Vanessa, are you aware that you have a 40% chance of attempting suicide in your lifetime, and a 7% chance of attempting suicide this year?
I'm aware that the statistics indicate that ~40% of transgender individuals will commit suicide in their life. Your problem with your comment is that you assume I'm like most trannies.
Here's something to chew on: I'm a tranny that is also a conservative, Trump voter/supporter, anti-LGBT community, anti-SJW, proud Christian. I shouldn't even exist on paper. Oh, did I mention I love life and have 0 issues with depression and harbor no other mental illnesses besides taking meds to quell Gender Dysphoria? So please, chew on
those facts for a bit before you tell me I'm just a "statistic".
You've put all of your poker chips into the tranny HRT pot, betting on a short lifetime of misery and suffering.
I'm not miserable, and I'm not suffering. People who knew me pre-and post transition unanimously agree that I'm a MUCH better, happier person now. So yes, I went all in with my shit hand (born with Gender Dysphoria; i.e. 7 2 off-suit) that I was dealt and the flop came 2 7 7.
I have nothing but love and respect for you, though. Transhumanism is some sci-fi ghost in the shell type shit. But the technology isn't there to do what you want to do, and eventually...
Why does it seem that a good chunk of my fellow Christians who proselytize also seem to have this type of absolutely toxic rhetoric of:
"This is me judging you. I'm going to list all of your faults now. But don't worry, I
love you friend".
Are you self-aware enough to know how condescending it all sounds? Would you say, in your opinion, that condescension is a good Christian value? I understand a lot of my brothers take the Great Commision seriously and feel it is their duty. Also, you probably take Rev 3:16 to heart too and worry that if you're not proselytizing, you will be spit out. That's your right. But you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Maybe I'll be judged for this, we'll see, but *
I* don't bible-thump because, if you haven't figured this out sherlock, it annoys people. Like... a whole bunch. Show people you're happy. Smile a lot. Be gracious and friendly to others. When people ask, "Why are you so happy all the time?" or "What's your secret?", just retort, "Every day is great when you walk with the Lord". THAT is how you get non-believers respect.
Judge not, lest be judged yourself. Do not dwell on the mote in your brother's eye, while ignoring the beam in yours. You're not my judge Himeo. I'll be judged when I'm dead and standing before the Father... not by you.
I've already done what I -
needed- to do via technology and science, and it's fucking amazing.
Well, you're probably going to kill yourself. Most Tranny's are dead by 30-32.
I'm grateful I lived past my due date by 8-10 years then
The good news, though, is that God loves you.
I know, and I love Him in return.
He hates your faggotry and gender bending, like any sane person does, but he loves you.
I've repented sleeping with men after both realizing I'm not much into them after all, and after a long "talk" with Him, and He has 0 issues with my transsexualism. Only bigots and religious zealots hate my choices, not God (more on that below).
Get that deep, deep God dicking that you want so badly. You can be saved. It's not too late. Embrace God's love.
First sentence sounds pious indeed Himeo

FYI, I am already saved. I've already asked forgiveness, believe in Jesus as the Son, believe in His blood sacrifice for our sins, and believe He rose again.
Your head spinning yet? Or are you already twisting my words in your head into something different to conveniently use to double down?
She's just lying. Evil people have no recourse to the truth anyway." Aye, I
could be. But I'm not

If you don't believe that, then frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Well how could she say all this pro-Christ stuff and still be trans?
It doesn't make sense!" Because... being a tranny isn't a sin. Go ahead, find the passage that indicates my life is a sin. I'll be waiting. Oh, Deuteronomy 22:5 you say? I function in society as a female completely. Me wearing men's clothes
is crossdressing now. Me
not wearing a bra in public is what is a sin rofl.
I still think being trans is a sin, and in fact I think Gender Dysphoria is literal demon-possession" - You know, you may not be THIS zealous to think this, but I assure you that some of my Christian brothers actually are and adopt this philosophy. I prayed and I PRAYED to God to remove GD... to remove this horrible feeling from me. Ask yourself unbiasedly: Why would a loving God create me broken, be unwilling to undo this brokenness (or literal demon) upon pleading if it *
was* a choice/demon, command me to be pure whilst turning His cheek to my pleas for help, then damning me to eternal suffering because I died with this choice/demon for my entire life. Why would He do that.... unless it WAS NOT A SIN TO BEGIN WITH?
Some people have a down's syndrome kid... and ask "Why me? Why us? Why God?" Maybe because that kid finds indescribable beauty in this world that we as 'normal' people cannot, and God actually gave this child to YOU because only YOU were strong enough and loving enough to parent this child. I think my being trans is like that. Maybe my 'purpose' is teaching others something positive about all this... and maybe it was
me because He knew that I would be strong enough to endure this life. Think about that...
It's a free gift. Take it and embrace the real transhumanism.
Bye Himeo... good luck out there.