Do you need a dictionary? Have you never heard of ethics before?Feels feels feels, no facts.
Do you need a dictionary? Have you never heard of ethics before?Feels feels feels, no facts.
That's between the parents of the child and the team of specialist working with the child. NO ONE ELSE.I've not been in this thread for a bit but what is the ageVanessa says hormone treatment is ok?
Was there a team of specialists around to tell your parents you need psychological help? Obviously not.That's between the parents of the child and the team of specialist working with the child. NO ONE ELSE.
I'm not a professional on a committee that's about to start doing this to children. I am NOT the one behind the switch ready to throw it. They have been doing this. They are doing this. They will continue to do this. All the research that is coming out so far is indicating that the process and the system is working as it should.
These other dipshits want to make it out to be that it is my goal to harm children. It's unreal... that is not what I'm arguing for, never have, and never will.
I'm arguing that I want the right people to get the right treatment. Period. That's ALL.
The onus is on all my detractors to find cases where children are being harmed. Thus far, again this is what we have:
No science to prove that children are being harmed. Just...... feels.
Ask the professionals who were part of that study where the kids they were taking care of had ALL 70 CASES THAT TURNED OUT POSITIVE.How do you tell which are the kids in whom GD isnt real until puberty is complete you gigantic moron?
Feels feels feels, no facts.Do you need a dictionary? Have you never heard of ethics before?
they want your exact age limit stanceNever said that and you are YET again putting spin on my words because you are a stupid fuck.
Eat shit and continue to live stupid, faggot.
You provided all the evidence I need. Puberty stopped GD in 80% of the cases you provided. Giving hormones to stop puberty will be doing harm to those 80% of kids. I know you are dumb as fuck, we have established that in other threads, but come on now. This isnt rocket science here.Ask the professionals who were part of that study where the kids they were taking care of had ALL 70 CASES THAT TURNED OUT POSITIVE.
I don't know the exact treatment plans or diagnoses that they are doing. I can just read the papers and post the data.
Something you all have YET TO DO to refute anything that I'm saying to be true.
Forum tranny is SO triggered right now. Think we finally broke him Bros.No retard, saying that all trannies need to blow their heads off is being a bigot. Simply saying "you're wrong Vanessa and here's why we think so" is not bigoted.
Way to take what I said completely out of context and put your own spin on it you stupid piece of shit.
If this is what is deemed the best treatment for the child, puberty onset. This varies child to child obviously so you can't rationally put a hard number on that. My sister had full C cup boobs at 9 (so I heard).What age is acceptable to start hormone injections to reverse a tran-child's sex?, you have 1-18 numbers to choose from
No you simpleton. Puberty stopped gender inconcruence for 80% of the kids. What is difficult to understand that true GD doesn't ever go away? Only 20% of the 100% of kids had GD. The other 80% did NOT have true GD, only behaviors that may have been similar to GD (playing with dolls). Get that through your thick skull before you continue.You provided all the evidence I need. Puberty stopped GD in 80% of the cases you provided. Giving hormones to stop puberty will be doing harm to those 80% of kids. I know you are dumb as fuck, we have established that in other threads, but come on now. This isnt rocket science here.
Feels feels feels, no facts.Forum tranny is SO triggered right now. Think we finally broke him Bros.
What part of I love life did you not comprehend when I told you all earlier? I'm nowhere near committing suicide you lunatic.Fuck it. One day you will likely become a statistic. I am done repeating the same fucking thing over and over, you are too dumb to get it..
I never said it wasn't a mental illness. I never said I was NOT a biological male. We're way past this too new person.The fact is it's a mental illness. You were born a boy. Guess what? You're a boy. You were born a girl. Guess what? You're a girl. In some cases, you were born with the other gender's genital, but the DNA don't lie. That's the fact.
It's not too late to detransition bro. U still sound like a man, just gotta cut them fake melons out.Feels feels feels, no facts.
What's it like to literally be the dumbest person on this entire forum Foler? Honest question.
So fuck the trannies who are suffering is your stance. Bigot.
80% > 20%
Sometimes you have to do things for the greater good. Plus the trannies are going to eat a shotgun shell 9/10 times anyways.
Nah, that's okay Booze. You can stick with your feels and I'll stick with my science on the matter.
Also, it was Zyyz who wanted peer review papers to back up my claims. I delivered. I was perfectly happy just quoting articles by the APA and Endocrine Society.
Wellp, seems no one (as usual) besides me is going to link any research, science, or studies refuting what I'm saying as factual.
Color me shocked.
View attachment 203671
The forum tranny made the masses look like a bunch of SJW cucks. God I love this place![]()
Feels feels feels, no facts.
Next time you post Mario, do me a huge favor and post up some science. Thx.