I mean he says it like its an insult but the religion he espouses actually promotes virginity (Until marriage). Just another example of him not understanding or truly believing what he preaches.
Please quote me when I said being a virgin is bad.
Please quote me when I said that sex before marriage
isn't sinful.
Yet another lie by the Godless atheist who can't get one thing to stick here.
He just blurted it out one day and keeps sticking to it.
We both know it's true.
Even after I explained how I did that without spending a single dollar, he kept screeching it.
How come, say, Izo cannot
"shaw" me as you call it. Explain that.
How come you could and did before LLR made you his bitch after I made you mine (which is why you did it in the first place, because you felt that was the only way you could ever 'get one over me')? Explain that.
See? You're just the easiest person to own. Over and over.
Lets just roll with it, who cares.
I think it's pretty clear "who cares"
Vanessa will be here to hook us up with the DDD (daily dose of delusions).
Seek help.
I've said this before and when your family buries you, they'll see me as one of the people that aren't out of contact with reality, trying to have saved you.
Gimp.... ^
THIS ^ is what is delusional. You are delusional.
You. Not me.
how many relationships that includes 3rd base sex have you had since you transitioned? How many in the last, say, 3 years? Could you be depressed and lonely behind the god loves me facade?
Only 2 sexual relationships that went past 3rd base multiple times.
7 or so 2nd base encounters (kissing, fondling, having fun... that's 2nd base, right? Sorry been a bit since I was in 6th grade haha)
Could I be depressed and lonely? By you and many others standards, I guess so.
Am I though? No.
If I could rub a magic genie bottle and get a wish granted, it
wouldn't be to have a relationship. So many other things I feel are more important for me at this time in my life. I'm not in my prime anymore and the idea of a famous rockstar musician (minus the sex/drugs/rock n' roll lifestyle) is over, as is the bar hopping and dating scene. I accept it 100% and I actually feel really good about everything... just; everything. I'm happier than I've ever been, really. I feel like I've made it and have had a helluva life. I don't know how one could compare one life to another but looking back at things... especially talking to my brother and how kinda "normal" his life was, I feel like I've definitely lived 2 lives thus far, and have so much more living to go!
But if that magic genie bottle only dealt with relationships... say... to have one or not have one, yes I'd take a relationship over being single and I know exactly whom it would be with. But that's not reality, and I do so love living in reality
God fills all the holes with his massive spiritual girth.
It's true, though I know you're mocking it.
The same way he keeps care my fat
It's almost like that's exactly what you are... a fat old atheist with poor grammar.
for being about as over weight as he is