Given pc world these days entirely possible it was asked to humor you.
Sure, I can accept this notion, and I obviously have a bias to say, "Well it's a good yardstick toward my 'passability' " because that's obviously my
goal due to needing to live a normal life in society (which I do), but it's really something that I feel goes beyond humoring a tranny when a nurse is simply gathering facts from a patient to send to her doctor. (Btw, my medical records indicate Sex: F... not like, 'T' or 'TF' or whatever haha... I've seen them)
I'm highly critical of whether I pass or not more than any of you because I obviously have to
live this life and I don't think it was a case of slipping in a validating question just to humor a patient who's an "oppressed minority".
Also keep in mind a thing that is perhaps overlooked in common thought is that when it comes to us, simply
knowing someone is a tranny like all of you do to me I think changes a fundamental perception of us and leads your eye and judgment to a more critical mindset where it's like... oh, well yeah I can tell she's a tranny due to x, y, z, traits whereas I believe complete strangers who have no idea WHAT is going on between my legs are simply not that critical, because your normal average Joe isn't walking around looking at every single human being they interact with and thinking "Does this chick have a cock?" (I mean, y'know... besides Lunis and Slyminxy etc).
I'm pretty sure I'm accepted as cis in 80% of all social interactions I have. That other 20% I think truly falls into probably like 15% -suspect- but still err on the side of "ehh, she's probably cis... but what a strong chin she has!" and maybe 5% are perceptive enough to be like, "Deffo trans... doing well for herself tho". I don't think that's like... hopeful optimism on my part, I think it's a rational, honest self-assessment based on my lived life experience (which you guys don't actually get to see or experience) for years now.
In fact, as I've said before, my SO who has 0 reason to lie about this has told me upon meeting me that she didn't know I was a tranny until about 2 weeks into her employment at our old job together... she said our mutual friend told her and she couldn't believe it at first. She knows completely I don't need or ask her for validation... we're waaaay to intimate for that to be an issue whatsoever. Also, a meetup I had with a local KiK group I was a part of had the owner of the "room" there and we interacted all night. It was only when the girl I fucked that weekend told the owner that I was a tranny that she flipped out, calling me deceptive and a liar and I was booted from the room and told other local chat rooms to avoid "the trans Vanessa" because she's dishonest about her identity. Shit would've hit the fan THAT night if people knew after meeting me IRL... it was days later that all the drama happened.
So... my point with this long winded post, is that there's sufficient evidence that I'm passing just fine in this world vs. me entertaining suspicion and paranoia that the world is simply humoring a poor, clockable tranny

I've never gone into detail about the concept of "passing" in this thread in detail, but if I haven't said it before (or enough), passing to a tranny is a huge deal that can't be swept under the rug by us (true, you guys don't give a shit one way or another). If
any tranny says they don't care about passing, they are flat out LYING and it's more than likely a giant defensive mechanism. Even loners in this world are still social creatures and being both accepted on a base level and not judged harshly is something we all have in common and want... cis or trans alike. That is what 'passing' is to us; a fundamental acceptance of our identity that goes beyond words, compelled speech, pronoun respect, and mere humoring.