vvv See below vvv
vvv See below vvv
With the recent steering of direction (cool direction, btw, ty guys) toward possible cures, biology, mental illness genes, etc... I'll start here: I'm not even close to being a biologist; in fact I'll concede that your average person walking down the street very likely knows more about biology than I do. What in the shit is a golgi complex? Something in the cell, yes. What the fuck is it? What the fuck is its function? Oh Em Gee Becky, I don't know!
I base my beliefs off of my own experiences. It's as cut and dry as that. What I attribute to either vivid dreams or sleep paralysis or both, some people claim to have seen a ghost of a dead relative. I don't believe they're lying, or looking for some twisted form of attention.. I believe they're just misguided. I've never seen a ghost, my religious beliefs don't dictate their existence, and I find it funny how they only come around dark, quiet domiciles at night... rarely (read: never) are there ghost sightings during a Katy Perry show, a high-school football game, or K-Mart at 2:15p.m. in the sporting goods section.
My own experience tells me I was born this way. My earliest memory of dressing in girl's clothes was at 4. My mother has memories of me getting into my sister's shit even earlier. My earliest desires for toys were dolls. I wasn't raised in an all female environment, wasn't molested, didn't grow up "liking" boys, forced to wear pink outfits. Every aspect of my upbringing was normal and uneventful.
Look guys, I realize how self-serving, pretentious, and clearly biased it may appear if you yourself don't think the "born this way" notion is true. When you think about it,
of course every LGBT member would prescribe to that notion of being "born this way" as it defers so much of the seeming responsibility of choice, guilt, religious damnation etc. to an uncontrollable natural occurrence! Look at the benefits!
-No more scrutiny from disappointed parents (aww, Timmy can't help it, he was born that way)
-No more judgment from fundamentals (aww, it's not a sin; God wouldn't damn someone from the start like that)
-No more social demeaning (aww, they're not degenerates making poor life choices, they can't help it)
-No more cock-blocks from health insurers, doctors etc (aww, they're not mutilating themselves; they clearly need these surgery's due to nature)
...and on and on. Deal with 95% of my sisters and they'll probably defend the "born this way" mantra till their dicks fall off naturally, but you guys know me... I'm not with the normies. If it's
somehow proven (quite skeptical, but I'll bite) that the transgender condition is nothing more than the product of environment, a free choice, a sin, and a disgraceful existence... I'll be over here, giving 0 fucks as usual. I don't hedge my bets on this being biological due to any selfish socio-political idealism.. I believe it because, as I said above,
this is what my own experience dictates.
It has been asked many times: Why would perfectly normal individuals essentially volunteer themselves for hardship, ridicule, ostracism and both mental and physical suffering if there wasn't a DAMN good reason behind it? I've heard (well before this thread of course) that trannies are just gay men that are using this as a cop-out to fuck men without being "gay". Okay, let's run with that. If you feel that being gay isn't a mental disorder, aren't you then saying that trannies are just gay men (not suffering a mental disorder) making poor choices (getting surgery and getting on dangerous (psst.. not really) hormone replacement therapy) for the same end result? If you want to slap the "mental disorder" label on us, you either need to slap it on faggots too (yes, ALL of them) or admit we're NOT just gay men; it's something deeper. I'm guessing if you still have a hard-on to say we're crazy, you gotta go with the latter. Okay, let's again run with that. So we're all just bat-shit crazy trannies suffering from a mental disorder. Which, of course, you would concede that I am suffering from too. What mystifies me, is that if that's true, that I'm crazy, I just feel it would manifest itself in differing ways besides just being transgender. Schizophrenics illness affects a plethora of other factors in their lives, no? Same with depression... affects job, family, personal aspirations, etc. Tourette's, OCD tendencies, you name it. If being trans was this serious mental deficiency, you would think, for me personally, it would manifest itself in these other sublets of my life... yet my job is stable, I pay my bills on time, I have a nice car, I enjoy being in society, etc etc. I'm a quirky bitch, no doubt, but all in all my life is totally normal as a functional, 38 year old adult. I just happen to be transgender

I'm completely open to the notion that me being a tranny has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with societal and environmental reasons... I just don't see how.
A quick GIS shows 3.8% are LGBT, with 3.5% being gay/lesbian/bi and 0.3% being a tranny.
She's beautiful, not denying it. She went overboard on the ass stuff though (rofl... ass stuff). I dunno, maybe some of you guys absolutely relish an ass that big... if so, gg; she's got the holy trinity for you then:
*a beautiful face
*a beautiful rack
*a beautiful dizzy-gillespie-cheeks ass.
I'm starting to think you're just an asshole, Zyyzyzyzeezicksyyzzy