K, I'll make it easier: Charged for manslaughter. Someone can get charged and be innocent. I'm saying he won't even get a charge. You said, quote:i cant bet on a conviction. in case you havent noticed, the judicial system is fucked beyond repair.
If it's this obvious, where's his charge? Trust me, I know you feel he's obviously guilty, but the rest of the world doesn't and clearly neither does the law based on current evidence.he's guilty as fuck of manslaughter
This was actually funny... well done.This one only needs 41 pieces.
I think like many of us, I have many times in the past as a kid. I'm an adult... I'm not sloppy with my things like I was as a boy.Have you attempted to step on a lego,Vanessa ?
well thanks for telling me what the rest of the world thinks. savedme the trouble of asking them.K, I'll make it easier: Charged for manslaughter. Someone can get charged and be innocent. I'm saying he won't even get a charge. You said, quote:
If it's this obvious, where's his charge? Trust me, I know you feel he's obviously guilty, but the rest of the world doesn't and clearly neither does the law based on current evidence.
I'm just not 100% distrustful of cops, judges, and my fellow peers. People are generally good people and try to do good. The justice system (in particular the American justice system) is the best version of justice we have based on imperfect human beings. People remember details differently, especially under extreme stress. But I have faith in the system overall. Don't be like you-know-who and think the whole system needs to be overhauled.
Looking back at very high profile cases, I think OJ's, Casey Anthony, and Derek Chauvin's case was a rape of justice. Zimmerman, Boston Bombers, East coast snipers (Muhammad & Malvo), Kaczynski, Kyle, and now most recently jogger's murderers were the right calls... and that clearly outweighs the rapes of justice.
I'll say though, in all those cases, the jogger one was the most -could go either way- because I really don't think those guys were looking to KILL the jogger like a lot of the crazies who say "it was a modern day lynching!" as they say. But it was pure intimidation and felt like a "hunt". The jogger's problem was being sub-85 IQ and RUNNING AT A GUN WITH A SHOTGUN TO FIGHT THEM. Wtf... but what those guys did from the outset was pretty fucked up and they didn't help themselves at all in the court with their testimonies imo~
This was actually funny... well done.
Did you know 41% is attempted, and not actually dead? Did you know that? Do you know things, Booze, except for propaganda and crying on Reddit?
C'mon dude. I'm just responding to your original post in the thread.well thanks for telling me what the rest of the world thinks. savedme the trouble of asking them.
Oh hey self... guess it was just a bunch of guys in khakis that formed a group and marched around the Lincoln Memorial to a snare drum with flags and then got into U-Hauls and took off into the night.What's going on in DC tonight?
I gotta admit... being in jail here and not being in jail on Facebook is not what I was expecting at this current juncture. I'm amused heh.
Said it before, will say it again... worst part of Rickshawing is no ability to upload files (i.e. pictures)
Said it before, will say it again... worst part of Rickshawing is no ability to upload files (i.e. pictures)
Why would a boring, uneventful, unpassionate, pointless human ever ruffle feathers enough to get rickshawed? Experience is the best teacher. This explains why lots of things go /whoosh over your head.I wasn't aware that came with the package.
Why would a boring, uneventful, unpassionate, pointless human ever ruffle feathers enough to get rickshawed? Experience is the best teacher. This explains why lots of things go /whoosh over your head.
You're inexperienced.
Like with women.
You're defending Punko. Think about what you're doing, progressive Christian.
You're defending Punko. Think about what you're doing, progressive Christian.