Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Uncle Tanya
Because you're a clueless fuck, I'll help you out with what you may be thinking next: GD doesn't go away. The kids who exhibited any signs of gender incongruence (i.e. the 80%) that went away after puberty didn't have real Gender Dysphoria. The other 20% where it did NOT go away after puberty had real Gender Dysphoria.

The FACT (not opinion, FACT) that that same bottom paper said that:
all of 70 eligible candidates showed improved mental health and general functioning.

Shows that the right kids are getting the right treatment and it 100% works. ALL 70 ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES that they studied.

Get wrecked you stupid motherfucker.
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Trump's Staff
I know a 36 year old dude who just began HRT after deciding he’d be 'happier as a woman'. He was never diagnosed with GD.

I bet this never happens to kids though so don’t worry.

Oh also don’t worry he very conveniently also wants to keep his dick and smashing pussy. Close one!
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Uncle Tanya
I don't see why you're reacting this way, I never insulted you and asked you nicely with what I thought was the due respect of a forum member in good standing. I didn't threaten you in any way with any sort of administrative action. I suggested a direction for you to take the discussion since the current direction was only producing a circle jerk -AKA people talking past each other with no progress in the conversation- in my judgement, and many people were complaining of that circle jerk going on, not necessarily the content of the posts in question. You offered in the past to take the discussion to your thread, but I let it go on at that time because I didn't think it was time to intervene. Now after letting the discussion go on and receiving many complaints, I was taking you up on that offer of taking it to your thread if you decided to choose the option of continuing to argue along the path of science vs morality.

It's not my desire to censor anyone on this forum, but I do take it as my responsibility to maintain at least a bit of order and keep topics to their proper places, and that's all I was doing here.

It was not my intent to offend you, merely direct the topic to a more appropriate location. If you don't want to do that, then that is up to you. I'm not going to apologize for trying to maintain at least a little bit of order, however. I hope you can understand.
I don't hate you, but yes I very very much took it that I was being silenced in that thread by you and it pissed me off. I'd love to know what pussies complained about me. Fact is, deep down these clowns know I'm right and what they don't like is anything going against their narrative. Very SJW of them! It's all kinds here. There are some true bigots on this forum. That I can handle. You're a mod... you can 100% back me when I say that I have never ONCE reported ANY post directed to me about ANYTHING... even when Zyyz broke the forum rule of telling a member to kill themselves (twice I might I add). It's not personal attacks that piss me off... it's even the mere HINT of my voice being silenced. We ALL have maybe felt that on other forums or platforms, especially leftist leaning places. I think you can understand.

You're a good mod. But I'm done with that thread based on your post.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Because you're a clueless fuck, I'll help you out with what you may be thinking next: GD doesn't go away. The kids who exhibited any signs of gender incongruence (i.e. the 80%) that went away after puberty didn't have real Gender Dysphoria. The other 20% where it did NOT go away after puberty had real Gender Dysphoria.

The FACT (not opinion, FACT) that that same bottom paper said that:
all of 70 eligible candidates showed improved mental health and general functioning.

Shows that the right kids are getting the right treatment and it 100% works. ALL 70 ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES that they studied.

Get wrecked you stupid motherfucker.
yes GD doesnt go away. But giving kids who think they have GD, 80% of whom do not, will ruin those 80%. All in order to save a few worthless trannies. The entire argument was about how stopping puberty is damaging, ITS DAMAGING TO 80% of the fucking kids that would have puberty stopped you stupid piece of shit. Your own argument is against you. :emoji_fork_knife_plate::emoji_poop::emoji_coffin::emoji_gay_pride_flag:.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>

There is no such thing

1. Cock & Balls = Male
2. Pussy = Female

anything else it just people enabling the mentally ill to get attention.

Giving hormones to prepubescent children is child abuse.

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Uncle Tanya
yes GD doesnt go away. But giving kids who think they have GD, 80% of whom do not, will ruin those 80%. All in order to save a few worthless trannies. The entire argument was about how stopping puberty is damaging, ITS DAMAGING TO 80% of the fucking kids that would have puberty stopped you stupid piece of shit. Your own argument is against you. :emoji_fork_knife_plate::emoji_poop::emoji_coffin::emoji_gay_pride_flag:.
So fuck the trannies who are suffering is your stance. Bigot.


Uncle Tanya
There is no such thing

1. Cock & Balls = Male
2. Pussy = Female

anything else it just people enabling the mentally ill to get attention.

Giving hormones to prepubescent children is child abuse.

feels feels feels, no facts.

I'm not genderfluid. In fact I agree with you that people who identify as genderfluid are attention seekers. Try again.


Uncle Tanya
So your stance is "fuck non trannies"? Fuck off bigot.
My stance is ensure via proper medical treatment to isolate true trannies from kids who are just having other psychological issues to ensure THE PROPER PEOPLE ARE GETTING THE PROPER TREATMENT.

Science proves true trannies benefit from puberty blockers and HRT. You can keep being a stupid fuck all day long and denying this but remember this: It's NOT a scientific stance you're adopting.

Eat shit and live being retarded faggot.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
My stance is ensure via proper medical treatment to isolate true trannies from kids who are just having other psychological issues to ensure THE PROPER PEOPLE ARE GETTING THE PROPER TREATMENT.

Science proves true trannies benefit from puberty blockers and HRT. You can keep being a stupid fuck all day long and denying this but remember this: It's NOT a scientific stance you're adopting.

Eat shit and live being retarded faggot.
Sure ensure whatever fucking tranny detection you wont. But stop blocking puberty as its harming kids. Also eat a bullet, fag.


Uncle Tanya
80% > 20%

Sometimes you have to do things for the greater good. Plus the trannies are going to eat a shotgun shell 9/10 times anyways.
80% > 20% is good math, correct!

The rest of you post is feels, no science, no facts.

20% of tranny kids not getting the proper treatment is child abuse too. To dismiss that is pretty fucking ignorant.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
What you provided is enough to show your stance as being garbage. You are ok with administering medical treatment that you yourself have shown will harm children. What the fuck else needs to be said you pathetic piece of shit?
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
80% > 20% is good math, correct!

The rest of you post is feels, no science, no facts.

20% of tranny kids not getting the proper treatment is child abuse too. To dismiss that is pretty fucking ignorant.

You are arguing under the premise that trangenderism isn't just feels which it is.



<Silver Donator>
The selo thead got stale as fuck i guess this is where i can get my dose of autistic screeching for the time being.
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Potato del Grande
I would say "Vanessa" needs some rickshaw time but that can't hold someone so mentally unstable.
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