And put it in, f.inst. 3 parts form, and update it for each stance / issue / question?This is where a LOT of information is going to go soon~
You don't know how science and "facts" work if you think linking a few studies from questionable journals somehow makes something an all caps FACT. Hard science journals that actually deal in quantifiable, repeatable, precise studies don't even make the claim that "this is a FACT, we have spoken, question us no more". Yet you trans activists constantly peddle this pseudo science garbage, plant your flag, and then declare that if it's published somewhere it must be true. That's not how biology works, that's not how psychology works, that's not how ANYTHING works.Eh, just posting factual research backing up my claims.
Me saying that puberty blockers are beneficial to transgender kids is a fact. It's not my opinion it's a fact. Read that again: A FACT.
Me saying that I didn't know that it is ALSO a fact that 80% of kids will outgrow their GD at the onset of puberty is not my opinion... that is exactly what happened because I never heard about that research at the time of that quote. Once I gleaned info about that I weighed the consequences of what that meant and felt the best option is to only put adolescents (here's the nuance: ADOLESCENTS, NOT KIDS) on blockers and/or hormones if they were highly dysphoric and for clarity, I mean dysphoric to the point of possible suicide or self-harm... where the inherent danger of a social transition is less of a threat than not helping them at all. Any type of therapy to quell the GD until they are of age to make MORE informed decisions is more optimal. That is until GD can be diagnosed with a simple blood test at any age... and trust me... that is coming soon. Quote me on it, and count on it. (Funny though, once that happens you morons will still have qualms with EVERYTHING about this becuase... well... y'all don't care too much about facts, do you?)
Does that make me an advocate for chemically castrating kids? Of course not you morons. But it doesn't matter what I think, does it? Haha.
Didn't catch up on this yet, but I get the point. What if, say, microRNA/biomarkers were identified, and it, GD, could be corrected either directed towards the DNA source, shut down, on the DNA level, cure to the default per say, or nursed along by shutting down the agonists, encouraged the transition - what would be your stance on this vague hyperthetical? In essense testable and diagnosable before the psychological test are even possible/reliable. Perhaps in utero, fetus/morulla stages?Does it honestly make you feel better to try and outgroup everyone who doesn't swallow this line of bullshit, turn them into non-people? Does it work? Do you see the irony in a trans person employing those tactics?
More on topic, are you actually prepared to address the debate, which we had all fucking summer, that without an objective test for GD/trans issues you have no idea who are the 20% and who are the 80%. And that even if you did, there is a moral and ethical questions about making irreversible decisions for children that will fundamentally shape the adult they become? And the suicide rate? And the risks associated with puberty blockers?
you poisoned whatever legitimacy you could have had here by fishing for attention from the lads with your tits and ass and cock.
This is a bit overly dense. Are you asking about the ethical dilemma that would occur if we could:Didn't catch up on this yet, but I get the point. What if, say, microRNA/biomarkers were identified, and it, GD, could be corrected either directed towards the DNA source, shut down, on the DNA level, cure to the default per say, or nursed along by shutting down the agonists, encouraged the transition - what would be your stance on this vague hyperthetical? In essense testable and diagnosable before the psychological test are even possible/reliable. Perhaps in utero, fetus/morulla stages?
See the pos load in it. FOH could fill a hotel conference floor for the 2020 meetup with this entertain(t)ment.I don't get the podcast challenge bit. Seriously, wtf?
Why is this cesspool not locked yet?
All true scotsman eat haggis
All true transkids get blockers
Its pure disingenuous tripe. He's trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's for blockers, but only for "true" trans kids. Except we have no way to judge who a "True" trans kid is until they go on blockers, then decide they dont want to do it any more.
So the effect is you still get all the kids on blockers, and you let some of them quit when they decide they dont want to any more, and that's how you figure out which ones are "True" and which aren't.
Its pure no true scotsman fallacy meant to get kids on blockers while not having to face the intellectual consequences here holding that position.
Lightning Lord Rule don't we have a fence sitter medal for this shit?
Both, sure, bit dense. mRNA is found for many processes atm. It's not unthinkable, that it could, eventually, have biomarkers be coupled to dna/epigenetics of GD. Hence id the ppl in who could potentially benefit from treatment in either direction. Arbitrarily at first, but as with any other illness/disease/condition that is bound in biology, assuming this is too. Making the point of most of this late rehash of identifying / ethics / consequences. Other than it being a boy or a girl from get go - if that's even a binary thing. It's concievable it's a plethorium of switches.This is a bit overly dense. Are you asking about the ethical dilemma that would occur if we could:
1. Identify trans at the molecular level in utero
2. Turn trans "on" or "off" at the molecular level in utero?
Hopefully we solve Alzheimer's before trans kids.Both, sure, bit dense. mRNA is found for many processes atm. It's not unthinkable, that it could, eventually, have biomarkers be coupled to dna/epigenetics of GD. Hence id the ppl in who could potentially benefit from treatment in either direction. Arbitrarily at first, but as with any other illness/disease/condition that is bound in biology, assuming this is too. Making the point of most of this late rehash of identifying / ethics / consequences. Other than it being a boy or a girl from get go - if that's even a binary thing. It's concievable it's a plethorium of switches.
Like a septic system, if you stop it up it will overflow all over your yard.