You have people in this thread who claim there are no such thing as legit trannies anyway. The waters are muddied right out of the gate by ignorance.
Anyway, I'm sure your son didn't have a persistent nagging issue with this colorful, textured tutu, did he? That for years on end, he called himself a girl? NOPE???
He just...liked it for a hot minute according to you. Is your son trans maybe? NOPE???
Hey, look there. A normal kid who's not put on puberty blockers. What a surprise! Ahhhahaha, my leftist SJW agenda, foiled again! Rats!
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So how do I protect kids who have fucked up, evil, hippie-like, virtue signaling parents? This is what you're asking me?
I think the clear answer here is making a blanket decision to remove treatments that are proven by multiple studies to be effective treatments for other children of course!
But yeah, the real answer is (to repeat myself for the hundreth time) letting the professionals handle every child on a case by case basis along side the parent/guardian. It's like you guys
want me to ignore the evidence from numerous studies, feel no sympathy for the trans kids who would undoubtedly suffer until they're 18 to get help, and to somehow LARP that I know case-by-case scenarios BETTER than the parents of the kids who live with said parents every waking hour of their lives.
What point is that; that you're a hateful piece of shit that says horrible things about blacks, jews and gays?
Oh, the point that you're a coward because you know that the shit you spew on here would garner really unpleasant things to you in your real life, so you only say them under the comfort of anonymity? Yeah, we know that.
Or maybe your REAL point you think I'm avoiding is you wanting to pretend that me calling you out for being a hateful piece of shit is somehow contradictory in nature when a respected poster on here who showed love to the lone person getting dogpiled on here because THEY want to avoid the "hurr durr, soy boy faggot, hurr durr" shit that they would invariably get.
Anonymous person A: Showing positive support for someone
Anonymous person B: Showing hate towards many groups of peoples
I'll let you figure out which one YOU are Mario... A or B. Call me crazy (yup, that's your MO), but I think you just
may be able to accurately figure this one out for yourself! Because there is
obviously NO difference in those two scenarios above... sure sure.

Jasker, honestly... please stop with the PMs. I appreciate the kind support you're showing but we can chat publicly... I'm asking nicely. Thank you.