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F#r#a#z#z#l#d#r#i#p screenshot?
Yeah... a warning not to search to figure out what that even is would have been appreciated, dude.
F#r#a#z#z#l#d#r#i#p screenshot?
Aww, I thought it was a winner.Yeah... a warning not to search to figure out what that even is would have been appreciated, dude.
Aww, I thought it was a winner.
How about this one?
Aww, I thought it was a winner.
How about this one?
It's the alien overlord from Mars attacks as he sheds a single tear.
NiiiceI'm going to choose to think that it's a high res version of Morte from Planescape Torment
View attachment 213482
Is it too late to shaw this thread?
Just delete the posts beyond "puberty blockers don't have negative side-effects", and its shaw gold.
Yes. Its ok to do it as long as we feel good about ourselves.Did we ever reach a consensus on if it was ok to harm healthy children on the off chance of 1/1000 that one might be mentally ill enough to actually pretend they are another sex?
Yes. Its ok to do it as long as we feel good about ourselves.
But that's the thing, @Dom...neither do they!I never feel good about myself. Checkmate trannies.
Yes we reached a consensus: It is NOT ok to harm healthy children on the off chance of 1/1000 that one might be mentally ill enough to actually pretend they are another sex.Did we ever reach a consensus on if it was ok to harm healthy children on the off chance of 1/1000 that one might be mentally ill enough to actually pretend they are another sex?
HeyHeyVanessa or Vincent, Steve, Mark, whatever your real name is. This is how you mentally deranged people push society to the point where you end up hanging from trees or kneeling to get a bullet to the back of your head.
Reap what you sow.
I think this is the meat and potatoes of what you're posting... where do I really, truly stand on this shit. Well look, I was definitely straw-manned; horribly. I think, in the retards defense, when people said...I legit passed the point where I don't know if you realized that people had trapped you in a sort of Medical/GD puberty-blocker Tragedy of the Commons, where you either had to fully embrace the indiscriminate use of puberty blockers while ignoring the downside, or cede the argument and acknowledge that given those concerns, it's not workable currently...OR...if you actually never said or implied that the collateral damage to non-GD kids receiving puberty blockers was an acceptable outcome, and you've been straw-manned.
In my opinion, this is where this ENTIRE thing started. Sabbat mentioned puberty blockers, Tanoomba (PunieHop) riffed with him, and I chimed in describing why puberty blockers were even a thing. My SECOND POST was this on the topic:Thing is, at this point, I have zero desire to go back in this thread to suss this out, and I think the two sides will just read what I wrote above and pick what they want to believe, regardless of how this all started in the first place.
Hear hear. The problem is that, if you actually go and look at the kinds of posts that trannies make in their inner circle, you'll see nothing but hugboxing, support, and "oh you're so beautiful" when they're actually physical disasters. Then people get caught up in their echo chambers and BOOM... the real world hits them in the fucking face and they kill themselves because they were lied to by their own kind. The trans community is fucked in many ways, yes, but this is just one sad aspect of it.I've said it before and I'll say it again: people like Jerle need people in the Trans 'community' (ugh) to be honest and frank about transitioning. It's not a panacea. You shouldn't rush it. Legit objective mental health professionals are a good thing. And FFS, the people encouraging Jerle to transition contributed to his demise. Whoever thought that a 6'5"-6'6" Internet shitlord with a chin that reached his nipples would look good as a MtF should feel ashamed of themselves.
Are you legitimately retarded? I mean I've been somewhat playing ball with you but at this point I ask myself... are you genuinely some retard behind a keyboard? WHERE did I ever say, insinuate, or hint at wanting Zyyz to be silenced, banned, or removed? You're so unintelligent it is embarrassing, and a complete hypocrite to boot... look here:Its cute seeing Vanessa trying to fuck with ZyyzYzzy's ability to voice his opinion though. #justminoritythings
...and from your Profile post:Mentally ill people need to be treated, not given a public forum to spread their bullshit.
That's Mario's assessment too... that both myself and Blaire White are just poser trannies because we still have our twig and berries and that the mark of true trannies are the ones who are lopping it off. I for one, find that assessment amazing and I welcome your clown-world action in lumping me in with the transtrenders. Thank you Boozecube... that actually fits quite well considering the source. Honk Honk!If you aren’t committed enough to Wu Tang your dick off should you really be allowed to claim the title of tranny? I mean tossing on a dress or buying some bolt ons does prove you are mentally ill, but are you mentally ill enough?
Anything less is really just some faggot poser shit. Community wide question it doesn’t have to be answered just by our resident mental patients.
After all this time and all these pages, I'm unsure why you'd think this thread would be "over" ? Heh... it's coming up on 3 yrs now in November.I love it when I thought this thread was over and I come back to find more.
So settle the score once and for all. Are you ready to accept that kids should not be given puberty blockers Vanessa? I am not arguing science studies politics or any specific lens, just a general question with a simple yes or no answer to start with.
That specific vid probably isn't a repost itself but Michelle Cretella has definitely been posted here before. I generally agree with MOST of what she talks about but she goes a bit too far off the ideological deep end of what transgenderism is and isn't. For example, she thinks transgenderism exists SOLELY in the mind and yet there's evidence that it is part biological, part social.Noticed this, thought it was interesting to consider.
Probably a repost from much earlier in the thread.
In Honkler we Trust
Contrapoints is stupid talented... like, I get so jealous of her skills with video creating, editing, and narrative... she's really amazing. With that said, she's a leftist that got demolished by Blaire White during their "debate", but that was (in Contra's defense) back when she identified as a queer guy. I'd love to see them two have a current debate given Contra's evolution. Funny how Contra has now become more like Blaire White than she probably ever thought she'd be, yet Blaire is still Blaire. Kinda shows who was right all along.Contrapoints Video