The nuttier he gets, the closer he is to flossing his teeth with buckshot.Them tantrums.
I can't believe you summoned me to this cesspool. I have threadbanned people for far lesser offenses. Good thing it's the holiday season and I am feeling joyous.
Now hold on, Blitzhauptregel... I'm serious here (serious face on, you know my serious face via PMs) I'm not trying to get shawed here but I DID just get gifted a pile of stuff that I'm not familiar with and you know I can't post in my thread, so chill with the banhammer rhetoric. YOU KNOW THIS RUSTLES MY JIMS.
I have no idea what this crap is, so don't be like... you're going to jail for 2 weeks for trying to post about and understand the crap you were just gifted. I can't even ask about this in my thread because I'm banned. Don't be irrational here.
So what is this shit? I'm not a gold member... I just have a gold border over my avatar and a gold name plate (see below).
View attachment 384850
It's the ultimate tranny thing actually hahaha; not a real gold member, just keeping up appearances. This is actually genius, thanksSanrith Descartes
Also, @grumblethorn I like and agree with Abigail Shrier so.... I dunno. Good job I guess? Not sure what to say in response with that post (haven't read the book [I assume it's a good read]).
Fuck off I dont want your fucking forum vaxxine.
Could never relate to hating a body part; quite the opposite, I loved that little guy haha, we did some wonderful spelunking with some beautiful women in my prime. I'd have gone full chop if so years ago (like this xhir), but as is the case with Indyocracy's making this simple statement here is pushing toward getting I got to shut up for a few days apparently.
Could never relate to hating a body part; quite the opposite, I loved that little guy haha, we did some wonderful spelunking with some beautiful women in my prime. I'd have gone full chop if so years ago (like this xhir), but as is the case with Indyocracy's making this simple statement here is pushing toward getting I got to shut up for a few days apparently.
Yep... Pyrite btw.
Ostensibly but not overtly factual: Intelligence, wit, creativity, talent, and faith in God is what is what makes up the true Gold that man seeks.
Cya in ~2 weeks, kiddos.
Could never relate to hating a body part; quite the opposite, I loved that little guy haha, we did some wonderful spelunking with some beautiful women in my prime. I'd have gone full chop if so years ago (like this xhir), but as is the case with Indyocracy's making this simple statement here is pushing toward getting I got to shut up for a few days apparently.
Yep... Pyrite btw.
Ostensibly but not overtly factual: Intelligence, wit, creativity, talent, and faith in God is what is what makes up the true Gold that man seeks.
Cya in ~2 weeks, kiddos.
Not every can handle the power that comes with being a Gold. Some just crack under the pressure. See: the last few months for an examplewhat happened here? Even the secret message is nonsensical.
this is a mixture of vatican, schizo, and ru Paul all mixed together (charisma uniqueness nerve and talent - lol)
are you actually losing it?
What a fucking idiot, LOL
I remember making "hidden" messages in my writing when I was in grade school. It wasn't even cool then.
What level IQ do you need to have to see all of the hidden message?You really do need 120 IQ to spell "Your shit" in a hidden message.
I'm not sure why he is angry about the excrement of another person, but it is what it is.
What level IQ do you need to have to see all of the hidden message?
Here is a hint, it is probably 1 point higher than whatever your IQ is.