Its even better when you consider his whining about existence being a simulation and him being deprived of female companionship by the simulation's overlords.ok, this just got good crazy x2
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Its even better when you consider his whining about existence being a simulation and him being deprived of female companionship by the simulation's overlords.ok, this just got good crazy x2
I'll reply earnestly to ya later One, just been cleaning and having company later so I won't be on, but I wanted to hijack your post for a quote to make a point right quicka few window-lickers who are 3rd tier trolls at best
Ahhh there's that projection were so used to frompharmakos .
Articles literally say there are no gendered brains. Hua conclusion? Trans brains are like the brains of the opposite gender.
Stop using inclusive language to imply that anyone but you is in an autistic slap match.
Lol bro. Walk into a normal bar in your man dress and heels, then let's talk about number of rejections.Look at the quality of posters who are calling for this to be rickshawed; that's the funny part~
I'll reply earnestly to ya later One, just been cleaning and having company later so I won't be on, but I wanted to hijack your post for a quote to make a point right quick
Rickshaw awayLightning Lord Rule , where a ship sails is irrelevant as long as the ship itself stays intact so idgaf... it's just a curiously amusing fact to me that the trash-bin rejects who are actually responsible for shitting up the thread are also the ones with the biggest hard-ons to get this rickshawed.
If you want to dance to their tune, be me guest.
God damn hodj is such a stupid fucking troll.Your claim: trans brains are more similar to the brains of the opposite gender.
The truth: there are no gendered brains.
Your conclusion: this supports me!!!!
That cancer really did make you dumb as a rock bruh
Trans is a mental illness. Would you give lipo to someone who was anorexic? No. Why give hormones and surgery to a sick person only to make them sicker......God damn hodj is such a stupid fucking troll.
I took his name out of the quote, because I'm not even directing my reply to him. I know he's a lost cause, but to anyone who might have read his posts and thought 'oh, he has a point'.
From the articles he linked:
"It reveals that most people have a mix of male and female brain features. And it also supports the idea that gender is non-binary, and that gender classifications in many situations are meaningless. "
"This means that, averaged across many people, sex differences in brain structure do exist"
"Our study demonstrates that, although there are sex/gender differences in the brain, human brains do not belong to one of two distinct categories: male brain/female brain,"
"their findings suggest that we all lie along a continuum of what are traditionally viewed as male and female characteristics. "
and this one really cracks me up
"Even so, Joel’s findings can be used to help many people understand the non-binary nature of gender, says Barker. After all, some people don’t identify as either male or female, and others feel their gender identity shift over time. “It’s a shame that people’s experience alone isn’t enough for us to recognise as a society that non-binary gender is legitimate.”
So, to recap.. Hodj's refute of Pharmako's point, is basically agreeing with all the extreme leftist SJWs that say gender is non-binary. He took a study that said things aren't as black/white or as simple as two types of brains, and thought that disproves any difference between male or female brains. The study didn't say there aren't characteristics of the brain that are more common among females/males, just that it's more complicated than simply 'male or female'. You might have a brain that has 45% male/55% female characteristics and still be a normal dude. This doesn't disprove GD or that there is no way to diagnose it. It just means you can't be sure with a single brain scan, but that it can help reinforce or support another diagnosis. When taken with psychiatric evaluation, chemical levels, brain scans, etc.. the medical professionals can formulate a diagnosis.
Of course, you can't have a nuanced position and win an argument on the internet, so he thought the headlines alone would prove his point.
I like how bothEnzee and
pharmakos both tried to invent my position in order to try and defend the idea that male and female brains exist in order to defend
pharmakos ' link saying transgender people have brains similar to the opposite gender's brains.
As I said before, if you have to tell me what my position is, you don't know what my position is.
My actual position: We aren't even sure whether there are fundamental differences between male and female brains, much less if someone with XY genes can have XX type brain, or vice versa, at all.
And therefore defendingVanessa 's shitty "give 6 year old hormone replacement therapy and chop their dicks off" position based on bad and uncertain science, is a travesty.
Thanks, though, both of you retards, for trying to invent my position for me based on your perception of headlines and what you think I was saying. Maybe instead of trying to TELL ME my position, you should ASK ME what it actually is instead.
pharmakos has been trying to get that tranny dick for a while now. Don't be so hard on him, it's probably the only fantasy that can get him hard.
Wait he's a eunich? Wtf? Is he trans too?Well considering he's been made a eunuch, getting fucked in the ass by a tranny may be his only hope for getting laid any time soon.
Wait he's a eunich? Wtf? Is he trans too?
Gotcha. Was gonna say. Low blow.Nah he had cancer.
Its a running gag with me and him because I had testicular cancer as a young child (under 3) and so both of us only have one nut lol