You have been, by far, our most sane tranny. You seem more well grounded than a good portion of our non-tranny members.
Thanks; I honestly try to be rational, non-biased, open to different views, and generally just nice to my fellow people... I fail a lot on all fronts.
a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
I think an important distinction which most people hold to is that for something to qualify as a disease, it has to impair functionality or happiness in some way, otherwise you could pathologize a ton of shit that doesn't need it.
I still am lost... that definition sounds like a mental disorder to me; I still can't differentiate between a disease and mental disorder. I assumed diseases were like... viruses, bacteria, pathogens or whatever.

Anyway I find it interesting that even a fairly sane and sensible tranny like yourself admits that you feel guilty for calling poseurs out - it makes me wonder to what degree the wider "trans community" is in denial about, or unwilling to discuss, the issue. Like someone else said, I would have thought that the "real" trans people would want the poseurs to fuck off, but I guess that messes with the whole "just be yourself"/"born this way"/etc narrative?
I feel guilty calling other SJW trannies poseurs because it's awfully hypocritical of me to doubt my own sisters legitimacy when I'm likewise facing the exact same level of scrutiny and incredulity from cis-gender people who say the same thing to me. It's like:
Me to poseur: You seem to not really be trans. Maybe you're just a bit deluded.
World to me: You seem to not really be sane. Maybe you're just a bit deluded.
...regardless, I DO still feel a good chunk of the tumblr trannies are just full of shit.
Some people feel you're not really trans if you haven't suffered. Some people feel you're not really trans if you transition slowly, instead of having an overnight conversion. There's a multitude of fake, non-legitimate standards that could be deemed a metaphorical bar as to what constitutes a legitimate transsexual and what doesn't. I can't help but feel that a lot of those standards may very well be self-serving as well. In other words; activists may say the purest trannies are they themselves; if you don't try to make a social/political change for future generations, you're not truly transgender. I bet you a thousand bucks there are MANY fuckers out there that fully subscribe to that belief. I wasn't kidding when I said I have more 'symptoms' of a secondary transsexual than a primary. A bunch of trannies would call me a fake I'm sure.
So yeah, I feel guilty admitting that I believe poseurs are prevalent... what makes me some superior judge??? Nothing.
I mean it must be especially annoying with all the "non-binary"/"genderqueer" kids, because I'm pretty sure most of them are just lesbians jumping on an ideological bandwagon and trying to fit in without having to bite the bullet and get surgery. And whatever, that's fine, there have been weird subcultures among kids for ages, but you don't have goths equating themselves with people who suffer from porphyrria, or running around insisting that society provide sun-light free zones in all public spaces or provide blood beverages on every menu or whatever.
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If I was you, that kind of shit would make my blood boil.
It doesn't piss me off per-se, but it's awfully sad. I totally get the meme and punchline of "I identify as an attack copter". If that picture and story is legitimate, it's not enraging to me; it's a fucking tragedy. I want to say that's probably some legitimate quote from a snowflake tacked on to a "male_on_the_internet_01" picture. Right? .....right guys???
What was your experience with counselling? Did you actually go deep and explore the situation, why you feel the way you do, what options there are for dealing with it, how to process and move forward, etc? Or was it just a couple sessions and "yup, you're a tranny, pass GO and collect your titties"?
Wall inc.
I don't know if my experience was typical, atypical, or what. As I said, counseling is the first real step a tranny that wants to transition legitimately can take. Yes, you can just start cross-dressing and being you right out of the gate... either in public or private. You can start self-medding if you so desire. You can do informed consent for meds. I chose to go to a LCSW with a doctorate who had experience with trans patients. I remember I sent e-mails out to a few local shrinks and what not and just found the one that, for whatever reason, clicked. I was scared to death going into the office. I remember his FIRST question for me, after pleasantries, was "So how long have you been transgender?" I responded, "I never said I was transgender". I was in massive denial and so scared to talk about the GID that was like a unshakable itch in my head for so long. Even he was surprised by my answer.
Believe me when I say, I wanted answers when I went. I secretly wanted to be told, "I've dealt with a lot of trans patients and I think your narrative is different." Or "I think the fact you're so scared of this is indicative that you're not really trans". I desperately wanted to not BE trans. We discussed what I assume is typical psych stuff a shrink would want to discuss... relationships, family, childhood, social well-being, work. The hour went by dreadfully fast for the first session.
After just one or two session I had a revelation. I was like, "Who does this? Who goes through their whole fucking life wishing they were born a girl? This isn't normal cis-gendered thinking. Now I'm going to counseling for this; having gender dysphoria show up on insurance papers... when does this stop? When does this finally end?" Then I realized that it doesn't. I was transgender. My life is about to drastically change. I was so so scared. I knew it was
possible that'd I'd wind up being pretty but I was mostly fearful I'd be making a horrible, irreversible mistake and be a monstrous freak. I cannot stress this enough: This thought is the most brutal thing about transitioning. Even naturally beautiful young guys with soft features, thick hair, flat brows, small chins carry that same fear with them in the transition. Then you pile on the ramifications of friends, family, the job, future relationships (I was lucky to be unmarried without kids)... the beginning of transition can be fucking hell. I've said it before in this thread; the in-between stage of transition is what can break a girl into tiny pieces mentally.
After that self-acceptance, I just wanted meds. I wasn't getting any younger. This needs to happen and soon. I then viewed both my therapist and sessions as a means to an end. I vocally pushed for his referral letter. He was hesitant, as he said he usually waits longer for his patients. He said a few more sessions... he still wasn't comfortable. I came to the next session fully dressed as a girl... blonde wig on and shit... looking pretty but terrible at the same time. I honestly hated crossdressing, and it was 100x worse in public which I had done only ONCE before that and was just driving and getting gas. He thought I looked beautiful. I thought he was lying

When he finally asked me, "Would you like me to write a referral letter now?" I started crying. It felt like it was the true start to a more geniune life, and years later, I still feel that way.
So,... about right now then bros looks like a great time to respond to
@Cad regarding the legacy of the Wachowski sisters, and whether or not I can bring any hard evidence that they tendered a certain script prior to writing The Matricks?
... Better get the Windex first
There is no "about right now", there is no "great time to respond" and you cannot "bring any hard evidence" or anything else inane to this thread, k?