hodj In the span of two days I had Vanessa losing his shit and quitting the forums AND inviting him back for more during the "is it OK to hit a woman" thread. This was my first primary contact with him. So, good sir, you will excuse me if I am not impressed by what you've "accomplished" here over a span of years.
If I were to sum up the fault in your approach, it would be to compare it to a 13 year old boy getting to stick his dick into something for the first time. All vim and vigor, and no subtlety.
I expect more from you next time.
Actuallyhodj 's Saltitarium is becoming so good I'm thinking about putting it back in screenshots, or maybe general...
You're probably right.Might reduce the quality of the thread but then again perhaps it would improve it
For one, every post you make in the amod thread and the politics thread could be described as being a contradictory asshole and force your shitty, engrish opinion on everyone.
For another, that wasn't what @Tanoomba was doing entirely and whatVanessa does is far more akin to what @Tanoomba did
For a third, my contributions to this thread are virtually the only parts of it worth reading. Because I'm fucking hilarious.
You're probably right.
I should just merge it with FSR since that's all it is now basically. Sad!
You're pretty funny, but I find you mean-spirited in this thread.
Asks how he is contradictory and forxing his engrish on us while doing that exact thing.
I know it is a lot to ask, but try reading Vannessa's posts to gain understanding.
I've read a lot of it. Vanessa's provoked responses feel like that. Hodj seems mean spirited. However, I'm now done with this argument, as the stated goal of Hodj is to stir shit up in here. I'm not interested in engaging that. If he likes to spend years being a dick in order to provoke a response, that's his decision. Seems like a pretty shitty way to spend years, though.
Eh, I just find it weird that hodj keeps coming back to say that he doesn't care ad infinitum, and now he's policing 'Nessa's title?Pretty sure you care in the same way that the posters in the Pantheon thread care about Pantheon.