So I'm sure plenty of people will shit on me for this, but I do care. I think Vanessa adds a unique perspective, one that I don't encounter elsewhere. And she's plenty vocal and willing to engage in discussion. I would like her to stick around. I'm not white knighting, or hoping for something from Vanessa in this, I'm merely expressing my opinion that pluralistic perspectives add to the depth and variety in this forum, and I think that is nothing but a positive. When you surround yourself with nothing but like-minded, like-sexually oriented, like-situationed people you end up with an echo chamber, and that's just dull and pointless. Witness the politics thread.
, I'd invite you to back off. If you truly don't read her posts, you have no reason to read this thread other than tormenting
and trying to drive her away. To me, that's not civil or acceptable behaviour. If your sole function in a thread is to be an asshole, be contradictory, and just force your own opinion on the situation, you're Tanoomba.
But that's just my perspective. By all means, carry on.