I've had many verses thrown at me to dismiss and denounce my transsexualism in the past few years, both by family and online peeps (my RL friends are either athiests or non-judgy Christians themselves). Most are almost lumping being a tranny with homosexuality (not the same). These though:
1 Corinthians 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Deuteronomy 22:5 - The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
^ Those two give me the most dilemma to justify myself to my fellow man, but somehow, I trust God's plan in this.
Rationally, I think that no matter what I still feel there are two and
only two paths here (hah, binary... get it?) that are co-habitable with both reason (must jive with current science/social truths of transsexuality)
and spirituality (must jive with scriptures above).
#1 It is not a sin, God created me like this, and Gender Dysphoria is no more a sin than depression or schizophrenia... a mental condition that doesn't go away and it is my lot in life to deal with. He knows my soul is female in a male body, that He created me this way for a reason I can't understand yet (or may ever?), that I cannot be -just- effeminate if I'm a female soul already (else 50% of the world is sinning just by being a woman LoL), nor can I be an abomination if I'm wearing clothes that only fit my current body and social status as it is now (society dictates that I pretty much have to wear a bra, and I discussed before how male pants feel so uncomfortable).
#2 It is a sin, God created me like this, and I failed Him by transitioning. I would ask Him then, why, when I prayed to Him for help to not be this way, did my prayers go unanswered for literally decades? Why did I knock, and He not answer? Why would my life be set up for failure and uncomfortable sadness having Gender Dysphoria since birth had I
not been made to transition effectively? Why would I ask for Christ's forgiveness, profess he is Lord, accept Him as my savior and concede that my will alone is NOT enough to enter into God's kingdom of heaven, and that I NEED Christ's salvation... but
still be damned to Hell simply because I'm a tranny?
People will clearly see that #2 actually asks MORE questions and requires MORE mental gymnastics to justify than #1. This is why I accept God's plan and truly believe and know that it is not a sin.
Option #3 is being like Phaz and saying it's just all bullshit anyway... but that negates the spirituality, and being a religious zealot negates the science, so I cannot wrap my head around a third option that I didn't express above. If you can, please share (in the religion thread preferably!)
BTW, I've said before and still maintain that my belief in God is less rational than my having Gender Dysphoria and transitioning because of it... on a strictly evidence-based, scientific blank-slate platform of rational discourse I mean (If that makes sense). I also still maintain that my position on preaching to others about the Word is pious and noble in thought and intention, yet self-righteous and repellant in practice. Maybe it's just that myself and other Christians make for bad proselytes, "salespeople", or debaters when sharing the Word, or maybe it's just that men's hearts are like Pharaoh's heart: hardened... but either way, I learned a loooong time ago that trying to do the conversion thing to strangers / acquaintances never ends well, so I don't do it. That's why I'm not going to talk about this after this post. There's a different thread for this and anyone can feel free to tag me in there if you'd like to debate/chat with it.
Just know that, to quote myself, mild derails are okay but dwelling too long on the religion thing in here isn't what anyone really wants except maybe Himeo but I think even he's shot his load and is done. With this post, I too have shot my load and am dropping it. Just didn't want anyone to think I'm backing down out of lack of argument or not having the spirit of debate.. it's not that at all. It's that I'm done with it -here- starting: