My answer is complex... in the simplest answer that you are seeking I would say I would want zero "normal" kids to be sacrificed to afford very young trannies comfort. But you see the crux of this issue is that I can also say in that same breath that I would want to zero transkids to suffer just to entirely halt puberty blocker / HRT implementation either. It's not a willful dodging of any question (this entire thread is a testament to me answering any and all questions posed at me about anything and everything), it's that it's too complex to JUST say zero. Because here again, it sounds like what many of you are saying is "fuck the 20%... let them suffer" and as I stated before, you all tell me how THAT sentiment is NOT child abuse too? Because they're fucking weirdos with a mental problem? That shit ain't right either and you're back to square one dealing with suffering children.
I think anyone anytime could have later regret. You asked me personally, however, and can say no... never had regrets and I'm extremely happy with my life, how my transition went, and wouldn't change a thing. The ONLY thing I wrestled with was the moral dilemma of it all. Y'know... how to rectify or justify this choice with my relationship with God/Jesus. As we all well know, the church doesn't exactly condone transgenderism heh. I can safely say that, even with all that, that that issue is safely behind me too and everything jives quite well.
There's also another facet to all this that I have dwelled upon and it's difficult to describe (partly because it's a long explanation to begin with and partly because I'm still working out the "kinks" in it) but it would be well suited to a video moreso than a post. But in a nutshell it deals with exactly what you're asking and how to justify this scientifically and (more as to what the peanut gallery is pressing me on) ethically.
Panface, I don't mean this to be insulting, but based on what you say about this topic (and say often) you are either:
A) Dense as lead
B) Not paying attention
C) Thinking about all of this in entirely a backwards way.
I can't accurately discern exact what scenario is more likely with you.
"This problem wouldn't exist if trannies didn't exist"
Do you not understand that trannies have existed since at least Biblical times? I mean seriously, are you aware of this fact at all?
You say "this wouldn't exist if trannies didn't exist" as if we were beamed down by Scotty in the past 10 years and have the option to just pack up our things and be beamed u[ any time we're ready... I mean what the fuck?
Yeah man... you know, like, suicide wouldn't exist if depressed people didn't exist, man! <--- that's what you sound like.
Also, can someone besides ME inform Panface how many times on this forum I have said it's a mental illness? But you're asking me why can't I just simply admit that this is a mental illness? Ridiculous.
Yeah...the problem with you is you think the solution is gender treatment instead of treating it as mental illness.
You justify your existence by thinking gender dysmorphia is somehow legitimate. Your problem that you force on others to accept.

You preach your gospels like a charletan that you are and your being is nothing but toxic to every men and women that is suffering from mental illness.
Your solution to this issue is evil and insanity.
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