I don't miss a guy who's entire modus operandi was to troll the forum. It wasn't just me as an individual (though I was his favorite person to troll).I miss @hodj posting in here. Only he had the stamina / mountain of cocaine to follow up. Most of us just throw a grenade and run.
He was funny but his humor was outshined by what ultimately did him in: He hodj'd his own thread 6 feet deep.
I don't care who actually believes me, and I don't lie. The fact I know that admins can read user's PMs and know full well they could post I'm full of shit about making that claim should tell you something, you clueless gimp.Who do you expect to believe that? Christians aren't supposed to lie.
I'm Vanessa; y'know, the intellectual, rational tranny with her own thread that has >6,000 replies and >226,000 views where I shit on nobody retards like you almost daily.Who the fuck are you even to judge "faux" trannies?
LoL yes, because it's me that makes this place (FoH) so negative, misanthropic, and virulent.I still wish we had a reasonable tranny to have discussions with around here. Would be interesting, there are aspects of it I find fascinating and just have no understanding of. But you get what you get.
I'm 50% split here chaos because half of me thinks you don't give one iota to learning about these "aspects of transgenderism you find fascinating" and the other half thinks you ARE serious, but you're just too in line with this idea that I'm NOT reasonable therefore you automatically assume any question you'd ask would be disingenuous drivel and not worth your time due to my tendency to lash out at the people who come to shit on me.
Here's the deal. I'm going to lean on the line that "there are aspects of it I find fascinating" and trust that that is your honest sentiment. I'm going to tabula rasa everything between you and I. Straight truth, 100% sincerity; I would be happy to have a dialogue regarding anything that's on your mind and you WILL get a reasonable discussion. It's much easier since hodj and foler are both gone... their entire game was to troll post in an effort to create chaos (pun intended and amusingly ironic!!) to PREVENT reasonable dialogue. So yeah, tabula rasa mein freund; ask away.
I study research on this topic. What do you do? Oh yes, I remember now... you post lulzy emoji strings."Reasonable tranny" is an oxymoron.
It's not just me popping in because of attention or narcissism and being like "You guys will never have a better tranny" to pad my ego here, it's just the flat out truth, and you have a shitload of unsharp dullards here who just don't get itNessa is about the most reasonable tranny you're going to find.

Yes, I call Gender Dysphoria what it is: a mental illness
Yes, I think xer xhim pronouns (and any of their cousins) are ridiculous
Yes, I think there are only 2 sexes male and female
Yes, I think drag story-time is retarded and unnecessary
Yes, I think trans athletes competing with biological females is ridiculous
Yes, I think children should wait until adulthood to transition medically or they need better ways to accurately diagnose children's GD
Yes, I think trans should stay out of the military
Yes, I think legislation should never be passed to punish people for being "misgendered"
A "problem" with the regulars who come in here though... I think they want me to be "that tranny" they have in their heads so they can punch the strawman for their own pleasure. Sorry idiots. Your GG/SJW tranny that you want to sperg out on is in the other castle.
I didn't see a hot friend.
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