Back in the 90s there was this cute, innocuous little movie called Multiplicity with Michael Keaton... some of you may have seen it. He feels the stresses of modern day work / family / private life all jumbled together and wishes he could have more time to do it all so he clones himself and his clones start doing his different life tasks which shape their personalities as the movie goes on. Kinda a take on how our environments shape our psyche. Though it was made a while ago, I appreciate that movie more and more as I get older LoL... God I wish I could just have more TIME.
So believe it or not, FoH is NOT my #1 priority LoL. As much as I
do love arguing with you goofballs and try to squeeze as much time as possible here, I only have so much time, and as some of you nerds are patently aware, Prime day is upon us.. but lo ! This year is now a TWO DAY Prime! Good for consumers... bad for us
poor mistreated slaves (according to the dumbshits at TYT) of Jeff
Beelzebezos Bezos. We have been working hard gearing up for this, so for us Prime Day is like April for CPAs. With my posting style (I carve mountains in this thread; deal with it, plebs), I've just been trying to find a solid gap in time to respond to all the hijinx in here. I've been off (more or less) for the past 3 days so here's some walls o text to trigger Hodj.
Let's start with this gem I had to steal from the GG/SJW thread:
or Jed, Cletus, Billyjo whatever your real name is. This is how you hard-right inbred internet losers push
yourselves to the point where you end up shooting up a synagogue or a queer nightclub.
But chances are you're just another spineless flounder virtue signaling about trans-shit on the interbutts and lack the proverbial balls to actually do anything about what rustles you so much.
real name is Vanessa. I think you meant to say whatever my
birth name was. I like how a dude whose forum name sounds like a
shitty Marvel villain is making a point to talking about real names while hiding behind his made up name/identity whilst I am using my real name/identity. Just shows how utterly sad and clown-worldish this dude really is... but hey he's a mod, must mean something around here. LoL I'm so glad uggo-muffins like Zyyz and his kind are confined to their keyboard warrior identities instead of out there in the real world spewing their hateful shit on society. What a pussy.
I think this is the meat and potatoes of what you're posting... where do I really, truly stand on this shit. Well look, I was definitely straw-manned; horribly. I think, in the retards defense, when people said...
Since 80% will outgrow it and 20% won't, isn't it best to not do anything to anyone?" to which I responded: "
Well no, because I cannot just say "fuck the 20% they'll have to deal with their misery by not getting treatment for their issues by taking away the meds altogether"
...that it lead to retards straw-manning those kind of statements to mean: "
Vanessa wants to put ALL kids (100%) on puberty blockers" which I NEVER fucking said and literally almost 100 pages later these same retards are saying I said this.
So as far as the meat and potatoes of my stance of where I stand on this, I already answered it as CLEAR as possible when Wombat asked me, which is: I'm for highly-dysphoric adolescents who manifest strong symptoms of gender dysphoria getting treatment via transition if that's what the doctors and parents (basically, the ONLY people who need be concerned) feel is best for the teen. If puberty blockers and hormones *could* be avoided, then they should be.... which goes back to what I've been saying since the beginning: "I want the right treatment going to the right patients". When multiple research papers have shown that young transitioners get on MUCH better in life via transition than older transitioners (and this is only common sense... I didn't need a fucking research paper to back up that notion [but it does regardless... checkmate atheists]), I'd be pretty ear-bleeding stupid to
then say "yeah, we need to just remove all puberty blockers and hormones for people until 21". I'm not taking the "
Matt, Matt, Matt" Tom Cruise route of wanting to eliminate drug use for mentally ill people just because he thinks depression can be cured by praying to Xenu or whatever. If certain drugs are shown to help people, LET THEM HAVE IT... it HELPS them.
The proof that I have NOT altered my stance whatsoever on this topic is below, and you all can spew bullshit for as LONG as you want to, that's fine, but nothing I have ever said in this thread has been proven factually incorrect. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. ...because I know my trans shit (yes, better than you)

I have challenged numerous people to go back and find quotes of anything I said that contradicts anything I have said now or contradicts anything I have said that research papers have stated and here's the score: Vanessa: Win | Others: 0
Furthermore, the irony is that the morons who were virtue-signaling "You're messing with other people's kids!" are the ones who would be putting THEIR nose in how other people manage THEIR kids if their goal was wanting to eliminate effective treatments for other people's kids. Think about it. Like I said, they're acting like a parade of fucking SJWs and don't even realize it. I will concede that if YOUR argument is that Gender Dysphoria is NOT a real thing, then yes, puberty blockers for adolescents is child abuse. Fortunately, you're just retarded... but that's what's beautiful about America: You're free to be a clueless asshole and ignorant about shit as much as you'd like and no one is going to throw you in the slammer for that. God bless free speech

(oh and btw, I don't mean YOU Erro <3, just 'you' in the general sense in this paragraph)
In my opinion,
this is where this ENTIRE thing started. Sabbat mentioned puberty blockers, Tanoomba (PunieHop) riffed with him, and I chimed in describing why puberty blockers were even a thing. My SECOND POST was this on the topic:
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It's all there in its unedited glory. I admitted then that accurately determining who are true trannies (the 20%... though at the time I didn't know the literal numbers via the data) versus the merely gender incongruent (the 80%) due to social factors like I mentioned then who will outgrow it and just become gays and lesbos is a concern [i.e. the devil is in the details of accurately determining]. Even back then I separated true transkids (i.e. persistent gender dysphoric kids) from the kids that had similar issues but were due to other reasons... i.e. kids that would outgrow it or at least not have gender dysphoria be the primary cause of their issues.
...and yet
somehow between then and now you had knuckledraggers like Phazael and Boozecube who would strawman the ever-loving shit out of my posts and it somehow became the standard that I was forcing kids to be on puberty blockers, experimenting on them, pumping kids full of hormones etc etc. Very honk honk~
Hear hear. The problem is that, if you actually go and look at the kinds of posts that trannies make in their inner circle, you'll see nothing but hugboxing, support, and "oh you're so beautiful" when they're actually physical disasters. Then people get caught up in their echo chambers and BOOM... the real world hits them in the fucking face and they kill themselves because they were lied to by their own kind. The trans community is fucked in many ways, yes, but this is just one sad aspect of it.
Are you legitimately retarded? I mean I've been somewhat playing ball with you but at this point I ask myself... are you genuinely some retard behind a keyboard? WHERE did I ever say, insinuate, or hint at wanting Zyyz to be silenced, banned, or removed? You're so unintelligent it is embarrassing, and a complete hypocrite to boot... look here:
...and from your Profile post:
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You're a completely illogical potato Punko... it's pathetic.
That's Mario's assessment too... that both myself and Blaire White are just poser trannies because we still have our twig and berries and that the mark of true trannies are the ones who are lopping it off. I for one, find that assessment amazing and I welcome your clown-world action in lumping me in with the trans
trenders. Thank you Boozecube... that actually fits quite well considering the source. Honk Honk!
After all this time and all these pages, I'm unsure why you'd think this thread would be "over" ? Heh... it's coming up on 3 yrs now in November.
I think what you and others want is this black and white hard line about what should/should not happen in regards to blockers and I think that this issue is much more complex than people are either realizing, caring to realize, understand or what have you. My stance on transgenders and blockers is similar to abortion... it's not an ALL OR NOTHING radical stance to it... it's a complex social issue so my stance is that I take a little bit from the left and a little bit from the right. You want a simple yes or no from me about an issue that is
far from simple.
That specific vid probably isn't a repost itself but Michelle Cretella has definitely been posted here before. I generally agree with MOST of what she talks about but she goes a bit too far off the ideological deep end of what transgenderism is and isn't. For example, she thinks transgenderism exists SOLELY in the mind and yet there's
evidence that it is part biological, part social.
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atheist SJWs, I swear...
Contrapoints is stupid talented... like, I get so jealous of her skills with video creating, editing, and narrative... she's really amazing. With that said, she's a leftist that got
demolished by Blaire White during their "debate", but that was (in Contra's defense) back when she identified as a queer guy. I'd love to see them two have a current debate given Contra's evolution. Funny how Contra has now become more like Blaire White than she probably ever thought she'd be, yet Blaire is still Blaire. Kinda shows who was right all along.
Alright folks, all caught up. Have a great weekend
p.s. Look at this poor young adult that was harmed by puberty blockers... isn't it just
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p.p.s. I'm not trying to pad my post counts so this is why you get my patented "walls-o-text"
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