SoyboiYou don't find the sensless trolling and spamming of this thread with useless information toxic Aladain? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is FOH, toxicity is the norm here.
Vanessa isn't going to let you suck his dick, faggotYou don't find the sensless trolling and spamming of this thread with useless information toxic Aladain? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is FOH, toxicity is the norm here.
Thanks... you now see why a couple of long-term posters here PM'd me privately to show me support instead of in the thread right? ANY sensibility displayed here will be met with "HURR YOU JUST WANT TO FUCK VANESSA YOU FAGGOT" It's truly disgusting.I admire your strenght Vanessa, even if I don't see eye to eye on everything you've said. Lesser personas would be chased away by the toxicity already.
You don't find the sensless trolling and spamming of this thread with useless information toxic Aladain? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is FOH, toxicity is the norm here.
Nice strawmen you built there. It would be a shame if someone chopped its dick off.Touch the digital butthole, you know you want to:
--> O <--
It's one more paper to trigger the meth-addled / coked-up rednecks that frequent this thread. It's a 2015 paper, so it's more current than some of the other stuff I've posted.
Notable parts of the paper:
1--> Large sample size: 6,793 trannies
2--> 1980 new patient size: 34
3--> 2015 new patient size: 686
4--> Less than 1% of patients who underwent sex change reported regret
5--> The number of patients that came to the clinic that received hormone therapy decreased over time from 90% to 65%
6--> The TOTAL estimated population of transgender people in the Netherlands relative to cis-gendered (or normal) people remained congruent with already established world-wide estimates, i.e. ~0.05% of the population
7--> Children who were referred before age 12 who eventually were administered puberty blockers and underwent full social transition was 40%, congruent with an earlier, smaller sample size of 39%
Details of the above as follows with my own opinions on the matter:
1) The large sample size of 6,793 patients is nice, and is a LONG reference time too... from 1972 to 2015. More people involved and studied, the less room for error, bias etc
2 & 3) The growth from 1980 to 2015 was 20 fold. Yes, the tranny population is growing, but capping out at ~0.05% of the populace. The paper suspects (and I 100% agree with their assessment) that the explanation for this is simply more information via the internet. This was exactly why I transitioned when I did. I'd have done it sooner in life but I didn't know this was a thing... I kept my Gender Dysphoria secret and buried due to fear, shame (yes, you dicks... I know this is a weird illness), and mere ignorance that it COULD be cured. I thought I'd just suffer my whole life and was resigned to that. People like Lanx want to know where the African and Iraqi trannies are? They're out there... they just have no means to cure it and keep it buried in their own minds.
4) This is huge. Only >1% of patients felt regret. The paper mentions that deceased weren't included in the final results, so this is NOT a study that focuses on suicides among trannies or mentions it. AFAIK, it's impossible to tell how many of their patients died via suicide, so I'm well aware that that >1% number can be taken with a grain of salt as logic dictates that those who felt massive regret were the ones to off themselves (RIP in peace Jerle). It is still a shocking number, and the study also mentions that the Netherlands is a place that, socially, is much more accepting of shit like this relative to the rest of the world (People are all smoking weed over there... live and let live maaaan) so social stigma and bigotry is less a factor which helps trannies to be more open and comfortable.
5) This decrease of HRT administration from 90% to 65% of patients is two-fold: #1 In the early days (the 80s), more extreme cases of Gender Dysphoria (remember, I said Dysphoria, just like any other mental illness can have different levels of severity just like depression) were more likely to seek medical help so HRT was deemed more necessary to help patients curb their Dysphoria. #2 This also backs what I said like 100 pages ago that non-binary trannies who aren't real trannies are more prevalent, are latching on to the "trans movement" and coming to clinics but are not given hormones because they don't present any Dysphoria. This is your "Xher", billion-gender, gender-fluid type of people who wear the transgender label like a fashion design and where the ROGD type of people crop up. Hate to say it, but I got to say it... Vanessa was proven right by science yet again.
6) This isn't a huge thing, but still worth noting... that the overall population size of trannies in 2015 is ~0.05% and I think it will remain there. If anything, I predict I it will actually decrease a bit as the "fad" and "novelty" of it wear off and the non-binary people thin out and only people who are actually suffering with clinical Gender Dysphoria remain the one's who transition. I think we are at a time where pretty much ALL trannies who aren't living in either shithole countries like Iran, the Congo, Haiti or Podunk, Arkansas are kinda "out" and this is where it will remain steady.
7) We in this thread are (more or less) stuck on the 80% 20% numbers of previous studies of children who outgrow gender incongruence or remain dysphoric. Here's a quote from the paper:
"An interesting finding is the percentage of children who were referred in childhood (before 12 years of age) and who started PS when the GD persisted and the eligibility criteria were fulfilled. This 40% of children who started PS is almost identical to the 39% of persistence of childhood GD reported in a previous Dutch study (using a smaller cohort of children).22 In addition, the finding that the persistence is higher in natal girls (49.1%) compared with natal boys (33.6%) is in line with observations in previous follow-up studies on the persistence of GD in children (for an overview, see Ristori and Steensma23)."
I love the fact they say "when the GD persisted and the eligibility criteria were fulfilled" because it shows that they are exercising prudence. Only 40% were administered treatment... 60% were deemed NOT eligible due to lack of severity of GD. This backs what I've been saying... that the doctors monitoring these children are NOT just doing this shit to kids willy nilly... they want to be SURE this is the right treatment. Also, they cite 39% of a previous study. Whatever this study is, I have not presented it here so it's one that perhaps was more current in the literature than the 80%/20% numbers. I dunno. Someone else can try to find that study if they give a shit.
Regardless, all of you paranoid lunatics who are like "omg they're coming after our kids! Vanessa wants to harm children!" Get the fuck out of here you exaggerating, drama-laden pussies. You sound worse than a sewing circle of old ladies, dialing the hyperbole up to 11. I want professionals to do what they do best... take care of people with their knowledge and expertise behind them.
It's not the BEST analogy, I admit, but it's ballpark: I'm not pushing for people to get guns. I could care less if you own a gun or not. But I don't want to limit access to guns just because *I* don't like guns. Guns have been scientifically shown to protect people. Professionals are doing their best to ensure only responsible gun-owners have access to these guns. Is it possible that a psycho (i.e. some leftist mom) wants a gun to HARM someone else instead of using it for the right purpose? Yes. But just like 2nd amendment protectors who blame the psycho, not the gun itself, they still want to ensure OTHERS who will use guns for good have access to them. Basically, I'm pro 2nd amendment and y'all are a bunch of leftists scared to death of AR-15s.
Details of the above as follows with my own opinions on the matter:
1) The large sample size of 6,793 patients is nice, and is a LONG reference time too... from 1972 to 2015. More people involved and studied, the less room for error, bias etc
Nice strawmen you built there. It would be a shame if someone chopped its dick off.
admire your strenght Vanessa, even if I don't see eye to eye on everything you've said. Lesser personas would be chased away by the toxicity already.
FTFYNicestrawmen you built thereanalogy you created to merely demonstrate why asshats who say I'm "trying to fuck with people's kids" is asinine.
Trying to catch up to Dom's numbers... that fewlman had less posts than me at one pointGive credit where credit is due:
You definitely got the "never shutting the fuck up" part about being a woman down pat, dude.
In2019 denying reality = strength
Figured some of you like your guns so I was trying to get into your head-space to make it easier to relate to where my exact stance with puberty blockers lay. I'm not pushing anything on anyone nor advocating for the improper use of any type of drugs like Captain Exaggeration Phazael has claimed. I don't want your kids anywhere near gender clinics or endos unless they have Gender Dysphoria (which... I hope NONE of you guys on here ever have kids that have that; it'd just be unlucky).
Just as it'd be retarded to blame Dana Loesch for school shootings, it's retarded to blame me for crazy mom's trying to change their kid's gender just because they "wanted a boy instead". Drop the hammer of justice down on the source of the problem, not the one merely standing up for the proper way to utilize something that science and research has shown helps mentally ill people.
Trying to catch up to Dom's numbers... that fewlman had less posts than me at one point
Oh and Dom, if you don't run for Amod next election cycle, I'm nominating you myself... love it or leave it.
InBoozeCube can't find and toss up a single quote from the forum tranny saying something that denies reality.
Inthe forum tranny posts scientific papers backing up what they're saying vs. "the rationals" relying on feels and tabloid news.
TLDR:Touch the digital butthole, you know you want to:
--> O <--
It's one more paper to trigger the meth-addled / coked-up rednecks that frequent this thread. It's a 2015 paper, so it's more current than some of the other stuff I've posted.
Notable parts of the paper:
1--> Large sample size: 6,793 trannies
2--> 1980 new patient size: 34
3--> 2015 new patient size: 686
4--> Less than 1% of patients who underwent sex change reported regret
5--> The number of patients that came to the clinic that received hormone therapy decreased over time from 90% to 65%
6--> The TOTAL estimated population of transgender people in the Netherlands relative to cis-gendered (or normal) people remained congruent with already established world-wide estimates, i.e. ~0.05% of the population
7--> Children who were referred before age 12 who eventually were administered puberty blockers and underwent full social transition was 40%, congruent with an earlier, smaller sample size of 39%
Details of the above as follows with my own opinions on the matter:
1) The large sample size of 6,793 patients is nice, and is a LONG reference time too... from 1972 to 2015. More people involved and studied, the less room for error, bias etc
2 & 3) The growth from 1980 to 2015 was 20 fold. Yes, the tranny population is growing, but capping out at ~0.05% of the populace. The paper suspects (and I 100% agree with their assessment) that the explanation for this is simply more information via the internet. This was exactly why I transitioned when I did. I'd have done it sooner in life but I didn't know this was a thing... I kept my Gender Dysphoria secret and buried due to fear, shame (yes, you dicks... I know this is a weird illness), and mere ignorance that it COULD be cured. I thought I'd just suffer my whole life and was resigned to that. People like Lanx want to know where the African and Iraqi trannies are? They're out there... they just have no means to cure it and keep it buried in their own minds.
4) This is huge. Only >1% of patients felt regret. The paper mentions that deceased weren't included in the final results, so this is NOT a study that focuses on suicides among trannies or mentions it. AFAIK, it's impossible to tell how many of their patients died via suicide, so I'm well aware that that >1% number can be taken with a grain of salt as logic dictates that those who felt massive regret were the ones to off themselves (RIP in peace Jerle). It is still a shocking number, and the study also mentions that the Netherlands is a place that, socially, is much more accepting of shit like this relative to the rest of the world (People are all smoking weed over there... live and let live maaaan) so social stigma and bigotry is less a factor which helps trannies to be more open and comfortable.
5) This decrease of HRT administration from 90% to 65% of patients is two-fold: #1 In the early days (the 80s), more extreme cases of Gender Dysphoria (remember, I said Dysphoria, just like any other mental illness can have different levels of severity just like depression) were more likely to seek medical help so HRT was deemed more necessary to help patients curb their Dysphoria. #2 This also backs what I said like 100 pages ago that non-binary trannies who aren't real trannies are more prevalent, are latching on to the "trans movement" and coming to clinics but are not given hormones because they don't present any Dysphoria. This is your "Xher", billion-gender, gender-fluid type of people who wear the transgender label like a fashion design and where the ROGD type of people crop up. Hate to say it, but I got to say it... Vanessa was proven right by science yet again.
6) This isn't a huge thing, but still worth noting... that the overall population size of trannies in 2015 is ~0.05% and I think it will remain there. If anything, I predict I it will actually decrease a bit as the "fad" and "novelty" of it wear off and the non-binary people thin out and only people who are actually suffering with clinical Gender Dysphoria remain the one's who transition. I think we are at a time where pretty much ALL trannies who aren't living in either shithole countries like Iran, the Congo, Haiti or Podunk, Arkansas are kinda "out" and this is where it will remain steady.
7) We in this thread are (more or less) stuck on the 80% 20% numbers of previous studies of children who outgrow gender incongruence or remain dysphoric. Here's a quote from the paper:
"An interesting finding is the percentage of children who were referred in childhood (before 12 years of age) and who started PS when the GD persisted and the eligibility criteria were fulfilled. This 40% of children who started PS is almost identical to the 39% of persistence of childhood GD reported in a previous Dutch study (using a smaller cohort of children).22 In addition, the finding that the persistence is higher in natal girls (49.1%) compared with natal boys (33.6%) is in line with observations in previous follow-up studies on the persistence of GD in children (for an overview, see Ristori and Steensma23)."
I love the fact they say "when the GD persisted and the eligibility criteria were fulfilled" because it shows that they are exercising prudence. Only 40% were administered treatment... 60% were deemed NOT eligible due to lack of severity of GD. This backs what I've been saying... that the doctors monitoring these children are NOT just doing this shit to kids willy nilly... they want to be SURE this is the right treatment. Also, they cite 39% of a previous study. Whatever this study is, I have not presented it here so it's one that perhaps was more current in the literature than the 80%/20% numbers. I dunno. Someone else can try to find that study if they give a shit.
Regardless, all of you paranoid lunatics who are like "omg they're coming after our kids! Vanessa wants to harm children!" Get the fuck out of here you exaggerating, drama-laden pussies. You sound worse than a sewing circle of old ladies, dialing the hyperbole up to 11. I want professionals to do what they do best... take care of people with their knowledge and expertise behind them.
It's not the BEST analogy, I admit, but it's ballpark: I'm not pushing for people to get guns. I could care less if you own a gun or not. But I don't want to limit access to guns just because *I* don't like guns. Guns have been scientifically shown to protect people. Professionals are doing their best to ensure only responsible gun-owners have access to these guns. Is it possible that a psycho (i.e. some leftist mom) wants a gun to HARM someone else instead of using it for the right purpose? Yes. But just like 2nd amendment protectors who blame the psycho, not the gun itself, they still want to ensure OTHERS who will use guns for good have access to them. Basically, I'm pro 2nd amendment and y'all are a bunch of leftists scared to death of AR-15s.
The Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoria Study (1972e2015): Trends in Prevalence, Treatment, and Regrets
InBoozeCube can't find and toss up a single quote from the forum tranny saying something that denies reality.
Interesting theory if only Amsterdam were a Nordic land!Nordic white ppl are fucked up, migrants are probably making them trans, so they can be a protected class, pretty genius way to get protection.
how about any of your statements where you claim to be anything near a woman