Yeah you are not even trying to understand what I just wrote.
What is wrong with you?
How would you even define a true tranny?
What the fuck does that even mean?
Is it based on how someone feels or is that based on someone telling them what they are?
Again tranny is a choice. You made the bed and you lie in it. Don't fucking force your bullshit on kids
I really don't think you're trolling me so I'll respond sincerely without shitting on you because, even though I've said this
many times already, shown the evidence via the peer-reviewed papers (cue Booze stating peer-reviewed papers are meaningless [so what basis is ANY psychology or medicine founded upon? LoL]), know from my own lived life experience and via the testimonies of literally hundreds of trannies the world over both in person and online (though this is anecdotal evidence admittedly) and even posting videos of doctors arguing YOUR position that
still backs up what I'm saying as factual.
I'm going to repeat all of this as if it's the first time I've ever said this, because hey, you asked (again):
A true tranny is a person who suffers from Gender Dysphoria.
People state that trannies are mentally ill. This is TRUE. I've never denied this claim. It is NOT normal to think you're the opposite sex, want to be the opposite sex, or have tendencies and feelings gravitating to "being" the opposite sex. We are only approximately 0.03% to 0.05% of the population. I am in no way shape or form trying to normalize this mental illness, regardless what my opponents and naysayers "may" think about me. Much like schizophrenics, bi-polar people and other mental illnesses, Gender Dysphoria is persistent (<--- key word) discomfort, unease, and incongruity with a person's born sex.
Now to you and others who are reading and think this is all made up in some capacity:
info said:
Fact: Gender Dysphoria is a real, mental illness (or condition / problem etc.)
O <---click me
Transsexualism (ICD-10),[1] or gender identity disorder (DSM-IV),[2] is a condition in which a person's gender identity - the sense of being a man or a woman - contradicts his or her bodily sex characteristics. The individual experiences gender dysphoria and desires to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex.
O <---click me
Gender dysphoria is a discomfiting mental state associated with a disparity between one's internal sense of being either male or female and one's external anatomical sexual characteristics. Because most persons have never experienced such a disparity, perhaps one could empathize by imagining what it would be like for a man to wake up one morning to discover that his penis was gone. Further, imagine that it had been replaced by a vagina, with enlarged breasts on the chest. Surely, the man would feel extremely uncomfortable; manifesting a strong desire to change his body; a desire that is far more intense than a simple cosmetic desire. One could similarly imagine the inverse scenario for a woman. Such intense discomfort, accompanied by a desire for change, is the hallmark of gender dysphoria.
O <---click me
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)1 defines gender dysphoria (GD) as a condition in which a person has marked incongruence between the expressed or experienced gender and the biological sex at birth. This causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. Individuals with GD experience a strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from their assigned gender) and/or to be rid of their sex characteristics, and/or the strong conviction of having feelings and reactions typical of the other gender (or some alternative gender).
O <---click me
Gender dysphoria (GD) represents a condition where a person's gender assigned at birth and the gender with which they identify themselves are incongruent. Hence, these individuals can be very uncomfortable with their biological sex, primary and secondary sex characteristics, and social gender roles and they experience various levels of distress.
O <---click me
This paper is heavily focused on trans voice, but still states:
Gender dysphoria (also known as “transsexualism”) is characterized as a discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity. Research points towards neurobiological influences."
^ This is the only MD on the panel, in which the panelists are arguing your exact position.
^ ...and here with someone else's video with a different panel in which they are again arguing your exact position.
So even doctors who are like-minded to your cause and stand against puberty blockers will
factually state that GD is a real condition (or mental illness). ...and I'm not a fan of pulling quotes from videos. At all... too tedious heh.
As people have stated, you can't diagnose GD via a blood test or tongue swab. But can you do that with any mental illness? I'm asking seriously because my specialty is not psychology as a whole. I don't think you can. Any diagnosis of, let's just say as an example, bi-polar sufferers is going to come from the patient themselves and others closest around them arguing for their behalf that they are distressed and having these unnatural episodes and it is impacting their life in a detrimental way.
To repeat what I have said numerous times... not to be mean, cruel or snarky (I certainly DO come off that way most of the time because I fight fire with fire here) but to be completely, unabashedly indifferent and honest about the situation: If you deny that Gender Dysphoria is a real mental illness, you are engaging in
willful ignorance. There is a LOT of room to discuss the ethical treatment of children with puberty blockers... absolutely, and I welcome that dialogue, but you and others like you
really need to move on from this basic and rudimentary fact that GD is real if we are to have any meaningful dialogue here.