Now, finally getting to replying to the guy who broke this thread in a good, holy way:
There's a lot of anger, righteous indignation, and some possible loose associations with the truth in this thread, but I don't see a whole lot of love.
Preach Brother Whoo!
Nobody asked me to chime in
It's a free forum... don't be so shy. I love when people like you chime in here.
but I've had an interesting series of events lately leading to a crystallization of my own princilpes, and this helps me see if I can articulate them.
I'm curious about these
"interesting series of events"! Please share. Hell, you could PM me if they're too sensitive for this peanut gallery.
There are 3 camps with regards to Vanessa :
1. Vanessa - who must aggressively defend any accusation, attack, or slander. Also who volunteers a glimpse into a chaotic life (or life energy at least). The combination invites trolling and ridicule.
Ok, so here's how I, Vanessa herself sees it:
You're 100% correct about feeling the need to
"aggressively defend any accusation, attack, or slander". I don't deny this, because people have said really fucked up shit about me here and that causes others to believe them without a shred of evidence. No, that is not something I want over me. No one would.
2. The exterminator: whether for the lulz, or because one truly hates Vanessa because he represents something one can't find the grace to abide, this batch fights to the death, stabbing as deeply as possible ("i hate you", "41%'er," etc.) regardless of motive
I call them Hatertots (to further trigger them.... you realize I'm a shitposter too, yes?), you call them
"The Exterminator" but it's the same role, yep! Ever since I popped in and Hodj has been here, their goal is one thing: to break the tranny. It hasn't happened, and it's not going to happen. Another thing that perpetuates this is the idea that I'm the villain in all of this to these people. They're the heroes in their story and I'm the problem of society. I get this from both sides, and as evidenced on my YouTube channel:
This is one of the most pertinent dissections of me on the political front. Yet all I really am is a Christian, talented version of Blaire White, who is immensely successful. I don't think she has any real talent besides networking and being a socialite. But she's also younger and much more attractive than I am so that's deserved and makes sense. But yeah... so much of her ideology is mine and not because she has influenced me or I have influenced her (she likely doesn't know who I am)... she just has been side by side with me going through this stuff. She's awesome. She's just an atheist and not that talented.
Speaking of talent when you're considered the villain:
As Charlie says, it's infuriating. Hence, this thread.
this is just as twisted, morally, as what you think you're attacking.
It's worse imo. Waaay worse. They're evil. I'm not. I just give back what they give first. This has been my MO since day one here. If you're good with me, I'm good with you! If you're shitty with me, you will reap what you sow.
Therefore, it's completely fitting that the most horrible people here also view me as one of the most horrible persons to be around. The chill, normal people here have 0 qualms with me generally. I.E. I'm a living litmus test for what a shitty person you are.
3. The Audience: those who sit and watch for entertainment. Whether the sit-com type or the train-wreck type. Yet none of these promotes truth or kindness (or anything really).
This is an example of something much larger and also of something more abstract. But not in this thread.
Yeah... and there's an audience

The thread numbers/views dictate that. I'm entertaining and know I am. I know I'm being watched and being scrutinized. I've gotten PMs about it. This is why I've said to Punko (and others like him)... if you *really* think people don't want to see what I have to say here, ban bet me with a poll. You will lose. Deep down he knows that.
The most outspoken people who are against me will, publicly shit on me and say this or that for the lulz, but when it comes down to it, I'm more respected by the community because they know I'm an entertaining, OOAK golden goose.
Regardless, that was more for me than you guys. For me, being a spectator to this feels gross. I'm also not asking you to care what I think. Carry on
You did a fine job. God bless you.
Regardless of whether there is scripture directly referring to vanity or not: vanity is an affront to god. "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" and without God we are dust and clay. That we can conceptualize "vain" at all is His doing.
Of course I know that excess vanity is sinful. Don't confuse me toying with our resident usual suspect knuckledraggers here with denying that. I'm just flexing this big brain of mine, to be 100% honest.
See, the thing many people hate about Christianity (and by extension, reality), is hierarchy. The idea that
"All men are created equal" is NOT a Christian tenet, in fact. That's from the Declaration of Independence. The Bible actually has a parable of the talents... in other words, Christianity is about giving more to those with talents than without. It should be for God's glory of course, but it does indeed show that humanity is rife with winners and losers... people with different skill sets. People who are confident and talented themselves don't get rustled over other's success or gifts... only the talentless and useless among us seem to get salty.
Hierarchy IS holy. God is above all. The angels and spirits of heaven (who are absolutely trippy in their description... look... these beings are literally biblically accurate:
are above us, as we are above all the animals of the earth.
So for sure there are even hierarchies within humans.
Vanity is sinful if it somehow supercedes God... an atheist's vanity that they are their own God. They are their own power.
My vanity isn't sinful in that respect. I know my place. I know I'm somewhere above common man as far as TALENT but way waaaaay below the Angels and God and Christ.
The one true God owns our phisical and spiritual reality. It's good for us Christians to think about such things.
I do every day, and that's precisely how I view the Lord. He is the Master of our reality, both physical and spiritual. We are ALL His children. Most of His children are just rebellious heathens, and that's sad.