That you think I'm making an "argument" with posting really amazing transitions is telling. It's the exact same sentiment as this:I'm not keeping up, but what exactly is being argued by posting the fuckable trannies over and over?
Just different causalities that spur a person to action. It's showing a before and after of people taking control of their lives and making radical physical changes that betters themselves and their life (which in turn affects their mental well-being too). This isn't a weight loss thread, however; it's the tranny thread.
I don't suspect you're a creeper, so you DO mean in the "post nudes so we can see bodily changes for science" type of thing yes? It'd be über creepster if not.If they were nudes I'd at least understand.
It's purely anecdotal and speculative of course. We can agree some transitions are great and some are not great. With that said....For every tranny that turns out like that one above, how many turn out like the Gamestop meme person?
Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage (your Gamestop meme guy) is kinda like the opposite end of the spectrum with the before/afters I posted... horrible outcome/result and is probably in the bottom 5% as far as results. When I talk about "results" it is to mean a convincing portrayal of the person's gender (opposite their biological sex).
^ Transitions like the ones above are very rare. It's a combination of a LOT of things happening in this person's life to reach this level of transitional success. Jaw-dropping result here. I didn't know this person directly but I was on a forum with them when all of this was starting with both of us (yes I know their RL first name and yes this is a real result). You're looking at the top 2% of transitioners here.
^ This transition is like the top 10% bracket. They will pass and attract straight men in the process. I'm in this bracket (for better or worse).
^ This transition I'd rate as completely average. Average not only by looks (attractiveness), but by what actual physical changes can/do occur with transition. I'd say the large bulk of transitions go exactly like this. Nothing overly dramatic or amazing, but positive results nonetheless with a tranny dealing with GD. We'll call this 65% (or 2/3) of transitioners having outcomes similar to this.
^ Same kinda thing with this result; the 65%. Throw some makeup on this individual and they won't get harrassed much at the pub or supermarket etc etc.
^ This is a prime example to show that passing isn't JUST about beauty or the aesthetic. This person had a very successful transition but they aren't beautiful. They just appear to be an average woman in their 30s. No more, no less.
^ I'd say these two before/afters comprise about 20% of transitions. The key takeaway here is very low-effort & self-maintenance. I've met some of these types before. They put all their hopes and dreams in a pill bottle and a few sessions of laser hair removal. It's not like that at all. It is work. It is a top to bottom thing full of nuance, self-care (to include exercise), and daily lifestyle changes. These are the people I actually worry about becoming statistics. Which leads me to:
I hope this person finds some happiness out there in the world; that's all I can say.
I agree with the sentiment that physical beauty is not the sole measure of a person; like Judge Judy would say on her show... Beauty fades; dumb is forever.Not that physical beauty is the sole measure of a person, by any means, but whatever argument it is that is trying to make would be pretty easy to counter.
However: you can't deny that beauty DOES contribute to a person's well-being. Trans or cis, makes no difference. It's a human thing. Attractive people are happier people in general.
Please post evidence in the form of peer-reviewed study research concerning the severe medical issues transgender people will deal with as they age.Most aren't going to grow old, even disregarding suicide the medical issues are going to be severe.
Also, I have a guy who would like to have a word with you about the growing old part:
41 years old and calls other people old. LMAO.
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