promotion again, but his career is ruined. Btw, this guy wasn't some average joe. He was a Delta Force (yes, that no shit pipe hitter group) guy who accepted a commission and had to go back to big army to do his junior officer time before going back into the squadron. She is now out and getting social media clout and gofundme's for the 'sexual abuse and coverup she experienced in the army'

Even if you play a perfect game, in the current system you can lose. And I'm pretty certain none of us have played a perfect game in our lives.

Now, lets say I'm a morally dubious person who runs a big business and have some smaller dude that is a pain in my ass. Lets arrange to have him sent messages and pictures from an underage girl and then 'anonymously report it'. My opponent isn't an evil person and doesn't think like that, so he just deletes them, sends a message saying, "Stop bothering me" and blocks them but doesn't report it to the cops. Technically from my experience dealing with the law, he has sexted an underage person. I can now destroy this guy. He might get off legally with a good lawyer, but I've removed my opposition and ruined his career.

They actually tried doing this to Alex Jones. His inbox had child porn in it when he gave his servers over to the courts. Only reason he didn't go to jail (for that) was cause it was caught by an autofilter in his email and sent to a trash file and never touched by an actual human being and they were able to prove that. The situation hit the news and then suddenly vanished, so we know people are doing this at some level already.

Anyway. Back to Dr. Disrespect. Pretty certain he's a shitty person. 2017 he was apparently cheating on his wife and I'll believe he was flirting with this girl at some level during that time. Hell, maybe even said the actual words "Girl, give me a call when you turn 18 and I'll fold you like laundry." It would explain why Twitch thought they could get him for sexting and grooming her for a meetup, while the actual arbitration court would go, "No, not actually. He was crass but didn't actually try to fuck a minor.'" Would also explain why he knows he did something that could destroy him in the court of public opinion and is acting all guilty while saying he didn't do anything illegal.

Long story short (I talk too much) #metoo needs to die. In a fire. Bring receipts and take that shit to court or fuck right off, otherwise any contact or time alone in the presence of a woman is potential exposure to having your life ruined. Any woman that is mad about being passed over or turned down is a potential vector of attack to ruin your life.

Thank God most women are actually sane and normal, but after watching this shit happen too often in the military its the saying 'Not all women will, but any woman could."

Sorry for the :words: and me talking to much, but there ya go.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's that red flag phrase again "by making me" but at least you can tell the person wrote it themselves without a proofreader or legal advice because it's ripped straight from TV shows.

I also did not know Doc was Sterling Archer in the flesh back in 2017.
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<Gold Donor>
Doc is just a Johnny49 with better resources and perhaps an appetite for the younger ones.
Just blow your husband every now and again, ya know?


Trakanon Raider

Could be absolute complete bullshit, but I am kinda hoping it has some truth cause I'd like to see it all burn in glorious bankrupting lawsuits.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
The one major point that keeps sticking is that a judge / courts read the transcripts and not only didn't recommend criminal prosecution but also awarded him for the suit.

That just tells me that "Reasonable People" (in California no less...) saw the transcripts and said "Nothing worth going after" or "No crime committed".

Hopefully the juicy drama flows a bit more from this but it all seems to be slowing down, which really points back to "Doc didn't do anything illegal / acted appropriately when informed of the users age" stance. Who knows though, maybe i'm reading the tea leaves wrong on this.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I keep datmodz twitch channel on in the background when I play d4, someone was claiming that youtube demonetized him, no clue how accurate that could be.
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Trakanon Raider
Here's the opposite of that email:

Rest in Pepperonis
While he is absolutely cooked in regards to public opinion and his career, this article (headline anyway, fuck if I am paying Rolling Stone, got an archived link?) means absolutely nothing. I took a short Google to look at other sites talking about that article and no new names dropped. Hell, could be them calling the initial Cody dude and doing an interview with him. He could be the 'former employee'. Really, that article adds nothing new from Cody's claims.

As GuardianX above said, the one that really sticks is some lawyers/arbitration people in Cali looked at it and decided in Dr. Disrespect's favor. For Doc to be a pedo and still get paid after arbitration bigger problems exist that Twitch sat on these messages (and apparently others now) for 3yrs that were clearly PDF in nature and the arbitration/lawyers decide to hide his PDF shit behind NDAs during the lawsuit to protect something more sinister/bigger than Dr. Disrespect (which, btw, you can't legally NDA a crime)

So, either we got some virtual Epstein island level of oddity at Twitch they were afraid of getting out, or shit is being blown way out of proportion (or both. I mean, Twitch hired a Deerkin furry for its safety council lead, right?).
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Trakanon Raider
I keep datmodz twitch channel on in the background when I play d4, someone was claiming that youtube demonetized him, no clue how accurate that could be.
Yeah. He's cooked, and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone drops him and demonetizes him. He is going to be unpersoned and they are now turning towards those people associated with him, which is rather interesting cause a little more digging into it apparently has all this shit popping up when him and a bunch of people in his circle have started talking out on political issues and being anti trans of kids and shit? Apparently saying 'Leave the kids alone." NickMercs is a name I hear specifically.

I'm not saying its a conspiracy, Doc gave people the rod with which to beat him. But the Cody dude from Twitch has apparently been trying to get traction on the Dr. Disrespect things for a long time but Docs recent talks might be what helped the story go from Cody shouting into the void of Twitter to someone helping incentivize him to make more direct accusations and expanding their reach.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Rolling Stone went all in on the hit piece, if it isn't true then he might very well be the new owner in a couple years once the lawsuit drives them into bankruptcy. Either their editors have gone fuller retard or they have credible sources on the sexting version of the story.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Rolling Stone went all in on the hit piece, if it isn't true then he might very well be the new owner in a couple years once the lawsuit drives them into bankruptcy.

I mean, it's rolling stone, Pretty sure they dye their pubic hair blue to match their heads.
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Trakanon Raider
Rolling Stone went all in on the hit piece, if it isn't true then he might very well be the new owner in a couple years once the lawsuit drives them into bankruptcy. Either their editors have gone fuller retard or they have credible sources on the sexting version of the story.
Ain't shit happening to Rolling Stone. They don't have to be truthful about what happened, only accurate in quoting what the 'anonymous source' as saying. That's the twist of it all.

If it turns out Doc is a pedo, yay print more copies. If it turns out Doc is proven /not/ to have done what is specifically said, they print a retraction/pull the article and they are free and clear. They weren't ever printing anything they "knew" to be false. They didn't have malice, because their source (who proved he formerly worked at Twitch) gave them false info and they have now retracted it.

However much you hate journalists, its not enough.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
In before someone ask how far under age. To be honest in this day and age if you are worth more than minimum wage money you need a good form of ID, birth certificate, and maybe a DNA test, and a sworn affidavit just to be "sure". Failing that I guess you can cut them in half and count the rings.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ain't shit happening to Rolling Stone. They don't have to be truthful about what happened, only accurate in quoting what the 'anonymous source' as saying. That's the twist of it all.

If it turns out Doc is a pedo, yay print more copies. If it turns out Doc is proven /not/ to have done what is specifically said, they print a retraction/pull the article and they are free and clear. They weren't ever printing anything they "knew" to be false. They didn't have malice, because their source (who proved he formerly worked at Twitch) gave them false info and they have now retracted it.

However much you hate journalists, its not enough.
Bro don't lecture me like I don't already know why news agencies describe everything as 'alleged', especially when you have no idea what the article actually says.


Log Wizard
fuck if I am paying Rolling Stone, got an archived link?)

I"m not sure why i can see it, guess the first one is free. It's a long article, but here's the end of it:
“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”
The ex-Twitch employee has also provided Rolling Stone a more detailed account of internal conversations at Twitch following the report of Beahm’s messages and his subsequent ban. They say the details of Beahm’s case are coming out because of Conners’ explosive tweet last week. “Cody definitely got the ball rolling. Me and many of my former colleagues are only comfortable speaking up now because of it. Our priority is always to the safety of the [alleged] victim and to keep their identity secret,” they said.
As some of its streamers faced a flood of sexual misconduct allegations in June 2020, Twitch created an incident response team codenamed “Gold Sparrow” to develop a process to investigate and take action on the reports as one unit, the former employee says. “We wanted to be able to process mounting investigations quicker and with more resources while providing as much support for the victims as possible,” the former employee says. (Twitch did not provide comment by press time.)
When the initial report about Beahm’s alleged inappropriate messages came through in 2020, an investigation began. “After viewing the contents of the Whisper conversation, it quickly became clear the egregiousness of conduct and what actions Twitch must take,” the former employee says. “The decision to permanently terminate Beahm was relatively quick, due to the severity of the behavior.”
Twitch can’t and won’t make the alleged messages public, the ex-employee says, as this “not only endangers the victim and investigations by law enforcement”
In early 2021, the Twitch trust and safety team created OSIT, an investigation team for reports of off-site misconduct by creators. At the time, the company described the initiative as a direct response to “allegations of sexual misconduct that surfaced across the gaming industry over the summer.” In assessing those allegations, the company said, it had “realized that our current policy regarding off-service misconduct was not clear enough.” Among the alleged off-site behaviors it pledged to investigate were sexual exploitation of children, including child grooming.

Following Beahm’s ban from Twitch and time away from the spotlight, he announced a return to streaming on YouTube in August 2020. But while he was free to use both that platform and Facebook Gaming, neither offered him an exclusive partnership. His lack of a streaming contract was notable for a celebrity in the industry at a time when other streamers like Valkyrae, Ludwig Ahgren, and TimTheTatman were signing seven-figure, multi-year deals.
YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor.
“The unfortunate part of all of it was there were so many rumors circulating in the industry, one that a minor was involved,” he says. “But no one produced first-hand knowledge or evidence, and because of those rumors, there was no reason to entertain doing any deal with [Beahm], and no evidence produced means you can’t act on a [terms of service] violation. The whole situation got even more confusing when Twitch settled and effectively said, ‘no wrongdoing’ which made everyone in the industry dismiss the rumors, but even still, there was never a reason to do a deal with him after that ban.”

A spokesperson for CAA, Beahm’s talent agency since signing in 2019, tells Rolling Stone he is no longer a client and hasn’t been for sometime. Several high-profile streamers, including Kai Cenat, Codemiko, and Valkyrae have condemned Beahm in recent days. The San Francisco 49ers, for whom he had sometimes played a promotional role, announced that it was cutting ties with him, while the video game franchise NBA 2K said it would remove his character from the series.
“Even today I’m humbled by that experience,” says the former Twitch employee who was at the company when it mobilized to address the reports of misconduct by Beahm and others in the summer of 2020. “The bravery of the victims speaking out and the commitment by my colleagues to doing right by them. I hope that we’re all on a better path now for it.”
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